Emperor Najib Razak’s pet project – 1MDB – is getting messier and complicated every day. What was supposed to be a straight forward profiteering project has turned into the biggest plundering scandal in the history of the country. Malaysian Prime Minister Najib has also started his counter attack against critics, especially former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad.
However, the more Najib tries to explain and evade questions about the RM42 debt scandal, the more he projects himself as an awesome liar. In his latest twist over the weekend to assure, without much success, that the RM42 billion was not lost, he conveniently told all and sundry that the money was now part of the TRX (Tun Razak Exchange) and Bandar Malaysia land bank.
So, suddenly the land bank increases in prices overnight because the great mathematician Najib decided to park all the RM42 billion on it. That’s a very cool solution, not to mention the greatest insult to peoples’ intelligence. But we’re not going to talk about how awesome a liar PM Najib is. We’ll see how huge is this RM42 billion debt, a figure that even a graduate may have problems imagine, let alone an illiterate village folk. Let us explore:
{ 1 } Monopoly Game – Win Daily For 2,133 years
The total amount of money in a standard Monopoly game is US$15,140 (RM53,945). 1MDB’s RM42 billion debt is about 778,570 times that amount. If you win all the Monopoly money every day, you need “2,133 years” to win the total of RM42 billion, the value of debt Najib Razak has cleverly accumulated. Even if you can win the game “every hour” and continue to play without sleep, you still need “88 years” to make RM42 billion.
{ 2 } Apple iPad – 30,000,000 iPad Air + Loose Change
With the RM42 billion, the country can actually buy each of its 30 million people an Apple iPad Air (WiFi, 16GB) costing about RM1,356 a pop – with another RM1 billion loose change (*grin*). With every single Malaysian (including the dirt poor Sabahans and Sarawakians) equipped with an iPad for ease of education, the country can enter Guinness World Record as the only country where tablet penetration is 100%.
{ 3 } At 3% Interest Rate, Malaysia Pays RM2,397, Every Minute
Najib’s 1MDB debt of RM42 billion also means the country borrows about RM3.5 billion “every month” for a year; or roughly RM115 million every single day for a year. Even at a paltry interest rate of only 3% annually, the country has to pay RM1,260,000,000. That’s about RM3.45 million every day or RM143,835 every hour. Imagine yourself as the lender and collects RM2,397 every minute. And we’re only talking about interest rate!!
{ 4 } Stacked RM100 Notes Taller Than 97 Petronas Tower
If we stack RM100 notes, which has a thickness of 0.12-mm per piece, we would be getting 1,200-mm (4-ft) for RM1 million of debt. Hence, the size of RM42 billion can build stacks of RM100 note to the height of 51,206,400-mm (168,000-ft). Each tower of Petronas Twin Towers has a height of 525,475-mm or 1,724-ft (including the pinnacle). So, 1MDB’s RM42 billion debt means stacks of RM100 notes as high as 97 single-tower, stacked on top of each other (*grin*) to the sky.
{ 5 } Every Single Malaysian Owes RM1,400 + Interests
1MDB’s RM42 billion debt also means every single Malaysian, including newborn baby, “automatically” owes the country RM1,400, excluding interests. In layman terms, that’s more than the minimum wage of RM900 in the country. And if your family consists of 5 members, technically you owe Najib administration a total of RM7,000. Of course, the figure could balloon depending on interest rate quantum, which is still a secret today.
{ 6 } Free “420,000 – 105,000” PRIMA Houses
According to the official website of PRIMA Malaysia, the price of an affordable home to be supplied by PR1MA is around RM100,000 to RM400,000, which is open to applicants who have household incomes between RM2,500 to RM7,500 a month. If 1MDB’s RM42 billion debt was used to build these houses instead, there would be 420,000 to 105,000 free homes for eligible citizens, who otherwise are struggling to own shelters they can call home now.
{ 7 } Fight Crimes With 18,666 Bugatti Police Cars
The Bugatti Veyron was unveiled in 2005 and since then, a total of 400 units were produced (as of Dec 2013). The 2013 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport Vitesse is the most expensive, costing US$2,250,000 (RM8 million) a copy. If Emperor Najib Razak could convince the manufacturer to continue its production, Malaysian Police Force can have 18,666 Bugatti to fight crimes. With top speed of 255-mph (410-kph), there’s no excuse about bad guys getting away because they drove BMW or Mercedes.
