

Do You Collect Ancient Star Wars Toys? This One Just Sold For £18,000

Last month, we told you to mark your calendar for this year as there would be abundance of movies coming to you. One of them is of course, “Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens”, from a franchise that made George Lucas a multi-billionaire. Scheduled to be released end of this year, one can […]

... written on Jan 29 2015

American Sniper – A Dirty Harry & American Hero Everyone Loves

Say what you like about American war films or movies, but they’re really good in telling stories about good guys, who happen to be Americans, killing off bad guys, who most often are non-Americans. Who can forget the 1960s television longest-running World War II drama – “Combat” – where the good guys U.S. platoon fighting […]

... written on Jan 27 2015

Unbelievable!! Najib’s Idol – ISIS – Hacked Malaysia Airlines Website

After Malaysia Airlines (MAS) lost two commercial planes last year – MH370 and MH17 – it seems the company is losing its website as well. The company’s IT team must be having the bluest of Monday Blues today, when its website is hacked by what appears to be hackers linked to ISIS or IS or […]

... written on Jan 26 2015

Here’s Why Whistleblower Snowden Refuses To Use iPhone

Former U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) contractor who leaked thousands of pages of previously classified NSA intelligence documents has dropped another bombshell, sort of. It was actually his lawyer, Anatoly Kucherena, who made the revelation in an interview with the Russian media agency RIA Novosti. Nevertheless, Anatoly has just exposed why Snowden never use Apple […]

... written on Jan 26 2015

The Answer To ISIS Invasion Threat – The Great Wall Of Saudi

Part of the reasons why Barack Obama got himself the job as the first black President of the United States was because the Americans were sick and tired of Bush’s arrogance, incompetency and aggressiveness that got the country into economic turmoil and wars all over the world. Democrats seized the chance by presenting Obama as […]

... written on Jan 15 2015

Poof!! – New Charlie Hebdo Sold Out Within Minutes, Crazy eBay Bids

One killer was reportedly shouted “Charlie Hebdo is dead!” following the shocking and dramatic massacre in Paris. But judging by the latest edition of Charlie Hebdo magazine since the brutal attack, the provocative magazine is far from dead. In fact, both pairs of terrorists – Kouachi brothers and couple Amedy Coulibaly and Hayat Boumeddiene – […]

... written on Jan 14 2015

Defiant Hebdo Reveals Muhammad On First Cover Of “Je Suis Charlie”

Many Americans have took the trouble on social media assuring the French people that the U.S. fully supports France in the aftermath of the terror attacks, and they were extremely ashamed with their lame duck President Barack Obama for not showing up at Sunday’s rally but lazing at home watching a National Football League game […]

... written on Jan 13 2015

Danger Of “See No Terrorist, Hear No Terrorist, Speak No Terrorist” Policy

After loads of explosions and gunfire, French security forces killed the two Kouachi brothers, Cherif and Said, suspected in the Charlie Hebdo massacre while raiding a factory where they had holed up with a hostage. Amazingly, the hostage was freed – Vive la France! – and that my friends, speaks volumes about the country’s GIGN. That’s France’s Groupe […]

... written on Jan 11 2015

Charlie Hebdo To Print 1-Million Copies – And Here’s Proof They Mock All Religions

If you really want to know the winner in the France’s most brutal slaughter in 50-years, it has to be Charlie Hebdo itself. Ask yourself: do you know who is Charlie Hebdo prior to the mass killings? You may try to act smart and answer that Charlie Hebdo could be a comedian or Justin Bieber’s […]

... written on Jan 09 2015

World Cartoonists Strike Back – With More Je Suis Charlie Cartoons

In what appears to be France’s deadliest terror attack in half a century, 12 people were killed and 5 seriously injured after 2 masked men stormed the offices of Paris-based satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo at around midday on Wednesday. A third suspect, 18-year-old Hamyd Mourad, the getaway driver in the brutal attack has reportedly given […]

... written on Jan 08 2015

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