Archive for May, 2011
Prisoners at the labour camps in China are going high-tech – breaking rocks and digging trenches in the open cast coalmines through days but playing online games at night. These prisoners worked 12-hour shifts in the camp earning 5,000 – 6,000 renminbi (US$770 – US$920) a day playing addicted games such as World of Warcraft. […]
... written on May 27 2011Dubai had the world’s fastest- growing property market until mid-2008 when the subprime crisis originated from US arrived at the kingdom. The collapse of the emirate’s property sector was partly due to heavy speculation where borrowing was as easy as buying groceries from the supermarket. An estimated of 60% in housing prices was wiped out […]
... written on May 27 2011China is the second biggest economic powerhouse and if the latest data posted on World Economy Outlook by International Monetary Fund (IMF) is reliable, the date of China becoming the new economic leader could be in 2016, leaving United States behind. But even though China can realize the dream of becoming the new economic powerhouse […]
... written on May 26 2011Next month will be the Judgement Day for both consumers and the Malaysian government. The petrol price hike is almost certain. The only question is by how much will the government increase RON95 after its brother RON97 was increased by RM0.20 a liter early this month. Another interesting event is whether the government would lower […]
... written on May 25 2011Economic and military super powerhouse United States of America officially hit its legal borrowing limit on Monday. That means the US government has debt of a mind-boggling US$14.3 trillion and if the lawmakers do not increase the borrowing limit by August 2nd, the government will be at risk of an unprecedented default. The result will […]
... written on May 23 2011Not long after the U.S. subprime crisis hit the global financial markets, Dubai had its own subprime crisis when the United Arab Emirates’s investment and development engine, Dubai World, announced that it was seeking a six-month delay in paying creditors on nearly US$60 billion in debt. When the news broke, Dubai’s stock exchange plunged more […]
... written on May 23 2011Jim Cramer was right when he was furious about the LinkedIn Corp’s IPO yesterday. He was absolutely right that the IPO was “outrageously overvalued and preposterous” and that it’s the most ridiculous IPO since Seriously, who can blame him when he accused the underwriters of playing the same game everyone played back in the […]
... written on May 20 2011During such time of escalating fuel price, not only consumers are feeling the pinch, gas stations are competing with each other as well to attract customers. In U.S. where the fuel prices does not enjoy subsidy and fluctuates on daily basis, one has to be creative to lock-in customers. A gas station on Columbia’s North […]
... written on May 19 2011Dominique Strauss-Kahn or popularly known as DSK is charged with sexually assaulted and tried to rape a housekeeping employee after chasing her naked through his posh Sofitel Hotel’s penthouse suite. The 62-year-old IMF chief is now under a suicide watch at New York’s Rikers Island jail complex. But why was he placed under suicide watch […]
... written on May 19 2011We know Facebook is the world’s most successful and largest social networking service, with over 600 million users. We also know that Facebook IPO valuation once goes up to a crazy figure – as much as US$124 billion. Facebook is so influencial that we even knew before the results of Singapore’s Election 2011 that ruling […]
... written on May 18 2011