The 34-hour marathon is finally over. This is the first time a Bersih rally lasted such a long hour, and easily the most peaceful of all the four rallies ever held, an impressive milestone. Well, there were some provocateurs who tried their luck with “firecrackers” even after the rally was over but was subsequently apprehended by Bersih volunteers.
If the figures released by the organisers are to be believed, the second day of the rally had attracted more people to the carnival-like event. There were 200,000 people on the first day, while 300,000 people on the second. Although we believe there were 100,000 – 150,000 on the first day, there’s little doubt the crazy crowds on the second day was close to 300,000, if not more.
As a matter of fact, more people were seen scrambling to the rally as the hour closing in to the “Merdeka” countdown. However, since there’s no way to tell if these people were the same people who came back after taken some rest, or was actually a new set of fresh supporters, it’s hard to give an exact figure for the 34-hour rally.
Assuming 50% of participants on day-2 consist of fresh new supporters, that would bring the total of participants to 350,000 (200,000 + 50% of 300,000). It’s absolutely possible that there were tons of new participants on the second day simply because many were afraid the authorities would unleash water cannon and tear gas on the first day itself.
Hence, they had chosen a wait-and-see approach. After all, if the authorities have been trigger-happy in launching assaults at Bersih protesters during the past 3 rallies, what is so different and special about Bersih 4.0 that the police would spare their bullets? Well, they must be kicking themselves for not joining earlier because amazingly the police hadn’t fired a single tear gas.
The burning question is: why the police didn’t pick a fight with the protesters this time? Surely it wasn’t Queen Elizabeth who threatens to wear “yellow” again if Najib administration starts attacking the innocent protesters. Perhaps the theory that police attacks only when majority protesters of a rally consist of ethnic-Malay is true after all.
Otherwise, how do you explain the supposedly brutal and thuggish police didn’t attack Bersih 4.0, which was dominated by ethnic-Chinese? If this is so, then it pretty much solves the mystery about the lack of Malays’ participation, especially on the first day. On the second day, Malays’ presence increased to about 30%, from a low of 10% on the first day.
Based on some questionnaires, it seems the Malays were dead sure Bersih 4.0 would see the worst police brutality ever recorded. The fact that military chief General Zulkifeli Mohd Zin had declared that the armed forces will intervene if the government declares a state of emergency goes to show blood could spill on the street, at least that was the perception of the Malays.
In the past three Bersih rallies, the military didn’t involve at all. It was a poker game. Majority of the Malays blinked first and lost, hence were tricked into believing that troubles were bound to happen. The government doesn’t care if the Chinese dominates the rally but has everything to worry if Malays take the lead.
But after a peaceful and happy first day, the Malays were convinced nothing bad would happen hence they decided to join the crowd. However, it was too late to make a bigger impact because most of them had already left the city for the 3-days short holiday, or otherwise had other pre-planned programs.
Clearly, there wasn’t any plan for a state of emergency at all. It was merely a clever trick to send a simple message to the Malays to stay away from the rally. Of course, the second reason to the low Malays’ turnout was the “boycott” by PAS, which traditionally can mobilise large number of obedient supporters.
There’s little doubt that if PAS have had participated, Bersih 4.0 could easily breach the 500,000 mark. But that would also mean the biggest battle between the police and the protesters. Like it or not, PAS protesters are like walking zombies, and the police hate their guts and courage. It’s a different story altogether with obedient Chinese protesters.
But the most important reason why the Malays were not visible is because of GST. On the second day before our group hit the road again for the rally, we stopped at one of our favourite stalls selling young coconuts. We knew how torturing it was to be under the scorching sun so we decided to “armour” our bodies with coconut juice.
Dressing like minions, it wasn’t hard for the Malay “Pakcik” (uncle) to guess what we were up to. We sat and enjoyed the refreshing coconut juice at the stall, flicking our smartphone for latest news on Bersih 4.0. Then, he sat and chat with us. He complained about new competitors, signalling to two new stalls behind him, selling the same products (*grin*).
