

Victory For Women In Saudi Arabia – They Can Now Drive But …

Good news – women are now allowed to drive (*tongue-in-cheek*). Of course we’re talking about the only country in the world that previously does not allow them to do so – Saudi Arabia. In a surprise move, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has recommended the country’s government lift the long-standing ban on women drivers, but the […]

... written on Nov 08 2014

Revealed – Why Facebook Mark Zuckerberg Wears The Same Shirt Every Day

On a trip to Japan in the early 1980s, Steve Jobs asked Sony’s chairman Akio Morita why everyone in the company’s factories wore uniforms. He told Jobs that after the war, no one had any clothes, and companies like Sony had to give their workers something to wear each day. Over the years, the uniforms […]

... written on Nov 07 2014

These 50 Graphs Are Funny But Freaking True About Life

Sometimes lengthy articles are not the most efficient way to convey a message. It’s especially true during the current age, or to be precise, the social media age. Smartphone, Facebook, Twitter and whatnot make people want more with less – read more and more junks with less and less time available. Most of the young […]

... written on Nov 03 2014

Admission!! – Apple CEO Tim Cook Is Proud To Be iGay

Finally, for the very first time, Apple CEO Tim Cook reveals publicly that he’s gay, and he’s proud of it. “While I have never denied my sexuality, I haven’t publicly acknowledged it either, until now,” Tim Cook writes. “So let me be clear: I’m proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the […]

... written on Oct 30 2014

Official – Both iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Are The Fastest Phone On Planet Earth

Despite the infamous “BendGate” and “HairGate” naughty scandals, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are the most successful iPhone ever sold in the history of Apple Inc. Haters can say whatever they want about the latest iPhone, but when both latest models pre-orders began on Friday in China, Apple reportedly selling over 1 million units […]

... written on Oct 16 2014

Here’re 22 Product Packaging Fails That Are Too Hilarious

You have a great product that could potentially brings in tons of money. Without a good marketing team to introduce it to the market, your product can’t go far. But a good marketing strategy will not work if the product packaging sucks. Companies are spending billions of dollars conducting research on colour schemes, designs and […]

... written on Oct 15 2014

Here’s How Malaysian ATMs Were Hacked Of RM3 Million By Latin Americans

ATM thefts have gone high-tech, and judging by how the police and banks are running around like a headless chicken trying to piece together the puzzle, the local authorities and financial institutions were obviously not ready for such an attack. And it’s not hard to understand why – the police and banking institutions were trapped […]

... written on Sep 30 2014

Meet Millionaire Cheong Choon Ng – The Rainbow Loom Inventor Who Was Denied Local “Uni”, Due To Malaysia Racist Policy

By now, the craze of loom bands or rainbow loom has reached Malaysia,. although it had already reached its craziness in the west since early of the year. Originally targeted at kids from eight to fourteen-year-old, somehow the loom bands disease has spread its tentacles to adults all around the world – from Pope Francis, […]

... written on Sep 28 2014

One More (Secret) Thing … Apple iOS 8 Allows Wireless Charging Using MicroWave

In case you’re still wondering whether you should upgrade to iOS 8 or remain with your existing iOS 7, here’s something to help you make up your mind. There’s a hidden capability just discovered – you can actually supercharge your iPhone running iOS 8 to full bar within minutes. The secret – Apple patented technology […]

... written on Sep 22 2014

Alibaba Jack Ma Raising Money Via IPO, But This Guy’s Raising Money Via Girlfriend Rental

There’re basically three important things that happen on Friday, September 19, 2014. First, the Scottish decision whether they would get their independence after 300-years with England and other cousins making up the United Kingdom. And the results after the voting – 55% Nay and 45% Aye for an independent Scotland. So, for at least a […]

... written on Sep 20 2014

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