
1 Salmon For 1 Barrel Of Oil, Anyone?

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Jan 27 2016
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During the 1997-98 Asian Financial Crisis, then-Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad went berserk and accused everyone except himself for bankrupting corporations in Malaysia. He tried to bailout his cronies, including his own eldest son Mirzan Mahathir’s Konsortium Perkapalan Bhd which had accumulated RM1.6 billion in debt. But there wasn’t enough money to go around.

Barter Trade - Cartoon Sample

Outrages, Mahathir blamed George Soros, the Jews, currency speculators and whatnot and lectured world leaders that currency manipulation done by Soros was far more effective at killing people than the terrorist bomb. At one point, he went through a mental breakdown and proposed international trading through barter.


If the international community had listened, agreed and executed barter trading suggested by Mr. Mahathir, the world today would be quite fun and interesting. The tumbling oil price essentially means the black gold is now cheaper than water. Heck, some even said oil is cheaper to buy than a “barrel” itself. The jokes didn’t stop here.

Canada Cauliflower - CAD 7.99 Each

Cauliflower Diamond Ring

Cheap oil has gotten Canadians scratching their heads. In some parts of Canada, a barrel of oil is cheaper than a few cauliflowers. The price of cauliflower in Canada has risen from CAD $2.50 (US$1.77; £1.23; RM7.55) to around CAD $8 (US$5.67; £3.95; RM24.15), tripling in price. This simply means you can bring 5 pieces of cauliflowers and exchange them for a barrel of oil.


Norway is another country which would be fun to do barter with the present low prices of oil. Last year, Norway exported salmon worth a staggering NOK 47.7 billion (US$5.48 billion; £3.82 billion; RM23.36 billion). Thanks to this commodity, a Norwegian can bring along one standard 4.5-kg salmon fish and exchange it for 1-barrel of crude oil (*grin*).

One Salmon Worth More Than One Barrel of Oil - Chart

Norway - One Barrel Oil Cheaper Than One 4.5-kg Salmon Fish

As the seafood-industry news site iLaks.no reported this month, it’s booming times for the Norwegian aquaculture industry where salmon fish trades at NOK 65 per kilo. That’s about NOK 292 (US$33.54; £23.38; RM143) for one 4.5-kg salmon. With today’s crude WTI and Brent oil at US$30.59 and US$31.09 a barrel respectively, you can barter one salmon fish for a barrel of crude oil, with some loose change.


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This analysis is not crtciial and sounds like it was written by PM’s office. Also forgot to include how Bersih 3 was managed. Wisma Putra slammed Canadian The Globe and Mail’s Mark MacKinnon, for calling the PM a false democrat: They hold elections but have no intention of giving up power. Serious political rivals are jailed and their parties are outlawed on legal technicalities. Mr Putin’s spin doctors call it ‘managed democracy’ — giving voters the appearance of choice while ensuring they have very little to choose from on election day.” MacKinnon is probably overstating it, but the voice from Washington can stand to take a heavier line.

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