Then he went into great length bitching about how his second son has just switched to a new job because of escalating cost of living. Although the new job pays better, the location is further in Shah Alam. Suddenly, he openly criticised the present government. He boasted that he had attended all the previous Bersih rallies, together with his son, but not this round.
Reason – he has to sell more coconuts now because of GST. He claimed that the (competitors) new coconut stalls were managed by part-timers so he assumed they were trying to make ends meet because of GST too. Because of GST, he is now facing two problems – new competition and the needs to work longer hours to cover his daily expenses.
If his story is true, then it’s incorrect to assume the Malays were cowed by a stronger and united Chinese behind DAP. Perhaps, some may have been influenced by PM Najib’s “bastardization” scary story. But the story from this “pakcik” goes to show that his primary concern was about putting food on the table, than about UMNO going into toilet bowl.
The low income Malays couldn’t join Bersih 4.0 because they’re struggling with skyrocketing cost of living. The middle and high income Malays wouldn’t join the rally because they were dead sure chaos would explode. With PAS crossing over to UMNO’s side, GST and military threat, the sight of Malays taking the lead in future demonstration is over.
When the time comes for us to pay for the coconuts, there was an increase of RM0.50 per piece. When we asked, the “pakcik” smiled and said his supplier had charged him higher because of GST? Heck, isn’t coconut exempted from GST? Well, that depends on whom you ask along the supply chain.
Other Articles That May Interest You …
- Bersih 4.0 Photos – Charming, Cool & Creative Banners And Messages For Najib
- The Outcome Of “Bersih 4.0″ Rally Could Checkmate Najib
- Bersih 4.0 Rally – Here’s Your Survival Kit Checklist
- Najib, Have You Forgotten How British Queen Elizabeth Insulted You?
- Going For Bersih 4.0? Here’s One Apps You Must Install
- A Smokescreen – The Magnificent 20 BN Frogs That Never Were
- How Come The Chinese Always Get The Blames & Beatings?
- Here’s Why Nobody Can Afford A Racial Riot, Including The Police
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August 31st, 2015 by financetwitter

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A poor attempt to guess how Malays think. This is so far-off the mark because you’re trying to gauge the Melayu psyche looking from your Chinese mindset.
Melayu takut? Wrong. Explain 1998 Reformasi demo, and also Bersih 2 turnout dominated by Melayu, despite the climate of fear with the city-wide kl lockdown.
Melayu tidak mampu? Also wrong. Ini bukan soal duit. Setakat cuma bersembang dengan sorang pakcik jual air kelapa, you are already making a summer out of one swallow.
Setakat gertakan dari pihak berkuasa tu, kami sudah lali. Bila hati kami sudah tekad, membujur lalu melintang patah. Patah sayap bertongkat paruh. Masyarakat cina bandar yg rata2nya hidup mengejar duit dan “takut mati”, mungkin sukar memahami nilai2 pemikiran melayu bandar, apatah lagi nilai2 pemikiran melayu kampung?
You are only right on one count.. about PAS absence from this Bersih 3A rally. Cuba tanya kenapa? I give you a clue.. it has to do with DAP’s foul mouth. Ehem ehem.. Langkah Kajang… ehem ehem.. Hudud amendment… 😉
Bonus point: Bersih’s non-partisan image has been tainted. Bersih sudah pandai bersikap berpilih2 dan berpihak2. Bersih lantang dengan SPR, tapi Bersih bisu dengan pemilihan parti PKR. Bersih was also mute about the subversion of democracy in Langkah Kajang.
Try better next time.
thanx anon for your kind comment,
No anwar to provoke Malaysia spring.
-> so, BN should win all 222 seats next election …
Chinese has no political clout.
-> so, DAP should lose all its seats next election …
PAS has always been the numbers party.
-> so, PAS should win all seats currently held by DAP and PKR next election …
Malays value Merdeka day more than yellow crowd.
-> so, future rallies by PAS and other oppositions should be held on eve of Merdeka because police will not act …
Many Malays busy with participation – higher priority.
