

Google Takes Over NASA’s Space Field – Plans To Build Terminators?

Forget about Google’s search engine or driverless car projects. The company might have bigger secretive projects that could leapfrog mankind from the World Wide Web to the next quantum leap – space exploration and robotics. If “Terminator” robots take over the world soon, blame it on Google. Of course, after watching how Skynet became self-aware […]

... written on Nov 11 2014

Political Rivalries In Beijing Try To Recreate 1989 Tiananmen, In Hong Kong

Politics is a bitch and it doesn’t discriminate democracy or communism. And if politics can happens in office or among siblings, its tentacles can spread as far as you can imagine. In politics, nothing happens by accident thus as expected, the recent Hong Kong pro-democracy fiasco has invited quite a number of theories, or rather […]

... written on Oct 31 2014

The Best Police Claims Grenades Attack Not A Terrorist Attack, But …

Malaysia’s security has gone a little bonkers recently. The craziness has move up a few notches with a pre-dawn grenade explosion yesterday, leaving one car jockey dead and 13 injured. As expected, the country’s police – the best on planet Earth – concluded there and then that the bombing was due to gangland feud. If […]

... written on Oct 10 2014

You’re Fired – Clueless Secret Service Director Takes A Bullet For President Obama

United States Secret Service Director, Julia Pierson, was grilled during a hearing by the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday. Next, she was shown the door. Interestingly, Obama administration told the world they had full confidence in her less than one and a half year ago, when Barack Obama appointed the first woman to head the […]

... written on Oct 02 2014

China Shutting Down Internet In Hong Kong? No Problem – FireChat To The Rescue

Ahead of Hong Kong’s national holiday tomorrow, Wednesday, there’re still thousands of Hong Kongers on the street; camping and sleeping in the middle of the road. Here’s the problem – Hong Kong is ready for democracy but China isn’t. And Beijing’s stone age mentality is such that Hong Kong is another mischievous kid, just like […]

... written on Oct 01 2014

Chaos As Financial Hub Hong Kong Under Siege – What Do They Want (Photos)?

Hong Kong, Asia’s top financial centre was paralysed after what appears to be the most violent political protests since the 1997 handover exploded. The third largest financial centre in the world as of 2014, behind only to New York and London as measured by Global Financial Centres Index, was in total chaos after pro-democracy activists […]

... written on Sep 29 2014

Meet Major Mariam, The First UAE Female Top Gun Who’s Bombing ISIS

She should have become Emirati’s female pilot much earlier, but due to the fact that women were not allowed to join the country’s Armed Forces, she had to wait several years. Although she could have kicked some baddies’ butt earlier, 35-year-old Major Mariam Al Mansouri became UAE’s first female Emirati Air-Force pilot only in 2007. […]

... written on Sep 27 2014

Which One Most Costly – U.S. Attack On Syria, NASA Or Indian’s Mars Probe?

At least 120 militants were killed after the United States and its Arab allies – Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates – unleashed air strikes in Syria on Tuesday, Sept 23. Finally, lame duck Obama found his spine to do what he should have done ages ago. And it appears Britain MPs have […]

... written on Sep 25 2014

Juliet’s $10 Million Awesome Stealth WarShip That Flies Through Bubble

Gregory Sancoff is a self-made millionaire and the CEO of Juliet Marine Systems, a company he founded in 2004. Interestingly, he was a former medical devices expert but a terrorist attack on the USS Cole in 2000 during which 17 sailors were killed  changed his life. Wanted to do something to help the country, he […]

... written on Aug 24 2014

Holidaying Obama Made An Unusual Stop At DC To Prevent Racial Riots?

Just when you thought the latest ceasefire between Hamas and Israel would last and thereafter bring peace to the conflict zone, it was breached, again. About 8-hours before the expiration of ceasefire, three Grad rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip and fell near Be’er Sheva and Netivot. Loud explosions were heard in the Tel […]

... written on Aug 20 2014

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