

Malaysian Najib Administration Protecting Diplomat Rapist? Here’s The Suspect List

How do you get away scot-free with crimes, if it involves burglary or even rape, in another country? To invoke diplomatic immunity, of course. That was how a Malaysian diplomat to New Zealand did last month. The diplomat who refused to give a DNA sample, has since returned home to Malaysia safely.   New Zealand police […]

... written on Jul 01 2014

Amazing Japan Culture – From Long Working Hours To Sleeping Drunks

Japan workers are known to be the most hardworking on planet Earth, thanks to its long hours culture. They don’t go back home on time after office hour simply because they would be ridiculed by neighbours for being “lazy”. It’s a huge embarrassment for being labelled as such, hence they work very long hours. Japanese […]

... written on Jun 30 2014

Where To Get The Cheapest Beers? What’s The Best Selling Beer Brands?

Beer drinkers take note – beer is good for you because it keeps your kidney healthy and it’s good for digestion, not to mention full of vitamins – B1, B2, B6 and B12. Beer also makes your bones stronger and reduces risk of heart attack. Heck, you should take barrels of beer if you fancy […]

... written on Jun 30 2014

50 Cool Signatures Of World’s Rich & Famous People

Your signature is unique and central to your identity. Signature is such a powerful symbol representing your life that some fortune tellers would tell you to change your signature style if you want to gain success or fame.  One of the most awesome signatures was of John Hancock – the “k” in his signature on […]

... written on Jun 28 2014

Here’re 9 Ways Tobacco Companies Make Cigarettes More Deadly

Smoking is a big business. Quitting smoking is an even bigger business. According to the American Cancer Society, the average smoker spends US$1,500 a year on tobacco products – representing at least 3% of the average American’s income. Needless to say, major tobacco companies are laughing all the way to the bank, every year.   The […]

... written on Jun 25 2014

Teeth Of Terror – The Werewolf Of Uruguay Bites Again

Uruguay football hero Luis Suárez is not only a genius but also a serial human biter, it seems. The bad boy has appeared to bite Italian defender Giorgio Chiellini in the latest Uruguay-Italy match. Amusingly, despite sinking his jaws into the shoulder of Chiellini, he walked away free – no yellow or red card for him. […]

... written on Jun 25 2014

Beware Britain! Extremist Perkasa Who Threaten To “Chop Off Heads” Is Already In Town

The current crisis in Iraq is not an internal problem confined to the country alone. ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) is “invading and capturing” cities in the northern and central Iraqi provinces at lighting speed. But that’s not the mind-boggling parts of ISIS. The group raises eyebrows because of their brutality, so much […]

... written on Jun 24 2014

25 Famous Logos With Secret Hidden Messages

Why corporations spend huge amount of money in advertising? The answer is to sell their products, of course. And to do that, it depends very much on the company’s logo. The logo, to certain extend, represents company’s brand. Without a logo, you’re basically no difference from selling your products at flea market or “pasar malam” […]

... written on Jun 23 2014

Adios England? Only The Queen Can Save The Team

Roads were empty while thousands of pubs were filled to brim. It was a do or die match for England against Uruguay, a team that England have never beaten before at the World Cup. While England was hoping Rooney could score, or at least make himself useful, Uruguay was delighted that Luis Suarez returned to […]

... written on Jun 20 2014

Adios Spain! Blame Najib Because He’s The Culprit

Spain is toast, out, history, kaput. The defending champion of 2010 FIFA World Cup and 2012 Euro Cup is out in the very first round of the present 2014 FIFA World Cup. Who could have predict that? It was a humiliating display when the Spanish team lost 0-2 to Chile, after lost 1-5 to Holland […]

... written on Jun 19 2014

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