-> would you be kind enough to list down all the priorities here just to lecture everyone …
Ambiga is tainted so must be backgrounded.
-> in which way was she tainted?
PDRM at a crossroad – big guns “harassed”.
-> care to clarify whose the big guns?
PDRM still nursing a confidence depletion.
-> they actually care about public confidence on them?
cheers …
thanx Melayu Bersih for your kind lecture,
– 1998 Reformasi Demo? Was there any military threat by army chief during those days? As far as I know, there were merely police and FRU …
– Bukan soal duit? Sejak bila aku kata semua Malayu tak pegi pasal duit. Aku hanya kata segelintir, yang low-income macam pakcik tu …
– Hairan, kalau masyarakat Cina bandar hidup mengejar duit dan “takut mati”, kenapa pulak mereka tu tiba2 tak takut military pulak … mungkin kena “rasuk” …
– So, because of Kajang and Hudud, the Malays will vote against DAP and PKR, and support Najib, although with glaring problems such as GST, 1MDB and RM2.6 billion scandals?
No wonder UMNO leaders can repeatedly rape and plunder whatever they want for more than 50-years … Great Mindset!
cheers …
Dear Admin,
What ‘Melayu Bersih’ was trying to say was we Malay don’t like hypocrites. We may not like Najib, but we certainly hate people who keeps putting down our culture and religion. From simple issues like ‘dresscode’ to the implementation of hudud,DAP constantly bring this idea of ‘Islamization’ and speaks as if we try to convert everyone in Malaysia. You wish to change the governemnt, but you choose to ignore the sentiment of the Malay majority; which whether you like it or not is still the main group that formed the electoral votes.
And with BERSIH, you guys really drop the ball on this one.Whose idea to organize the rally on the eve of Merdeka celebration? Don’t you guys have any respect to National Day at all? And why is the need to parade around Dataran Merdeka and its surrounding area. SOGO, Masjid Jamek, Masjid Negara, Jalan TAR are all predominantly visited by Malays during weekend, and yet you people keeps choosing this spot. Why?? To maximize the media attention I presumed. Imagine how the Malays feel about this? Why not do it in Petaling Street, Bukit Bintang, Pavilion etc???
Like it or not, Malaysian politic is still divided by race. Try to accept that first before you talk about change of government etc
thanx Mimi for your opinion,
Do you know why DAP always speak about “Islamization” and the non-Muslim still buy it? Try google how many cases of non-Muslim couples who lost their under-aged children after the kids were forced into Islam, just because one of them chose to embrace Islam.
And the Syariah Court would side with the Muslim-converted, most of the time, for obvious reason. So, can you blame non-Muslim for being suspicious and scared of Hudud? And we haven’t speak about police who refuse to carry Civil Court’s order when the decision does not favour Muslim parent.
Beside child “kidnapping” in broad daylight, there were also abundance example of body snatching, remember?
You may then argue Hudud is only for Muslim? Again, please refer to above example if it’s really true that non-Muslim is not affected one way or another.
Then, you need to amend the Constitution in order for Kelantan to execute Hudud Law. But by amending the Constitution, it also means other states can implement Hudud Law. So, it’s untrue that Hudud is 100% for Muslims only.
And you can’t guarantee 100% there wouldn’t be selective prosecution, can you?
Whose idea was it to held Bersih around Dataran Merdeka? Knock, knock, hellooo, where do you think Bersih 1, 2, 3 were held previously, if not also the same rally points?
Why talk as if Bersih 4.0 is something new? This is the 4th version where the demonstration is conducted at the same places, my dear …
Going by your logic, the Bersih 4.0 will not be “racist” anymore, even with the same composition of participants, if it’s held in Bukit Bintang or Pavilion?
Your last point is valid – Malaysians are still divided by race. The recent Lowyat phone theft fiasco is the best example. So, why even talk about replacing Najib if the Malay are so freaking scare of Chinese, despite the former being the majority?
