
Archive for February, 2024

Showing Middle Finger To The King – Opposition PN Will Pay The Price For Insulting & Disrespecting Sultan Ibrahim

Giving a much needed boost to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, the newly crowned Malaysian King Sultan Ibrahim has decreed that he would not entertain any request to change the current government. However, one man’s meat is another man’s poison. The monarch’s support and endorsement for Mr Anwar also means a horrible news to Opposition Perikatan […]

... written on Feb 28 2024

Sack Anyone Who Doesn’t Perform – PM Anwar And Other Lame Ministers Should Learn From Badass Tiong

With 35 years experience under his belt in the public service, Dr Ammar Abdul Ghapar was one of Malaysia’s 1.7 million lucky bloated civil servants. Untouchable due to his skin colour, he was promoted as the new director general of Tourism Malaysia on April 12, 2023. But he mistook his promotion as recognition of his […]

... written on Feb 25 2024

Here’s How China’s Homegrown C919 Plane Could Gobble Up 20% Market Share Of Boeing And Airbus

Flying for the first time outside mainland China, state-owned planemaker COMAC proudly showed off its C919 and ARJ21 commercial aeroplanes at the Singapore Airshow – held between Feb 20 to 25. The Chinese homegrown planes raised eyebrows and caught the attention of thousands of audience at a time when two largest plane manufacturers – Boeing […]

... written on Feb 24 2024

Breaching RM4.80, Ready To Hit RM5 – Ringgit Screwed Whether U.S. Hikes Rate Or China Cuts Rate

Making money in the forex (foreign exchange) is quite easy – just listen to research firms such as MIDF or Malaysian Industrial Development Finance, and bet the opposite. Led by a bunch of clueless management and researchers, the firm that specializes in development finance, investment banking, and asset management provides the best advice for investors to […]

... written on Feb 21 2024

Destabilizing China In Xinjiang – Top-5 Reasons Why The U.S. Pretends To Be Concerned About Uighurs

Last August, despite US-led Western nations’ relentless efforts in accusing Beijing of human rights violations against Muslim minorities in Xinjiang, Chinese President Xi Jinping made a stop in Xinjiang during his return trip to the 15th BRICS Summit in South Africa and announced that a “beautiful Xinjiang” will continue to be built as part of […]

... written on Feb 17 2024

Scrapping Pension To Avoid Bankruptcy – Paying The Price For 60 Years Of Corruption & Racist Policies

Malaysia is in financial deep shit, but most of its 33 million populations especially the largest ethnic group – Malay – doesn’t realize it. The fact that 80% of the Malay voters chose Perikatan Nasional, a coalition comprising Malay nationalist Bersatu and PAS Islamist parties that subscribe to radicalization and extremism, speaks volumes about the […]

... written on Feb 14 2024

Designed By Clowns, Supervised By Monkeys – Boeing 737’s Door Panel That Blew Off Did Not Have Bolts

One of Boeing’s selling points – or rather marketing gimmicks – in selling its 737 MAX jetliner was that pilots certified for an earlier generation of 737 jets only needed a short computer course to fly its fourth generation plane. That helped Boeing made tonnes of money as MAX quickly became its best-selling airplanes – […]

... written on Feb 07 2024

Vote Anwar, Get Zahid & Najib (Even Rosmah) Free – Najib Could Get Another Royal Pardon As Elites Protect Crooks

How did Singapore-based Channel News Asia (CNA) know about imprisoned former Prime Minister Najib Razak’s fate two days before his successful royal pardon? Or how did local daily Utusan Malaysia get it wrong for reporting that the crook would be released immediately, before retracting and apologising, only for CNA to get it right – a reduction […]

... written on Feb 05 2024

Sleepy Joe Finally Strikes Iran Militants In Iraq & Syria – But Only After U.S. Troops Have Been Attacked 160 Times

For four decades, Joe Biden has remained hopeful that the U.S. and Iran could find some common ground. Like other foolish Democrats leaders such as Barack Obama, they thought Iranian Mullahs could be brought into the U.S. orbit by being friendly with them. In fact, years before Obama ran for president, Biden was already calling for engagement with the […]

... written on Feb 03 2024

Najib’s Mysterious “Partial Royal Pardon” – New King Sultan Ibrahim Could Cancel Jail Term Discount For The Crook

After pro-UMNO local daily Utusan Malaysiaretracted and apologized over its fake news that the Pardons Board had granted Najib a royal pardon, the former prime minister’s desire to get an early release from prison was smashed to pieces. The issue was so toxic that not even the then-King Sultan Abdullah, despite his special relationship with […]

... written on Feb 01 2024

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