Imagine Opposition Pakatan Harapan returns to power this week. If they manage to fix the Coronavirus pandemic and the economy, you can bet your last penny the now-collapsed backdoor Perikatan Nasional coalition will claim credit. Former PM Muhyiddin will claim that the success is due to all the hard work and innovative programmes put in place by his previous government.
However, if Pakatan fails to flatten the Covid-19 curve or revive the economy, Muhyiddin and his minions will blame the new government for all the problems inherited. He will claim that had his Perikatan Nasional government been allowed to rule, the pandemic will disappear overnight and the economy will hit the roof. He will accuse Pakatan as the actual failed government, not his Perikatan.
Regardless of what Pakatan Harapan does, the previous backdoor government will twist and spin to either claim credit or point finger. Pakatan will inherit all the problems caused by the previous clueless and incompetent government. And millions of gullible Malays will believe the lies spewed by UMNO, Bersatu and PAS – the three major allies in the Perikatan Nasional coalition.
Now that Perikatan Nasional 2.0 appears to be in the making, many are frustrated that it’s back to square one. People were flabbergasted and frustrated that after getting rid of power-hungry Muhyiddin, his replacement is a bigger useless clown called Ismail Sabri. A petition to reject the prime ministerial candidate has attracted close to 300,000 signatures.
“Turtle Egg” Ismail Sabri is a poor choice to become the next prime minister. This is the same racist who defended a mobile phone theft at Low Yat Plaza in 2015, just because the thief was of Malay ethnicity. He later started “Low Yat 2” to empowering Malay vendors after the racial riots at IT Mall Low Yat, only to see those half-baked tech malls shut down one after another.
Mara Digital Mall Kuantan was closed in 2018 while Mara Digital Mall Johor ceased operations in 2019. The best part was both malls were closed down within just 3 months. Even the Kuala Lumpur outlet, despite its location in the heart of the city, has been struggling for years. Instead of selling gadgets and IT equipments, vendors were reduced to selling potato chips.
In the 2018 General Election, Ismail Sabri waved the racial card, warning that every vote for the Opposition was akin to eliminating special privileges given to Malays under the decades-old “Ketuanan Melayu”, an ideology of Malay supremacy espoused by the corrupt and racist UMNO (United Malays National Organization), where minorities Chinese and Indians constantly become the punching bags.
More importantly, Sabri was the same Senior Minister under Muhyiddin administration who mishandled the Covid-19 pandemic with frequent SOP U-turns and policies flip-flop, leading to the deterioration of the pandemic in the country. Today, Malaysia hit another record with 22,948 daily infections, barely 24 hours after it set a new record yesterday (22,242 Covid cases).
Instead of pulling hair over the political power struggle between UMNO and Bersatu, people should prepare popcorn and Coke and enjoy the drama. Even before a new prime minister is announced by the King, the civil war has begun for the Deputy Prime Minister. After UMNO snatched the top post, Bersatu insisted that the No. 2 should be theirs.
But within Bersatu (PPBM), three warlords have started fighting for the second most powerful position. Initially, the party’s secretary-general Hamzah Zainudin was believed to be the new deputy of Sabri. It makes sense because Hamzah was formerly from UMNO before he jumped ship to Bersatu after UMNO lost its power in 2018. But promoting Hamzah will create a big problem.
Azmin Ali, formerly with PKR before betraying his party and joining Bersatu following the infamous “Sheraton Move” coup, also wanted the prize. The bad blood between both men, who happens to be Muhyiddin’s two top lieutenants, will become uncontrollable if either one gets the promotion. Azmin can always threaten to bring 10 of his loyalists (former PKR MPs) and leave, toppling the government.
While both Azmin and Hamzah are traitors, having betrayed their own PKR and UMNO parties respectively, Hamzah considers himself to be more senior and cleverer. Both do not see eye to eye largely due to jealousy or envy over the unfair distribution of portfolio, positions and power. Hamzah believes he was the brain behind the Sheraton Move, hence deserved the senior position.
Without the powerful Prime Minister Office (PMO), Bersatu president Muhyiddin will be struggling to control his two top dogs. Hamzah can always argue that since his boss had previously made gay Azmin his de-facto Deputy PM as well as a Senior Minister, it’s only fair that Muhyiddin supports him now as the Deputy PM of Sabri administration.
Joining the bandwagon is Bersatu Supreme Council member “flying car” Redzuan Yusof, one of earliest members who formed the party. Redzuan supporters probably think that if a man with “IQ of a carrot” like Ismail Sabri could become a prime minister, genius Redzuan is definitely overqualified as the Deputy PM. Perhaps Redzuan is the solution to prevent either Azmin or Hamzah from getting the trophy.
