
Finance and Economy

2014 – Beware Of The Wooden Horse

Malaysia is facing bankruptcy and PM Najib Razak was not talking nonsense when he made the threat. So, it’s either GST at 6% or he’s flying off to Bahamas for good, leaving Malaysians to settle the nation’s debt. The country has proudly accumulated more than RM550 billion in gross debt from 1990-2013 (the actual figure […]

... written on Jan 24 2014

Psst !!! Remember Your Bread And Butter Issues?

Both PM Najib Razak and opposition de-facto leader Anwar Ibrahim are smiling. And how could you blame them when the fool-proof punching bag – religion – is being used again (*yawn*) to divert attention. The prime minister can now sleeps soundly because peoples’ anger about new taxes, utilities rate hike and whatnot has now disappeared […]

... written on Jan 06 2014

15 Fast Food Restaurants You Wish Would Come Here

When the time is tough, people tends to go out for food especially fast-food restaurants. Unless you’ve an army family to feed, sometimes it’s more economical to eat outside rather than cook on your own. The reason is pretty easy – raw ingredients are getting expensive regardless whether it’s chicken, beef, fish, vegetables or sugar. […]

... written on Dec 27 2013

Credit Card Safety Tips That You May Have Missed

Christmas is around the corner. You probably have bought most of your Christmas’s gifts. In case you have not, this weekend could be your last chance to swipe your credit cards like crazy. It’s hard not to use credit cards nowadays, especially with the escalating cost of living. Consumers, particularly youngsters tend to have this […]

... written on Dec 20 2013

Budget 2014: Sugar & GST – Newly Found Cash Cows

I had my breakfast at my favourite Mamak restaurant today. A piece of Roti Kosong, Nasi Lemak bungkus and Teh Tarik kurang manis totalled RM3.70, the same price as before the 2014 Budget last Friday. It’s my favourite Mamak hangout because this is perhaps the last place on earth that will increase its prices after […]

... written on Oct 28 2013

iPad Air or iPad Mini – (*My God*) – Which One To Buy?

Besides planning your year-end holiday, this is also the time to take a look back and see if you’ve done enough to maximize your tax exemption. If you’re a Malaysian and the last time you bought a computer was more than three years ago, perhaps you should consider a new purchase. And if Apple Inc.’s […]

... written on Oct 24 2013

Your Next Holiday Tip: 2013 Top-20 Islands In The World

It’s that season again – year end holiday – after a tiring twelve months working your head off. It’s time to reward yourself with a nice holiday trip somewhere where your boss can’t reach you (*grin*). If you’re not a shopaholic, chances are you may want to pamper yourself and your love ones with a […]

... written on Oct 22 2013

Fuel Prices Hike – Can You Blame PM Najib Alone?

When former prime minister Abdullah Badawi did the unthinkable back in June 2008 by hiking the fuel price (RON97) by a whopping 40.62% from RM1.92 a liter to RM2.70 a liter, all hell breaks loose. It was such a huge screw-up that Badawi administration had to pacify angry Malaysians by “reimbursing” RM625 cash rebate for […]

... written on Sep 09 2013

Top 10 Most Profitable Movies Of The Year (mid-2013)

Going by the rate ticket sales are churning out profits for Hollywood this year, the year 2013 could bypass 2011 as the highest grossing summer of all time at the box office. There’re many ways to measure the success of a movie. Most would look purely at how much a movie is generating hence the […]

... written on Aug 22 2013

Warren Buffett’s 2013 Top-10 Stocks

Warren Buffett, the CEO and largest shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A, stock) is one of the wealthiest men on planet Earth. Every now and then, he would trim his holdings while add other stocks into his portfolio. In June 2013 alone, he added stocks like General Motors, Wells Fargo, VeriSign, National Oilwell Verco and […]

... written on Aug 19 2013

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