Operation Malaysia – that’s the code to all hackers within “Anonymous” hacker group interested in hacking Malaysian Government portal. The good news – the hackers were kind-hearted enough to give ample time (operation to be launched at 7:30am GMT Wed or 3:30am Thur Malaysia time) for the Government of Malaysia to prepare for the invasion. The bad news – the Government of Malaysia is clueless on what to do in anticipation of the attack except to pull the plugs to the world wide web.
Anonymous claims that Malaysian Government is preventing the free distribution of information by censoring its internet, labelling the country as one of the world’s strictest governments. Obviously the group consists of Malaysian hackers as the country was selected based on input from users in Malaysia itself. Hacking is made easy if you’ve hackers from the inside, just like those insider trading in the stock market. For the same reason, China is not an easy target because there’re not many hackers from within China who are willing to work together with outsiders to hack their own country.
Greetings, Malaysia,
We have seen the censorship taken by the Malaysian government, blocking sites like The Pirate Bay, and WikiLeaks. Malaysia is one of the world’s strictest governments, even blocking out movies, and television shows. These acts of censorship are inexcusable. You are taking away a basic human right. The internet is here for freedom, without fear of government interference. Do not think that no one else notices. Your structured government has done the talking, and we hear loud and clear. Let this be an announcement to all your people. This is a sign, a warning, and an opportunity to listen to ideas above your own. In a way you are being stubborn. But how will this help anyone or your country. We fear that if you make further decisions to take away human freedom. We are obligated to act fast and have no mercy. For rules were meant to be broken. And corruption was meant to be washed away and forgiven. Now we will wash your corruption away so be prepared. Take this as a favor.
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect Us.
The attack on the Government of Malaysia would definitely anger the authorities thus the Anonymous have been advising all of their participants to use Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) in order to encrypt their network connections and transfer their data from remote locations that cannot be accessed without authentication. But the question is can the Anonymous hackers group actually hack the portal? The fact that they actually gave pre-emptive warning shows that they would succeed. However they may be playing with fire as the Government of Malaysia is not someone you can poke fun with.
Anonymous hackers group may be digging their own graves (*grin*) if they think they can intimidate (and hack) the powerful Malaysian Government, which has the best brains not only politically but technologically. Heck, even high-achiever 24-year-olf Timothy Lim who has had a hand in the development of the iPhone4 working at Apple Inc. was considered leftover out of the pool of geniuses in Malaysia so much so that he’s now begging to come back to Malaysia (and do what?). Wait until the hackers group greeted with the following counter-attack (Note: only Malaysian would understand below’s threat) from the Malaysian authorities or bodies.
Who |
What Could be the Reaction |
Najib Razak, Prime Minister of Malaysia
“Blocking of popular Bittorrent site ThePirateBay.org, Warez-bb.org, etc was part of our GTP (Govt Transformation Program) to move Malaysia forward to become a developed nation by 2020. So instead of hacking our portal, Anonymous hackers should influence the youngsters to vote for my government in the next general election” |
Mahathir, former PM of Malaysia
“Apa nama, Anonymous hackers, are actually extremist group that should be put under ISA (Internal Security Act) because they’re related to opposition party DAP” |
Ibrahim Ali, Perkasa’s President
“We’re demanding that the Anonymous Hackers should consists of at least 30% ethnic-Malay (best still UMNO-Malay) before launching the attack (Huh? … Oops) otherwise we’re calling for a Jihad (Holy War) on Anonymous Hackers” |
Hishammuddin Hussein, Home Minister of Malaysia
“Anonymous hackers are a nuisance and they have nothing better to do other than to instil hatred in the hearts and minds of the people and show to the world that our country is chaotic and police would clamp down on hackers if they posed a threat to national security” |
Khairy Jamaluddin, son-in-law of former PM Abdullah Badawi
“Anonymous hackers’ hacking plan is an illegal activity by an illegal organisation. The police must apprehend those who organise this hacking. Don’t be like monkeys on cyberspace” |
Lawyer VK Lingam, who brokered judges appointment
“It looks like Malaysian Government and it sounds like Malaysian Government but it can’t be the Malaysia Government who blocked the websites” |
Utusan Malaysia, government’s newspaper
“Leaders of Anonymous Hackers group and opposition party DAP are plotting to make Hacking the official religion (huh?) in Malaysia” |
Dewan Rakyat Speaker (House of Representatives)
“We reject the motion (the plan) by Anonymous hackers to attack Malaysian Government portal. We hereby suspend them for 6 months.” |
Malaysia Immigration Department
“Anonymous hackers would be made to squat in the nude if captured” |
MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission)
“We do not know why but the blocked website was found dead (cannot be accessed) on the first floor of the MACC office. So we didn’t actually block it” |
Nazri Aziz, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department
“The government is fair in the allocation of blocked and unblocked internet sites and there is no evidence of power abuse among the officials who make the selection” |
Malaysia Obedient Wives Club (OWC) |
“We support the blocking of such sites because we want the women to spend more time in providing first-class prostitute like-sex instead of spending time downloading from such sites” |
So, the retaliation from the current Malaysian Government would be nothing short from the risk of being made to squat in the nude to the threat of a Holy War (Jihad). Now I think the Government of Malaysia is calling the Anonymous Hackers group bluff. Hack if you dare Anonymous, and don’t say I didn’t warn you so (*grin*). You have no idea what you’re up against. It’s the Barisan Nasional, the most powerful government in the world (*evil grin*). You will be made to tweet 1000 times, over the next three days, to apologize for hacking Malaysian Government portal.
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June 15th, 2011 by financetwitter

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LOL. I especially like Malaysia Obedient Wives Club. The lady there should start a tutorial class to teach ‘disobedient’ wives how to provide 1st class prostitute like-sex. Really, how many women actually had encountered a 1st class prostitute to know how ‘it’ should be done… er.. I mean the 1st class style.
Your intention is good, but very good instead, you’re playing around with our Govs..These readers all laugh laugh laugh at ur funny words, maybe they just don’t get whats your real messages inside. Damn u very much. U should write more about finance things..thoooo
hahaha…funny esp Perkasa, good one ! 😀