Archive for February, 2016
Warren Buffett has just published his latest annual letter to shareholders. Why should you care, you may ask yourself. After all, you didn’t own and perhaps will never own Berkshire Hathaway stock. At roughly US$200,000 (£144,434; RM842,568) a share, perhaps it’s impossible for you to afford even “one share” of the company. Still, you […]
... written on Feb 29 2016After more than a year in development and testing, Facebook has expanded its popular “Like” button to include other “reactions”. Four days ago, people can see and choose “love,” “haha,” “wow,” “sad,” and “angry” gesture. There’s no “Dislike” button as requested because Facebook claims that the new mix of reactions has proven popular with users during […]
... written on Feb 28 2016Malaysia, under Najib Razak administration, is a cowboy town now with very little respect for law and order. If this can be made into a film, Sheriff Najib, caught with US$700 million (RM2.6 billion) in his personal bank account, is being questioned by everyone in town as to the source and purpose of the money. […]
... written on Feb 27 2016China has been hitting the news for the wrong reasons – economic slowdown, stock market meltdown, corruption crackdown, and billionaires’ disappearance. However, like its factories, the country assembly lines are producing billionaires faster than any other countries, including United States. Now, China has more billionaires than America. According to China-based wealth research firm – Hurun […]
... written on Feb 25 2016On the surface, it looks like any innocent military exercises which the proven Malaysian soldiers had engaged in the past. Apparently, Malaysia’s involvement in a Saudi Arabia’s sponsored military exercise – Northern Thunder – raises concern as to the actual reason why Malaysian military personnel were sent thousands of miles into the kingdom. The training […]
... written on Feb 24 2016Apple iPhone 7 is roughly 7-month away so it’s not fair to put the newly launched Samsung Galaxy S7 and 5-month-old iPhone 6S on the table for a comparison. But this is a never-ending game because Samsung and Apple deliberately design their new products launching date roughly half a year apart – to force consumers […]
... written on Feb 23 2016Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis were often associated as Asia’s pariah people due primarily to their poverty. They form a huge pool of cheap labours or slaves ready to do 3D jobs – dirty, dangerous and difficult. They were cheated by agents before they could be exported and were mistreated by employers while doing their 3D […]
... written on Feb 22 2016Does China own South China Sea so much so that nobody, including the supposedly superpower United States, dares to retaliate – militarily – when Beijing happily parked some HQ-9 air defence missile system on Woody Island, the largest of the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea, which is also claimed by Taiwan and Vietnam? […]
... written on Feb 19 2016Oil prices, both Brent and WTI, are above US$30 a barrel today. The price fluctuations, nevertheless, have been extremely volatile. Thankfully it hasn’t breached below US$20 a barrel. It would be a total chaos if the price goes below that level. But shall we conclude the worst is over on oil apocalypse? Not so fast. […]
... written on Feb 18 2016SJKC, also known as “vernacular schools” in Malaysia for the Chinese have existed since independence and the vernacular education is protected by the Federal Constitution, despite disagreement by some former judges. The fact that these judges chose to read the constitution to their liking only “after” retirement speaks volumes about their desire to impress and […]
... written on Feb 17 2016