When Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, Attorney General Idrus Harun, House Speaker Azhar Harun (brother of A.G.), and leaders of allies – UMNO and PAS – met and hatched a plan to avoid a parliamentary vote on Monday (July 26), the first day the Parliament reconvened this year since the Proclamation of Emergency on January 12, they thought it would be a piece of cake.
The plan was like a school kid, who in his attempt to avoid punishments, tried to forge his parents’ signature on the report card after failing the school’s final exam. The idiot sent to do the job was de-facto law minister Takiyuddin Hassan, who surprised the entire nation on Monday when he announced that the Cabinet had already revoked the emergency ordinances some five days earlier (July 21).
But unlike the school kid, who may be able to trick both his parents and class teacher, the backdoor government cannot easily forge King Sultan Abdullah’s signature and get away with it. Unlike a school report card, the revocation of the emergency ordinances must be published through something called an official gazette. There isn’t any gazette despite Takiyuddin’s claim.
So when the Opposition grilled Takiyuddin, the secretary-general of PAS Islamist party, he was immediately caught with his pants down. The half-baked plan, like all other half-baked economic and Covid-19 pandemic policies, backfired spectacularly. He panicked and could not answer a simple question – had or had not the Agong (King) consented to a backdated revocation.
The suspicious over Takiyuddin’s dubious claim subsequently snowballs after fellow Federal Territories Minister Annuar Musa said the cancellation of the emergency laws was actually “work in progress”. Backdoor Prime Minister Mahiaddin (glamour name: Muhyiddin) has chosen to hide, running away from the Parliament since Monday’s chaotic Parliament session.
House Speaker Azhar Harun, the partner-in-crime of the illegitimate Muhyiddin government, tried to cover-up for Takiyuddin, defending the de-facto law minister’s lame excuse that he would explain the matter only on Monday (August 2). Of course, by then, it would be water under the bridge as the current State of Emergency will expire on Sunday (August 1).
Apparently, under Article 150(7) of the Federal Constitution, Emergency Ordinances will continue to take effect for 6 months, even after the expiry of the State of Emergency, unless it is annulled through Parliament. The regime cannot allow the emergency law to be debated, let alone voted in the August House, as it would reveal that the prime minister has lost his simple-majority support and thus must resign.
It was clearly a desperate and hastily glued plan to waste the ongoing five-day special sitting (which was reluctantly scheduled just to satisfy the King’s demands for the Parliament to reconvene), after which the next Parliament sitting will be in September. Muhyiddin’s Perikatan Nasional government had been in constipation since Monday, praying that the Palace would close one eye.
However, the King, who had been insulted three times by the power-hungry regime, was not ready to be disrespected again. Even if the monarch wanted to, it will be foolish to help Muhyiddin, whose popularity reportedly has plunged to below 20% due to his Coronavirus mishandling and economic mismanagement – leading to poverty, starvation and close to 10,000 Covid deaths.
Today (July 29), after giving enough ropes for the regime to hang itself, the Agong issued a royal statement, officially denied he had consented to the scrapping of emergency laws as claimed by Takiyuddin. Worse, Sultan Abdullah said that he was “deeply saddened” by de-facto law minister Takiyuddin Hassan’s false statement in Parliament that the Emergency Ordinances have been revoked.
Sultan Abdullah said the government had “confused” Parliament, had “misled” Members of Parliament, had “rushed” to revoke the emergency ordinances, had “disrespected” the rule of law, and more crucially, that it had “undermined” the function and powers of the Agong as the head of state as per the Constitution. These alone are sufficient to prove that the regime has committed treason.
But Muhyiddin government’s treachery did not stop there. Interestingly, the King also exposed that he was not informed of the matter during a virtual meeting with Takiyuddin and A.G. Idrus Harun on July 24. Exactly how could the Cabinet claim to have scrapped the emergency laws on July 21 when Sultan Abdullah did not even know about it three days into the future (July 24)?
Here’s the juiciest part – during the virtual meeting on July 24 with Takiyuddin Hassan and A.G. Idrus Harun, both had agreed with the King’s decree to table and debate the suggestion to cancel all Emergency Ordinances in the Parliament for the purposes of annulment. However, it never happened. To say both despicable men had deceived and lied to the Malay Sultan is an understatement.
Muhyiddin, together with his top lieutenants Azmin Ali and Hamzah Zainudin might execute a backup plan to throw Takiyuddin, A.G. Idrus and House Speaker Azhar under the bus to save the backdoor government. However, at this stage, sacrificing the three bootlickers may not do the trick. Everyone knows the three minions have acted under the prime minister’s instruction.
The King would certainly look like a fool if he blindly accepts the resignations of the trio, believing that Muhyiddin was not aware of the scheme. The fact that the monarch mentioned he was deeply saddened – “twice” – in the royal media statement speaks volumes about his extreme anger over how the so-called Malay-Muslim government repetitively disrespects, belittles and insults the Malay Royal Institution.
By faking the revocation of the emergency laws without the consent from the Palace was clearly an exercise to usurp the powers of the Agong. That means the Perikatan Nasional government, comprising primarily of UMNO, Bersatu and PAS political parties, is waging war against Yang di-Pertuan Agong (the King), and offence that carries capital punishment – “death penalty”.
The stunning locking of the Opposition and other MPs in the Parliament building today under the pretext that there were some Covid-19 positive cases detected, but at the same time allowed pro-Muhyiddin Cabinet members to travel to the prime minister’s residence for an emergency meeting, was yet another demonstration of abuse of power practised in a dictatorial-style leadership.