{ 8 } Feed 100,000 Poor With McDonald’s For 91-Years
Depending on who you ask and how you define poverty, poor Malaysians are in the thousands or zero. Government of the day may tell you there’s zero poor people, when there’re thousands who have been reduced to eating just one meal a day. With RM42 billion, McDonald’s cheapest value meal – set McCountry with french fries and carbonated drink – could feed 100,000 poor people (lunch and dinner), everyday for 91-years.
{ 9 } Produces 536 Billionaires
The staggering RM42 billion debt can create 42 billionaires instantly, putting Malaysia in the top-10 countries with the most number of billionaires. But if the money is put to work, leveraging on 5% annual compounding interest rate, Malaysia can produce 213 billionaires in 34 years, the same achievement as China today. And in 53 years, Malaysia would be on the same number one spot as America today – 536 billionaires.
{ 10 } Fight Pirates With 785 Mark VI Patrol Boats
If Emperor Najib Razak really cares about the bustling business of piracy and kidnapping in the Sabah water, he can send those pirates and kidnappers packing for good. The Mark VI, a new class of patrol boat entering service with the United States Navy this year has a crew on 10 sailors and can carry 8 additional personnel, with speed up to 45 knots and various machine guns, grenade launcher and even guided missiles. At US$15 million (RM53.4 million) a pop, RM42 billion can buy 785 of them. United States only orders 48 units.
{ 11 } Duty Free Cars For 6-Years
Every year, Malaysian government collects around RM7 billion in car duties, which ranges from 75% to 105%. If RM42 billion were offset as duties, it can “temporarily” freezes such taxes, allowing Malaysians to enjoy cheap and quality foreign cars for roughly 6 (six) years, at about half of today’s prices. Honda Accord would then start at RM70,000; Toyota Hilux at RM40,000; VW Golf GTI at RM110,000; Passat at RM90,000; BMW 320i at RM120,000 and whatnot.
{ 12 } 10-Years Free Internet For 2.2 million Users
To date, more than 2.2 million residential and business customers nationwide are enjoying TM broadband services. Assuming all of them are using the top range Unifi package – VIP 20 – costing RM264 every month. The 1MDB’s RM42 billion can “sponsor” all the 2.2 million users for a whopping 6-years. For VIP 5 package (RM158/month), the government can subsidize all the users for a sweet 10-years.
{ 13 } Stacked RM5 Notes Longer Than PLUS Expressway
It would be wonderful if we stack RM5 notes all the way on Malaysia’s longest expressway PLUS. The thickness of RM1 million debt would be around 20,000-mm (65.6-ft). For RM42 billion, the thickness would stretch 2,755,200-ft or 840-km. In comparison, the total length running from Bukit Kayu Hitam in Kedah near the Malaysia-Thai border to Johor Bahru at the southern portion of Peninsular Malaysia is only 772 kilometer.
{ 14 } 35-Million Hair Washes Costing RM1,200 A Pop
Emperor Najib Razak’s wife was the most people-caring First Lady in the world. As hubby was busy implementing GST, Auntie Rosy shared her agony about paying extra 6% for a RM1,200 hair wash. The RM42 billion debt can actually provides her with 35 million of such hair washes, more than enough to last till her last breath, even if she does it every hour. It’s also more than enough to pamper every single Malaysian citizen with such luxury (*grin*).
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- UFUN Ponzi Scheme – Did Nazifuddin Son Of PM Najib Razak Lie?
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May 18th, 2015 by financetwitter

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When voters put the power onto one head to control the government as PM & FM for himself, it is extremely easy to scam, cheat, manipulate and lie to steal more than Rm42 billions using the state investment funds like 1MDB/SRC/etc.
Therefore, never ever trust and believe any politician’s sweet talks and empty promises in any general elections anytime anywhere in the world, including Malaysia nowadays.
Most Malay-sians are too naive, stupid and unwise to be conned and cheated by ruling politicians most of the times as these politicians only interested in enriching themselves, rather than millions of poor citizens at all.
Wake up, wake up, wake up all Malays, Chinese, Indians, and all other bumiputras in Malaysia.Never trust and believe the evil bad devils disguised as good cheating samaritans to try to win peoples’ power in order to get themselves back to absolute power to corrupt absolutely again in 2018 GE coming soon.
God forbid to save all majority of Malaysians if they choose to re-elect BN/UMNO back to power again, with oppositions are too weak and too disunited to become winning parties in next General Eletion in 2018. So the future of Malaysia is gravely in danger now and in futue.
Mcdonalds for 91 years, can’t imagine that.