Last year, Prime Minister Najib Razak almost achieved what his father did back in 1969 – a bloody racial riot. We’re talking about Low Yat Crisis, of course, which was sparked by two young Malays involved in phone theft, but very quickly turned into a racial riot when the culprits returned with 6 more mobsters beating people and smashing properties.
The instigators – Papagamo (real name: Wan Mohd Azri Wan Deris), Shaik Hussein Mydin and Ali Tinju (Mohd Ali Baharom) – were detained for a very brief moment under the Sedition Act 1948 but were freed and never charged. That’s because the trios were member of an exclusive club – UMNO – the political party led by the same PM Najib Razak who’s involved in the 1MDB scandal.
Amazingly, there were at least 22 Chinese (victims including Low Yat traders) arrested and charged at lightning speed, despite overwhelming evidence that the main culprits were the 2 Malay thieves and 6 other Malay thugs running amok. Clearly, the police had to arrest some Low Yat Chinese traders in order to “balance” the racial composition.
Nevertheless, it was impossible to cover the fact that the 2 Malay thieves and 6 Malay mobsters were the guilty parties. Therefore, to justify the riots, extreme group ISMA, another branch of UMNO, claimed it was only natural for Malay youths to release their anger on the Chinese traders because the Malays are known for “running amok”.
Heck, they could even twist the racial riots as a result of the Chinese belittling Islamic teachings and ridiculing Malay culture, not due to phone theft. Poor Chinese, not only they lost their phones due to theft, they were also beaten by Malay mobsters but ended up with a lecture that they should not have had arrested the thieves because to do so would provoke the Malays to “run amok”.
That was roughly a year ago in July 2015. Today, with Najib Razak engulfed by flames of 1MDB scandal, the prime minister has chosen to play ancient “Hudud Law” to divert attention. Together with partner-in-crime Hadi Awang, president of Islamist political party, they have accused practically every Chinese who opposes hudud as being anti-Islam.
Najib’s UMNO and Hadi’s PAS have warned that the hudud is for Muslims, not non-Muslims, so they have no business questioning about the law, of which amputation as punishment cannot be questioned. That’s fine. If the Malay-Muslims are so eager about the hudud law, who are Chinese to interfere, let alone lecturing the Malays about selective prosecution or persecution?
Wait a minute. Is it fair to see two good friends – a Malay and a Chinese – after committed the same crime but only the Malay loses his hand while the Chinese goes to jail for a short time? That’s fine too. If the Malay-Muslims are so eager to lose their hands, who are the Chinese to interfere, let alone awakening the Malays on the unfairness?
What is not fine is this. One fine day after hudud law implementation, the Malay-Muslims suddenly realized how lopsided their law is. But because they’re too afraid to offend their God, eventually they may decide that everyone – including the Chinese, Indian and all non-Muslims – should be subjected to hudud law too. And so start the amputation on Chinese as well.
Is this some sort of fear mongering? Not at all! Malaysians have seen or read how Islamic Department suddenly appears at a Chinese funeral and snatch the body away because the deceased was believed to be that of a Muslim convert. There were also cases where a Muslim convert could singlehandedly convert sons or daughters without the knowledge and approval of the other partner.
So why the Malaysian Chinese always get the blames of being anti-Islam when what they’re voicing is merely the impracticality of hudud law in a multi-racial country? Who can guarantee that the hudud law would not be extended to the non-Muslims in the future? Perhaps it’s time to draft two sets of new constitutions – one each for Muslims and non-Muslims.
Are Malaysian Muslims willing to accept a new set of constitution based on Quran and the Sunnah, whereas the legal system is to be based on Shariah, which comprises of Hudud, Qisas and Tazir? Yes, something like what the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is having now. Heck, why cherry picking? Let the Malaysian Muslims copy everything from the Saudi, including banning woman from hitting the road. (*grin*).
UMNO and PAS have been screaming that hudud is for Muslims only. Well, if what they say is genuine, why don’t they prove it once and for all by separating the non-Muslims and Muslims with two separate sets of constitutions and legal systems? True, it’s quite funny for a country to have two sets of constitutions. But that doesn’t mean it cannot be done.
And when the son-in-law of Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi suddenly died while receiving treatment at a dental clinic in Bangsar, some Chinese took to the social media offering their piece of mind. Most of them suggested the death was due to karma, apparently referring to Mr Zahid’s past evil doings.
Clearly, the people were angry and frustrated with Ahmad Zahidi, the same way Malaysians refused to give way to police outriders of a VIP convoy escorting Prime Minister’s official car. However, Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK), an UMNO’s highest-paid blogger, twisted the social media discussion as a celebration by the Chinese on the death of Ahmad Zahid’s son-in-law.
We know RPK and other bloggers under UMNO payroll have been working very hard to spark the flame of hatred between the Malays and Chinese. Again, why the Chinese always get the blames and beatings when it was the UMNO-Malays who robbed and sold the Malay national treasures? Why blames the Chinese as anti-Islam when it was PAS’ Hadi Awang who deliberately postponed the reading and debate of the hudud bill?
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June 5th, 2016 by financetwitter
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