

Conspiracy Theories – From Trump Faking His Own Assassination To Biden Ordering Termination Of His Rival

Secret Service quickly surrounded Donald Trump, who fiercely pumped his fist towards the crowd, who were both shocked and panicked after sound of gunshots interrupted the former president’s rally in Pennsylvania on July 13. Of course, not only he survived the attempted assassination, but an iconic photo miraculously snapped as Trump courageously stood, fist raised, […]

... written on Jul 18 2024

All SPM 10 A’s Students Guaranteed Matrics Slot – The Gimmick Formula & Trick The Government Doesn’t Want You To Know

Since Anwar Ibrahim became the PMX (10th Prime Minister) on Nov 24, 2022, he has done three incredible things. First, he has splashed tens of billions of Ringgit to appease fellow ethnic Malays, 80% of whom did not vote for him. Second, his government has donated RM100 million to the Palestinians, and openly promotes Hamas […]

... written on Jul 03 2024

Earn RM15 Just To Like YouTube Videos – Here’s How To Identify Red Flags Of The SCAM During Current Bad Economy

From RM12 just to follow a TikTok creator to RM15 just to like a YouTube channel, you can earn easy money by doing some very simple jobs. To the gullible users, these appear to be a heaven-sent opportunity to get rich very quickly. They somehow believe this is a social media hype job, which pays […]

... written on Jun 10 2024

A Racist KFC-Wannabe Doomed To Fail – DFC Should Improve Malay Proficiency First Before Insulting Chinese As “Type C”

If DarSa Fried Chicken (DFC) is trying to replace Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), it should close shop now before it goes bust. Chances are it will fail miserably. Even before the local restaurant could make profits, it has already violated all business ethics. It is not price competitive, does not respect customers, promote racism and […]

... written on May 09 2024

Record 13% Pay Hike For Civil Servants – Get Ready For Subsidy Cuts, Skyrocketing Inflation And Even Recession

In a desperate effort to buy votes, especially from fellow Malay Muslims of whom 80% did not vote for Anwar Ibrahim in the last November 2022 General Election, the Malaysian Prime Minister announced a record hike in civil servants’ salary of more than 13%. He bragged on Labour Day that the RM10 billion allocations is […]

... written on May 07 2024

Backstabbing Drama In The Opposition – PAS Sabotaging Bersatu By Attacking Chinese Vernacular Schools

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim appears to have chicken out from Kuala Kubu Baharu by-election. Now, Selangor Menteri Besar (Chief Minister) Amirudin Shari is the poster boy after Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil hinted that Anwar would not be present during the campaign for the largest constituency in the state of Selangor that will see a four-cornered […]

... written on May 04 2024

Jail From Home – Watch How Crooked Najib Checkmate PM Anwar And Walks Away With Backdated Addendum

When the going gets tough, he runs and hides away. That’s how Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim projects himself just 15 months into office. The only thing he dares to involve is defending Hamas terrorists in an ongoing war some 7,600 kilometres away. That is what really excites him. In his own homeland, he seems clueless […]

... written on Apr 21 2024

A Racist & Hypocrite – Anwar Condemns Killing Of Terrorist Buddy Haniyeh’s Kids, But Allows Firebombing On Fellow Chinese

Anwar Ibrahim was displeased – even panicked – when Abdul Hadi Awang beats him to scoring some brownie points when the PAS Islamist party president contacted Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh to express his support for the terrorist organization. Prime Minister Anwar, unsatisfied, then used all the government resources to make sure the world knows he […]

... written on Apr 13 2024

Racist UMNO Akmal Arrested – Coward PM Anwar & Ministers Should Learn “Real Leadership” From Sarawak

Ultra racist UMNO Youth chief Akmal Saleh is finally arrested, albeit momentarily, by the police at the Kota Kinabalu airport this morning. Upon his arrival in Sabah, he was taken to the police station to be questioned before released. Comically, he was called back about 5 minutes later because the police apparently forgot to ask […]

... written on Apr 05 2024

UMNO Akmal Worse Than Ali Tinju, Papagomo & Jamal Jamban – Hired Protesters Demonstrate At The Wrong Supermarket

What do Ali Tinju, Papagomo, Jamal Jamban and Akmal Salleh have in common? They were all UMNO racists or gangsters who would do dirty jobs tasked by their party. Their jobs were incredibly easy – holds rally or protest under the false pretence that the Malays, Muslims and Malay Rulers have lost power to the […]

... written on Mar 24 2024

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