So far, Bersatu has survived because it owned the prime minister position, the only formula that glued the weak party together. Now powerless, Muhyiddin may not be able to stop his party from disintegrating. Therefore, by hook or by crook, he will demand the ownership of the second most valuable prize – Deputy PM. However, Bersatu isn’t the only party that is eyeing the No. 2.
Sarawak-based GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) too openly demands that the new federal government of Ismail Sabri, if it materializes after tomorrow’s special meeting between Agong and his nine brother rulers, should allocate the deputy prime minister post to either Sabah or Sarawak in recognition of the Borneo states’ contribution.
James Masing, Sarawak Deputy Chief Minister, argued – “Twice, GPS’ 18 MPs helped to form the government – Muhyiddin Yassin’s Perikatan Nasional government and now possibly Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s government. For what the GPS MPs did, Sarawak wants Putrajaya to acknowledge their role in forming the government by giving us a Deputy Prime Minister position.”
Mr Masing has suggested the creation of two deputy prime minister positions – one for the Peninsula-based parties and one for Sarawak and Sabah. However, if GPS’ suggestion is accepted, you can expect PAS Islamist party to also demand for it because PAS too contributes 18 MPs to both Perikatan Nasional 1.0 (Muhyiddin) and Perikatan Nasional 2.0 (Sabri).
Exactly why should GPS get a Deputy PM position, but not PAS, when both parties contribute the equal number of 18 votes to the backdoor Perikatan Nasional 1.0 and 2.0 governments? It appears that unless “turtle egg” Sabri creates 5 Deputy PM positions – each for Azmin, Hamzah, Redzuan, GPS and PAS, the fragile coalition of 114 MPs could collapse anytime.
However, the creation of 5 deputy prime ministers is not only hilarious, but will also dilute its power, making it meaningless and useless. It would be an insult to Muhyiddin, who had ordered all its 31 MPs and 4 independent-friendly MPs to support Sabri yesterday. Bersatu may not sit well with the idea of splitting the No. 2 position to two, let alone five, considering it contributes 35 votes.
If PM Sabri chickens out, and agrees to create more than one Deputy PM positions, it will open the floodgate for excessive demands from his power-crazy allies in the fragile coalition. If Muhyiddin’s super bloated Cabinet of 73 ministers and deputy ministers were insane, wait until you see the new Cabinet. Sabri may design a Cabinet of 114 ministers and deputy ministers to keep every MP happy.
UMNO may think they could do better than Bersatu with a smaller Cabinet. The problem is all the chairmanships in lucrative organizations or GLCs have been filled to the brim with Muhyiddin’s men, and they refuse to resign. Hence, it will be a challenge for Sabri to find highly paid positions for all the 114 greedy MPs, whom had been pampered under previous Muhyiddin administration.
But PM wannabe Sabri and UMNO should not count their chicken before they hatch. Muhyiddin may have insulted and scammed the King again after he revealed today that his party’s support for Ismail Sabri as the prime ministerial candidate is on the condition that he must not appoint anyone who is facing criminal charges to his Cabinet if he is appointed the new prime minister.
The monarch specifically said that declaration letters to be submitted by each of the 220 Members of Parliament indicating their preferred candidate for prime minister must be made without any conditions. Did Muhyiddin’s bloc of 35 MPs tell the King during an interview at Istana Negara (national palace) today that their support for Ismail Sabri is subject to certain conditions?
Assuming the condition spelled out by Muhyiddin is just a petty crime, which is not, exactly what can he do if Ismail Sabri, under pressure from Najib Razak and Zahid Hamidi, quietly interferes and pressures the jurisdiction to reverse Najib’s guilty verdict and drop all of Zahid’s 87 charges related to money laundering, corruption and criminal breach of trust (CBT)?
Will Muhyiddin accept the appointments of Najib and Zahid to the Cabinet even if it’s crystal clear that Sabri abuses his power to free both crooks, the same way Muhyiddin’s appointed-Attorney General Idrus Harun was ordered to suddenly drop all 46 corruptions and money-laundering charges against former Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman?
It’s absolutely possible that the clueless and weak Sabri will free Najib and Zahid because his so-called Perikatan Nasional 2.0 government will be more fragile than Muhyiddin’s old government. If Zahid could overthrow Muhyiddin administration with the withdrawal of 15 UMNO MPs, he can definitely repeat the same stunt on Sabri administration.
Besides, Najib and Zahid can always argue that Muhyiddin is hypocrite to impose such condition. Why did Muhyiddin accept the notorious Bung Moktar as Deputy Chief Minister of Sabah despite the fact that the former Felcra chairman Bung and wife Zizie Izette were facing charges of bribery in a RM150 million investment in Public Mutual unit trust products?
