Archive for July, 2015
The boring and predictable scripts are all over the place. When caught with their hands in the cookie jar, corrupted UMNO politicians would simply rubbish them. Then they will create some issues to divert the attention, preferably with racial elements in the storyline. Of course, they will never forget to intimidate, threaten and harass the […]
... written on Jul 22 2015Advertising and propaganda wizard Lim Kok Wing has reportedly ended his special mission as Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak’s public campaign coordinator. If it’s true, then this could easily be Mr Lim’s shortest contract job with the government, not to mention one with a huge failure, although we’re not sure if he would get paid in […]
... written on Jul 21 2015Last year, North Korean supreme leader – Kim Jong Un – was not only elected to the highest legislative body in the country, he won with the unanimous approval of his district, which had 100% turnout. It was first time the election had been held since Mr Kim inherited power after the death of his father, Kim […]
... written on Jul 20 2015The 1969 bloody racial riots were started by Tun Abdul Razak, together with Selangor Chief Minister Harun Idris, in a coup d’état against the first prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman. This year, 46-years later, the same mastermind’s son – Najib son of Razak – is not only tainted with multi-billion dollar corruption, but also hit […]
... written on Jul 16 2015The durian harvesting season has started, and everywhere you go in Malaysia, you would be greeted with stalls and vans selling the “king of fruits”. This year, prices for all types of durians, including the top-class “Musang King” (Mao Shan Wang), are at its lowest. The almost ideal weather conditions help in bringing a huge […]
... written on Jul 15 2015In a historic nuclear deal after years of talks, Iran is now part of the world communities, for real, after being sanctioned by the United States since 1995, following the Iranian Revolution in 1979. The agreement with 6 world powers – Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia, US – means the decades-old economic sanctions on the […]
... written on Jul 14 2015As the dust of Low Yat riot slowly settles, more facts have emerged. The earlier rumours about the thief, “TWO THIEVES” to be exact, being conned by Low Yat Plaza salesman into purchasing a cloned smartphone hence the retaliation, is false. So far, the Kuala Lumpur police chief Tajuddin Mat Isa said “no report” has […]
... written on Jul 13 2015Last October, a gangland feud reached its climax when a gangster fellow lobbed some grenades, as if they were hamburgers, at Cherry Blossom nightclub in their attempt to kill another triad “Taikor”. Kuala Lumpur Police, of which its HQ located just a stone’s throw away, swung into action. Nine months later today, not a single […]
... written on Jul 13 2015Are these clowns playing a childish game meant for 5-year-old kids? First, the Greeks pride got the better of its debt, so Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras rejected a bailout offer, which he has dismissed as a “humiliation” for Greece. Despite economic chaos because the country was running out of money, hero Tsipras was adamant about […]
... written on Jul 10 2015Less than 24-hours after Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission issued a warning to social media users with a slap of jail and fine for anyone caught poking fun as PM Najib Razak’s multi-billion scandal, it makes a U–turn, albeit a clumsy one. Now, MCMC claims it was just an “advisory” note, hence was “misinterpreted”. If […]
... written on Jul 10 2015