
One More (Secret) Thing … Apple iOS 8 Allows Wireless Charging Using MicroWave

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Sep 22 2014
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In case you’re still wondering whether you should upgrade to iOS 8 or remain with your existing iOS 7, here’s something to help you make up your mind. There’s a hidden capability just discovered – you can actually supercharge your iPhone running iOS 8 to full bar within minutes. The secret – Apple patented technology using microwave. Any household microwave will do – “Wave” allows your iOS 8 phone to be charged wirelessly (*grin*).

Hoax - iOS 8 Microwave Charging

With the latest iOS 8, you will have a peace of mind, without the need to worry about battery’s performance degradation every time Apple releases a new version of iOS. In order to take advantage of wireless charging through microwave frequencies, what you need to do is upgrade your iPhone to the latest iOS 8 and place your phone within a household microwave for about a minute and a half. And your battery juice will be as good as new.



Apparently, a latest ads from Apple just released claims the “Wave” will become automatically activated when you update to iOS 8. Do you know why iOS 8 requires such a huge free space to be upgraded from iOS 7? That’ because iOS 8 contains new drivers that interface with your device’s radio-baseband allowing it to synchronize with microwave frequencies and use them to recharge your battery – at lightning speed.

iPhone insider Microwave Oven - Charging

Awesome – but wait, this is a fake advertisement, although the supposedly claims from Apple looks very real. So, “STOP” running to your kitchen before you finish reading this article. There’s no such thing as charging your iPhone with microwave frequencies, at least not now. But the online pranksters have put together an “official-looking” product page that looks so genuine people actually falls for it, after toasted their precious iPhone, of course.


Amusingly, people also got tricked when the iOS 7 was released not many moons ago. When the hoax  about iOS 7 came with the technology that makes your iPhone waterproof, many owners were wildly excited. The pranksters of 4chan who did that on iOS 7 are now doing the same thing on iOS 8 about microwave charging. Of course, in the earlier jokes, non tech-savvy users actually treated their beloved iPhone to a nice bath.

Hoax - Steven Spielberg Kills Dinousaur

You may cry how could people fall for such a hoax, never mind how ridiculous it was. But in reality, such wireless charging using microwave is not that crazy, if you compare to what people actually believe about two months ago. Back then, a photo of famous director Steven Spielberg happily posing next to a dinosaur he just slaughtered made it to the internet. Guess what – tons of “gullible” people on the net were actually “outraged” after believing that Spielberg had actually killed a Triceratrops !!


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