Perhaps the non-Muslim should just vote for Najib and let him increases the GST every year, siphon RM2.6 billion every year, and robs the Malay of Felda, Kampung Bharu, Tabung Haji and whatnot …
How about that? The non-Muslim is helping by “MEMPERKASAKAN” Melayu Najib son of Razak. Cool huh?
Cheers …
My point exactly. While you think you are doing yourself a great justice, we Malay don’t see it that way. You think Syariah court is injustice, but we think non muslim should not involve in its affair. I’m not talking about what’s right or wrong here, but mainly on perception. If you have a bone to pick with them, do it in the parliment or ask for a better understanding rather than voicing out in the media. I don’t want to get into debate about Hudud, because your already formed a solid opinion on that, and that’s fine. Even some Malay opposition lawmakers who didn’t agree with Hudud kept their mouth shut rather than making noises. Why can’t DAP or non Muslims opposition do the same?
So what if previous rallies were done in Dataran Merdeka? With all these kita lawan rally and free anwar ibrahim rally in SOGO, do you think having it done in that area again will make people happy? How many BERSIH do you guys need to do to understand that Najib won’t quit under pressure. The Malay support for UMNO hasn’t wane in the slightest. Do you know why Mahathir quit in 2003? Because the Malays were angry at that time about the imprisonment of Anwar Ibrahim. Hence the defeat in Terengganu where theylost quite a number of Malay votes. Funny enough it’s the non muslim votes who help BN win during 1999 elections. After Pak Lah step in, the Malays came back to support UMNO.
My third point is basically like what I mentioned in previous comment. Culture and religion trump everything else. Say what you want about 1mdb , gst or corruption, if the opposition failed to create a perception among us on those two issues, you can forget about forming a new government. And please don’t lay the blame on Malay rural as you falks claim to. This is an honest piece. Take it whatever you want.
Noted Mimi,
In conclusion, non-Muslims should just STFU as long as Islam is concerned, no matter how serious it could impact the non-Muslims or even the Muslims themselves. Everyone should take MCA as an example.
In conclusion, Lim Guan Eng was a stupid idiot for defending a Malay-Muslim underaged girl after she was raped by the Malacca Chief Minister, while most Muslims watched from sideline with popcorns. He deserved to be jailed.
In conclusion, there won’t be anymore Bersih because Muslims don’t like it. And since Malays still support UMNO now, the non-Muslims should do the same too. So, the non-Muslims did the right thing after all by supporting BN in 1999, right?
Funny that PAS still couldn’t rule the country since this is the only party with Islam on it. Didn’t you say religion rules over everything? Confusing and Canggih mindset, huh?
Cheers ..
I’m trying to give an honest piece, and you replied it with cynical sarcasm. Nice attitude! Keep doing what you doing if you forever wish to be an opposition. What impact to non-Muslim are you talking about? You accused the Malay of being paranoid, but aren’t you the one who act like one? I failed to see why the rules that only applied to Muslim will have a huge impact to non-Muslim. And worse, you don’t even see the draft changes that PAS made, and you start running around like they will introduce a death penalty anytime soon.
Nice try of bringing that LGE case into our discussion. “Most Muslim watched from sideline with popcorns”. What kind of comment is this?. You sir has just proved my point why we hate DAP so much. Your arrogance in proving that everything else other than your way is wrong is a huge turn off. What makes you different than UMNO then? The former has always known to be arrogant, but you can’t afford to do the same.
My next question is who was the main participant during BERSiH 1.0? It’s the Malay muslim , making up almost 80% of the participants. So stop your nonsense about Malay don’t support any electoral reform. That time, the focus was clear. But what is the objective of this rally? Free anwar, elector reform , Najib to step down? You dont even know what you’re fighting for and you dream to lead this country..
Yes PAS still hasn’t managed to conquer Malaysia, but at least it managed to capture Kelantan for more than 20 years. What can you say about DAP and PKR? Less than a decade and there were many unpleasant things on both states (selangor and penang). Keep putting PAS down, you just fuel the anti-DAP sentiment that’s already there. Isn’t that in your DNA?
This will be my last reply. Talking to you lot is a waste of time since you refused to accept that there are loopholes in your strategies.
