

Trump Guilty Of Falsifying Payment To Porn Star – But He Still Can Become President, And Here’s What Will Happen Next

A jury of five women and seven men found former U.S. President Donald Trump guilty on all 34 charges of falsifying business records to cover up money payments to a porn star. After the verdict, Trump went berserk and said – “I am a very innocent man. This was a rigged, disgraceful trial. This was […]

... written on May 31 2024

UMNO Spooks Foreign Investors, Threatens To Burn Down Shops – But PAS’ Silence Means Malays Won’t Return To UMNO

Foreign investors are watching with great interest – and caution – how Malaysia could repeat its May 13, 1969 bloody racial riots over five pairs of socks. An army of 40 policemen had stormed a factory in Johor, the state of newly crowned King Sultan Ibrahim, and found a jaw-dropping 5 out of 18,800 pairs […]

... written on Mar 21 2024

Too Little Too Late – Chinese And Indians Can Only Laugh At Munafiq PAS’ Pathetic Begging For Votes

If there’s a contest for “The Biggest Munafiq (hypocrite) Of The Year”, Abdul Hadi Awang will win the championship hands down. He will also grab the “Mr Traitor” and “Mr U-Turn” in the competition. For obvious reason, the only titles he will fail to win are the beauty, talent and photogenic categories of the pageant. […]

... written on Oct 24 2023

Death Penalty Abolished – Now Killer Sirul Can Be Extradited From Australia To Testify Against Najib’s Murder Of Altantuya

Jailed Najib Razak and his self-proclaimed hotshot lawyer Shafee Abdullah were extremely disappointed and devastated with the Federal Court’s 4-1 decision to reject a bid to review the conviction of the ex-prime minister last week. But the snake oil salesman defence attorney has again given his client with yet another false hope that he could […]

... written on Apr 05 2023

Horror Movie Politicized As Porn Movie – Thanks To Free Publicity, “Pulau” Becomes A Must Watch Movie

If you oppress the people for too long, they will eventually rise to strike back. Similarly, if you prohibit people from so-called immoral behaviours such as drinking alcohol, sex outside marriage or gambling without proper education or explanations, it will also backfire. The worst is when hypocrite religious preachers try to force their belief on […]

... written on Jan 22 2023

New UMNO-Friendly Attorney General – Here’s Why Zaid Ibrahim Defends Crooked Najib & Rejoins The Corrupt Party

Zaid Ibrahim has been hopping from one political party to another for the last 13 years. On Friday (Sept 16), he finally hopped back to UMNO, the same corrupt party he once had condemned till the kingdom comes. In fact, he quietly submitted his membership application at the UMNO headquarter at World Trade Centre on […]

... written on Sep 18 2022

Sex, Bribes & Blackmail – Najib’s Appeal In Jeopardy After Leissner Exposed More Dirty Deals In 1MDB Scandal

Najib Razak, the disgraced former prime minister of Malaysia, is appealing his corruption convictions after being sentenced to 12 years’ jail and fined RM210 million. The High Court delivered the guilty verdict in July 2020 for abuse of power, criminal breach of trust (CBT), and money laundering – all involving RM42 million stolen from SRC […]

... written on Feb 23 2022

If Anwar-Zahid Leaked Audio Is 100% Genuine, Muhyiddin’s Bribery Audio & Azmin’s Gay Video Are 200% Authentic

Former UMNO secretary-general Annuar Musa said he was convinced that the voices of two individuals in a leaked audio recording of a phone conversation are those of Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (UMNO president) and Anwar Ibrahim (PKR president). Claiming that he had listened to the audio clip 10 times, Mr Annuar said – “I am 100% […]

... written on Apr 10 2021

Miss/Mrs Plus World Malaysia 2020 Pageant – PAS Talibans Should Focus On Economy & Investment, Not Women & Sex

When leaders of PAS Islamic party see airlines stewardess wearing uniforms that challenge their sexual desire, their dirty-mind will always think about sex. Pretending to be pious, they would complain about the sexy uniform. In reality, they could not stop staring at the revealing uniforms and while fantasizing, would hunt for the cleavage of a […]

... written on Dec 20 2020

Mahathir-Anwar Combo – The Last Chance To Send Crooks To Jail & Make Full Use Of The Remaining 2 Years

Mahathir and Anwar reportedly have agreed to a tag-team combo that will see the former returns as the prime minister for the third time while Anwar is to become his deputy. Like it or not, one of them has to make way or see traitors and crooks – Muhyiddin, Azmin, Najib, Zahid – laugh all […]

... written on Jun 17 2020

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