Muhyiddin cannot explain why he still supports UMNO even after he was overthrown and betrayed by the same party. Mr Moo can argue until the cows come home, but if Najib or Zahid is freed, it is because Bersatu empowers and enables the return of UMNO to the federal government. Muhyiddin was the one who contributes 35 MPs to UMNO, never mind the silly conditions.
To make matters worse, UMNO knows very well that Muhyiddin dares not and cannot do anything even if Najib and Zahid are cleansed of all their crimes through executive interference. Bersatu MPs may even jump ship to UMNO if Muhyiddin pulls out of the coalition. Like it or not, there’s no loyalty among thieves and parasites.
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August 19th, 2021 by financetwitter
And how did the UMNO Kleptocrats started in the first place?
I bet it’s DAP’s fault, or the Chinese, Christians and Communists’ fault …
Please keep on hating the Chinese or DAP for another 60 years. They are the roots of all the Malays’ problems today.
The Taliban takeover is way more interesting than wtf is going on with the yet another, of probably many more of our frog circus.
For a start the Taliban has more capable folks than the fucked up retard political monkeys we have, the so-called opposition, included. More than likely unknown to our dumb electorate, the Taliban has plenty of talents behind and on the sides of them, highly-educated, many Western-trained professionals ready to run a new Afghanistan. And that is massively more than what we can say and do with our lot – which plays its part in contributing to the disasters we’ve been going through – fcuked up voters create fcuked up politicians.
Of course there are some similarities between those Afghan fellas with massive head bandages and some of our political Taliban lookalikes. Beyond that, we’re talking about wan lot of highly motivated, strong, capable, successful fighters happy to ride around and work off motorbikes.
Whereas our lot are only happy riding around in Mercs. And can’t fcuking do anything.
And while the Taliban, so they say, are wanting to get out of the more restrictive ways of their religion, our Hadiban wants to go back to the Stone Age. The Taliban says, for their dress sense the burqa would no longer be hip. Our Hadibans are fast catching up with the burqa with their fast number, them AMG Mercs.
The others of our fcuked up retard political monkeys are all from the Jambans.
What we will get is the guaranteed pissing about with the whoring, buying and selling of our famous frogs. A gomen will be formed that would hardly last long enough to getting anything done. The only thing that will be done would be the ensuing and ongoing further bouts of whoring, buying and selling of frogs – all as a new and fresh round of fcuking bitching goes on between a new gomen and all the fucked up politicians.
Looks like Itsmells Sabrina Lowyaatkob may jolly well grab the throne as Niamahaidin vacates his throne, the one he squats on in the PMO loo while he does damage control over his faulty back door sprinkler. With Sabrina, it will be a real “Malay first”, and probably a Lowyat3 or 4 ousting Lowyat1, another great season for them mat armpits to go around showing their ketuanan best.
We can’t have Anwar Ibrahimmler in any political configuration, the neocon stooge has his foreign political handlers all bang in the middle and the muddle of a jolly bad show right now in Kabul. The Yanks, in fact, the whore of the West are being slagged off for fcuking up imperialism in Afghanistan, worse still, being properly fcuked by the Taliban. Just how are Western running dogs expected to be rescued by their massahs when comes the next next “Saigon moment”?
The Memaliban of the zombie Snake Pharaoh M for Memali Monster looks like getting nowhere either.
The Macaivillain Keraliban may just about get a token seat for the impossible “inclusive” gomen. An “inclusive” gomen of disparate impossible bedfellows of the same kind of impossible “coalitions” that has plagued our diseased gomens of the past ain’t going to git nobody nowhere.
In other words, we’re going to go through the same old same old sh*t to get the same old same old sh*t, how fcuking amazing!
Btw, the Taliban bribed their way through their provinces, bought their frogs and popular support to get to Kabul. And so freaking fast too!
Trouble with our filthy politicians is, if they were handled money by the rich uncles to be used to bribe the voters, our filthy politicians will pocket the money themselves.
Still, what can you say when quite a lot of our dumbfcuk voters can each be bought with two packets of instant noodles and a bottle of water, Alhamdulilah!
The “millions of gullible Malays” are not gullible. It is a choice between two evils. Vote in Anwar which is obviously controlled or unable to control the DAP or UMNO. And they choose UMNO which is to the Malays the less evil. The kleptocrats in UMNO is already on their way out. So what’s the problem for the Malays to prefer UMNO?
PH through the DAP has proven that their objective was to dismantle anything “Malay” when they were in power. Instead of trying to improve the people’s livelihood, they were more interested in pursuing a scorched earth policy. They have their priorities all wrong. Even in their numerous blogs, their anti-Malay writings were very obvious. And on this score even this Finance Twitter is no different.