Sarcasm? What sarcasm? I was trying to conclude what you’ve wanted so that the stupid DAP knows what had they done wrong. It’s really hard to satisfy you when you don’t even know what you want. You can’t have the best of both worlds, my dear.
Going around in circle will not help you justify Hudud is only for Muslims, if that was what you meant in the first place, when plenty of examples of children and dead body snatching are around.
LGE helped a Muslim-Malay yet you said non-Muslims are arrogant for bringing it up and thus hate DAP? Tell me, when that poor Muslim-Malay underaged girl was raped, why weren’t even half of Muslim-Malay population up in arms demanding for justice? Isn’t that shameful?
Sorry if you still didn’t get it. It’s not about arrogance, but about provocative statement with a hope that people awakes from the UMNO’s racial colonisation – divide and conquer – which seems to be still working.
The fact that you still use the 80% Chinese participation at Bersih as a justification to prove that it was Chinese vs Malays is enough to say where you stand.
Sorry but I don’t believe DAP can lead this country alone. And they knew it, unless you think they are stupid enough not to realise it and “arrogantly” provoke the Malays.
PAS managed to hold on to Kelantan because of Nik Aziz. That’s all. No big deal. They still lost Terengganu and Kedah, didn’t they? And the Malay Johoreans rejected them almost 99%, going by the state seats they’ve won so far.
While you think it’s a waste of time talking to me, I think it’s very productive talking to you. At least I know Najib will become the longest serving prime minister.
TIP!! – UMNO can afford to steal, plunder and even rob the Malays’ treasure simply because it was the same Malays who granted them the license – by creating a “Too Big To Fail” monster.
Cheers …
Something bothering me. Most of the violence act photos up there were Malay, why is that so? The way you act seems like covering a bucket of sh*t yet can be smell even from a mile away.
To Mimi,
You are an idiot.
Your statements are so contradictory, that you are not sure of what is your point really.
In your first post:
“Dear Admin,
What ‘Melayu Bersih’ was trying to say was we Malay don’t like hypocrites. We may not like Najib, but we certainly hate people who keeps putting down our culture and religion. From simple issues like ‘dresscode’ to the implementation of hudud,DAP constantly bring this idea of ‘Islamization’ and speaks as if we try to convert everyone in Malaysia. You wish to change the governemnt, but you choose to ignore the sentiment of the Malay majority; which whether you like it or not is still the main group that formed the electoral votes.
And with BERSIH, you guys really drop the ball on this one.Whose idea to organize the rally on the eve of Merdeka celebration? Don’t you guys have any respect to National Day at all? And why is the need to parade around Dataran Merdeka and its surrounding area. SOGO, Masjid Jamek, Masjid Negara, Jalan TAR are all predominantly visited by Malays during weekend, and yet you people keeps choosing this spot. Why?? To maximize the media attention I presumed. Imagine how the Malays feel about this? Why not do it in Petaling Street, Bukit Bintang, Pavilion etc???
Like it or not, Malaysian politic is still divided by race. Try to accept that first before you talk about change of government etc”
Why is opposing hudud law equals to putting down Islamic culture?
Isn’t it obvious that hudud is a brutal and useless penal law that is incompatible with the current common values of the world?
How can you and who are you to guarantee that hudud wont affect the non muslims once it is in effect? Talk is cheap.
We have seen too many cases where non muslims are charged by religious police of Malaysia just by staying in the same hotel room or even by holding hands in public parks.
So either you really are ignorant or you are really an idiot.
You are off the mark.
Bersih4 facts:
No anwar to provoke Malaysia spring.
Chinese has no political clout.
PAS has always been the numbers party.
Malays value Merdeka day more than yellow crowd.
Many Malays busy with participation – higher priority.
Ambiga is tainted so must be backgrounded.
PDRM at a crossroad – big guns “harassed”.
PDRM still nursing a confidence depletion.
They restrained themselves especially on the eve of Merdeka.
Pakatoon never was without anwar. He has many sponsors.