

Proof British Navy Blew Up Nord Stream – PM Truss Sent Text Message “It’s Done” To Secretary Of State Blinken After Attacks

After the Nord Stream gas pipeline was blown up last month (Sept 26), questions have been raised over who did it. Both the West and Russia agreed it was sabotage, which means it was not an accident. It was a pre-planned terrorist attack to permanently terminate any hope of Europe going back for Russian gas. […]

... written on Oct 31 2022

Saudi Arabia Wants To Join BRICS – Here’s Why US Dollar’s Global Dominance Is Toast

As the world’s reserve currency, the U.S. dollar is the king of the financial world. However, the American government abuses the currency hegemony as a primary tool to advance its geopolitical interests to the extent of arm-twisting the rise of other nations. Not only Russia’s US$630 billion in foreign reserves were frozen, the world has […]

... written on Oct 27 2022

Russia To Launch A Nuclear Attack? – China Knows Something We Don’t After Ordering Citizens To Evacuate Ukraine

Some 6,000 Chinese nationals had returned to China in March after Beijing started a large-scale evacuation in Ukraine following Russia “special military operation” on February 24. The evacuation was triggered based on safety concerns as a result of increasing hostility from angry Ukrainians, who were targeting Chinese citizens due to China-Russia friendship.   The Chinese […]

... written on Oct 19 2022

Now German Is Furious At High U.S. Gas Prices – Energy Crisis Is So Bad People Use “Horse Dung” To Heat Homes

In 2018, Donald Trump attacked Germany, Europe’s largest economy and one of NATO’s most important members. The U.S. president warned that the country was making a big mistake in totally dependent on Russian energy. Trump’s speech at the United Nations was laughed by Germany’s UN delegation. Today, Western media are mocking and laughing at Germany’s […]

... written on Oct 12 2022

U.S. Very Angry – Despite Biden’s Begging, OPEC+ Cuts 2 Million Barrels Per Day To Push Up Prices

On Wednesday (Oct 5), gas prices hit record highs in many parts of California. In some southern California locations, gasoline spiked to more than US$8.00 per gallon. Statewide, prices reached US$6.42 per gallon – nearly US$3 higher than the national average of US$3.83. While the blames are on regional refinery outages and Ukraine War, something else happened that […]

... written on Oct 07 2022

De-Dollarization Begins – China Stockpiling Gold & Offers Discount To India Businesses If Settles In Yuan

Beijing knew it could not make “Yuan” (Renminbi) an internationalized currency overnight, nor could it replace the U.S. dollar’s dominance in the global system with the Chinese currency. China has US$3.0549 trillion in foreign exchange reserves (end of August) – the largest in the world. About a third – US$1 trillion – of its foreign […]

... written on Oct 05 2022

Reserve Bank Of Australia Goes Bust After Losing A$44.9 Billion – Now It Has No Choice But To Print More Money

Australian Facebook users were extremely anxious and worried after the country’s central bank reported a jaw-dropping loss of A$36.7 billion for the financial year 2020-21. All hell broke loose after “Real Money”, a column owned by U.S. financial media The Street, screamed at one of its articles – “Australia’s Central Bank Says It Is Bust”. […]

... written on Sep 30 2022

Sabotage!! – This Ex-Defence Minister Believes The U.S. Blew Up Both Nord Stream Pipelines

Seismic stations in Sweden, Norway and Finland registered two explosions on Monday (Sept 26). One of the explosions registered a magnitude of 2.3. Seismologists immediately knew it was not an earthquake, but undersea detonations. It was followed by a series of unusual leaks on two natural gas pipelines running from Russia under the Baltic Sea […]

... written on Sep 28 2022

China’s Freedom Of Navigation – U.S. Raises Alert Over Chinese & Russian Warships Near Alaska

For many years, military superpower the U.S. has been focusing on counter-terrorism. The rise of the dragon, however, has seen the Department of Defence shifted its resources to China. In fact, U.S. President Joe Biden admitted that the “reckless and hasty” withdrawal of U.S. forces in Afghanistan was done to allow Washington to shift its […]

... written on Sep 27 2022

Hit RM4.60 In 10 Days – Here’s Why You Should Keep Your US Dollar, Don’t Convert Yet To Free-Falling Ringgit

Ringgit officially breached the psychological RM4.50 to the U.S. dollar on Sept 13, 2022 – the lowest since the 1997-1998 Asian Financial Crisis. The Malaysian currency already plunged to its 24-year low on Sept 7 when it closed at RM4.5015 to the greenback. But for the next 3 trading days, it tried to pull back […]

... written on Sep 26 2022

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