Archive for June, 2011
Gosh, this is getting ridiculous but yet hilarious. While everybody knows Malaysian Prime Minister, Najib Razak, is super-panic with the coming Bersih 2.0 (Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections) rally this coming July 9, nobody would guess his administration would become as paranoid as now. Not only his cousin, Home Minister Hishammuddin, was allergic to […]
... written on Jun 30 2011History tends to repeat itself – a quote that is frequently used although nobody knows exactly who started using it or when it was first being used. Stock investors, analysts, traders and writers especially in the technical analysis field will tell you people still tend to repeat their own mistakes in both bullish and bearish […]
... written on Jun 28 2011Was away on a short holiday trip but that didn’t stop me (or you) from selling or buying the stocks or options, as long as you’re connected to the internet. Can you imagine the trading or investing landscape changes between now and ten years ago? Now, as long as you’ve a smartphone with connectivity to […]
... written on Jun 22 2011Malaysia’s Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) said that it detected service outages due to attack to 91 websites, 51 websites of which are in the domain and that 41 of the sites suffered various levels of disruption including and The ‘Operation Malaysia’ was executed by an international hackers group called “Anonymous” who […]
... written on Jun 17 2011I‘ve said this before and I’m going to say this again – BlackBerry is toast and its latest earnings announced just after the stock market closed proves this. As expected Research In Motion Limited’s (Nasdaq: RIMM, stock) reported an awful set of forecast during the conference call. The fact that RIM still managed to give […]
... written on Jun 17 2011Operation Malaysia – that’s the code to all hackers within “Anonymous” hacker group interested in hacking Malaysian Government portal. The good news – the hackers were kind-hearted enough to give ample time (operation to be launched at 7:30am GMT Wed or 3:30am Thur Malaysia time) for the Government of Malaysia to prepare for the invasion. […]
... written on Jun 15 2011First, the bad news – the global economy may not recover to its glory time anytime soon as the U.S. economy is getting really choppy with stubborn unemployment, not to mention the risk of another round of recession. The good news – the global wealth increased by 8% last year to reach a record of […]
... written on Jun 13 2011If you think naming your daughter after Facebook’s “Like” was crazy enough, think again. Apparently there’s a YouTuber who loves her Facebook’s friends so much that she actually tattooed her 152 Facebook friends’ pictures on her right arm. According to the YouTuber, susyj87, the 152 colourful pictures were the friends she care the most out […]
... written on Jun 09 2011Sony has just announced its Next Generation Portable (NGP) at E3, Los Angeles, and it’s called PlayStation Vita. One of the reasons was to divert attention from the hacking attack that left millions of PSN users’ data at risk in order to win back some trust.Obviously E3 was the platform to convince the Sony’s fans […]
... written on Jun 08 2011Fahmi Fadzil is a blogger who was formerly trained as a chemical engineer. He is also the political secretary to Lembah Pantai MP and PKR Vice President Nurul Izzah, the daughter of opposition de-facto leader Anwar Ibrahim. He has over 4,300 twittter followers and has close to 20,000 tweets with the most recent spike related […]
... written on Jun 02 2011