The defiant Prime Minister Office (PMO) has stubbornly maintained that the revocation of the emergency ordinances was done in accordance with the law, despite the fact that it was not because legally and constitutionally the King must first approve it. The PMO argued that Agong must obediently act on the advice of the prime minister. Hence, it didn’t matter what the monarch has to say.
Even if Agong must blindly agree to whatever the prime minister wants to do, which is not, should not the regime wait for the royal signature? How does the regime plan to prove that the revocation was legally done without the official gazette, which itself must have the King’s consent? Perhaps Dictator Muhyiddin plans to forge Sultan Abdullah’s signature and forcefully gazette it.
Amusingly, the PMO said Muhyiddin had written a letter to the Agong on July 23 advising the ruler to revoke the Emergency Ordinances, and again in an audience on July 27. But even if indeed there was such a dubious letter, how could Takiyuddin claim that the laws had already been revoked on July 21 – “two days before” the so-called letter arrives on the King’s desk?
In the same breath, if indeed the emergency laws had been revoked on July 21, and the whole process was done in accordance with the law, why was there a need to go back to the King on July 27 (some six days later)? Does not this mean that consent from Sultan Abdullah is needed after all, hence leading to the scramble to do damage control, which ultimately fails?
The contradiction, inconsistency and arrogance displayed by the PMO have again lent credence that the prime minister has declared war on the Agong and all the nine Malay Rulers. Mr Muhyiddin behaves as if he is the King, “ordering” rather than advising the monarch. In essence, the power-crazy Muhyiddin treats Sultan Abdullah like a pariah.
It appears that the Agong’s persistence that the Emergency Ordinances must be tabled and debated in the Parliament before it could be scrapped suggests that the monarch had wanted the legitimacy of Muhyiddin to be tested. Knowing that Muhyiddin does not have the numbers, it’s as good as telling the self-described stupid prime minister to resign.
As the regime shamelessly and arrogantly digs in, refusing to either resign or test its legitimacy in the Parliament, it will do more harm than good to the ruling coalition. Exactly how could it win the votes from the rural Malay folks with the open confrontations and clashes with the Malay King? The Malays finally see the real damage a Malay-Muslim government can do to the country.
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July 29th, 2021 by financetwitter
Theoretically, if we have some kind of constitutional monarchy, and we pirate copy the Brit angmoh version of such, the PM is the first and last word of the land. That would still mean that creature is still Niamahaidin.
If he ever get out of the loo as a recovered victim of Allah’s curse on his faulty back door drainage sistem which became an uncontrollable sprinkler.
Stupid PM hasn’t been seen much anywhere, we have to take it that he has one foot in the loo, and can’t venture beyond a safe distance from the sh*thouse for Allah’s sake. And foul the sake of everyone and his dog else.
However, we also have a ketuanan sistem which has done nothing but caused grief and confusion to the power equation of our sacred soil. There’s the matter of “Malay first”. This notion – or is it stomach motion gets every Malay’s knickers and sarong in a twist.
Niamahaidin’s knickers and sarong are probably still in the laundry as he and his gomen is still diarrhoea-splattered, it takes quite a bit of time and lots of effort to clean his and the gomen’s act – or just the thought of such.
The key question right now is, in the ketuanan sistem, should “Malay first” mean Niamahaidin is “first”?
Or “Malay first” should mean the “Malay Ruler” is “first”?
At this point, we shouldn’t bring in the issue of the rightful first, that would mean that would only be the Orang Aslis, quibbling over this would add to more confusion as we are not allowed to question Orang Asli rights. Or the nons would be ordered to balik elsewhere, fcuk off from the Land of the Orang Aslis.
Then again, the matter of the pecking order of who’s first should be referred to Ketuanan Cina. It was, at least for some Malays in a part of the peninsula, decided by Ketuanan Cina. Pecking order was fixed by Peking Order, whoever Ketuanan Cina decided was ruler was ruler, every wan and his goat just followed the dictate of the imperial Ah Gong in Ketuanan Cina.
Whomsoever, Ah Gong bestowed his blessings was entitled to wear the Ketuanan Cina yellow, with a free gift of a yellow umbrella and yellow headcover or large napkin. Ah Gong’s ruling is still followed to this day, so, technically, and for arguments’ sake, the correct way is to defer to Ketuanan Cina.
We should ask Ketuanan Cina for the imperial court’s ruling lest we do the l’est majesté. We should look up to their imperial majesties kowtow for the kow tim, full stop. Or we end up with a tussle between our royals and our Stupid PM.
I would go for the Ketuanan Cina solution. No wan pisses about with Ketuanan Cina. Last some dying monkey from Ketuanan Kerala did, the detestable piece of slimy bullock sh*t got told to fcuk off. And Malaysia suffered some mighty consequences, hefty penalties for rail contract cancellation had to be paid, and our monkeys had to be subject to the diarrhoea-inducing ordeal of drinking five times a day, and all day weekends all the palm oil Ketuanan Cina refused to buy from us.
The moral of my advice is defer to Ketuanan Cina for answers to whether Niamahaidin is “Malay first” or would that be some wan else.
We may be ok so long as no wan runs to the Orang Aslis and remind those dear old souls they are “first”. In which case, most of us, ketuanan included would be properly fcuked, especially those Javanese, Bugis, Keralalis, Mamaks… etc, Ameen.
I am not hanging around for the final answer or the “final solution”, last I heard of such, that Manchester Mouth, Welsh-Bugis “minor royalty” was threatening the nons with a “May 13”.
And that wasn’t to be from the Orang Aslis, our landlords!