Ever since the federal government (or rather UMNO) forcefully taken over one of opposition’s states of Perak the de-factor opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim couldn’t afford to smile as much as he used to be. Just like the stock market Anwar was charging like a bull as if the market was experiencing Super Bull-Run after his party PKR together with team-mates of PAS and DAP unexpectedly captured 5 states. For a moment he felt immortal and the reach to the Putrajaya was within sight. However unlike the outgoing Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi, the PM-in-waiting Najib Razak did not waste much time wrestling Perak state from Anwar. It was not many months ago that Najib via another UMNO warlord Muhyddin Yassin successfully forced Abdullah to agree to resign in Mar 2009.
Now it seems the hunter becomes the hunted and vice-versa. And just like the stock market Anwar feels vulnerable and is crawling like a bear while Najib becomes the bull charging like there’s no tomorrow. Suddenly the view of Putrajaya becomes so far away to Anwar while Najib’s wife, Rosmah, began to taste the power of those who walk in the corridors of power. She must have enjoyed herself to the fullest in her appearance in the government-controlled media during the campaign asking for donations for the Gaza. Like her husband Rosmah can smells the aroma of the number-1 seat currently held by Jeanne Abdullah. The clock is ticking and the vision of her being installed as the most powerful woman come this Mar is enough to make her climax, who wouldn’t right?
Unlike PR (Pakatan Rakyat) who managed to win over Perak state through peoples’ vote, BN (Barisan Nasional) used the back-door (intimidation, bribery and threat) in bringing down the Perak government. The last thing on federal government BN’s menu is a state-level snap election not because BN will fail miserably but because the scale of embarrassment could influence the state of Sarawak to deliver important State and Parliament seats to opposition PR coalition. Hence BN would rather play dirty to win battles than to fight like gentlemen. In fact the current dirty politics adopted by BN makes even the former Prime Minister Mahathir disgusted. When a former dictator felt irritated with the dirtiness it goes to show that the current situation is so pathetic that besides skin-color the future leader is comparable to Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe *scary huh?*.
But make no mistake about the current low-standard of leaders who resort to intimidation, barbarian way of take-this-bullet-you-sucker threat, paying top dollars to peeping-tom for nude photos and bribe anyone possible. The PM-in-waiting still has former dictator Mahathir as political-strategy adviser and former Finance Minister Daim Zainuddin as economy-strategy adviser as his left and right hand men. Despite the hiccup in Perak where the powerful Speaker role was forgotten during the coup by BN, it appears the advices from PM-in-waiting’s advisers were to continue with the assault to weaken the Selangor (the most developed state captured by opposition) government.
This time the silver bullets were Selangor chief minister’s “Cows and Car” accusation. And the main actor used is none other than Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief Ahmad Said Hamdan who went beyond his job scope as the head of an independent body by “declaring” that there was strong evidence that Selangor chief minister misused his powers over the maintenance of his personal car and the distribution of 46 cows worth RM110,400 for slaughter during Aidil Adha celebrations in his parliamentary constituency of Bandar Tun Razak last December. If you do not know Ahmad Said he’s the person whose son, Ahmad Shauqi bin Ahmad Said, a former pilot with Malaysia Airline System (KLSE: MAS, stock-code 3786) who was caught importing child pornography when he arrived at Adelaide Airport early last year.
Boy! It was really one big messy battle – short of army’s tanks and submarine BN is basically mobilizing all resources ranging from the police force, judges, sultan, print and electronic media, supposedly independent anti-corruption commission and election commission, nation’s coffer, jobless Mat Rempits and peeping Tom in their effort to cripple the opposition from taking over the federal government possibly by next general election. Its’ do or die kind of war in this country of less than 30 million population. Amazingly the once proud and arrogant UMNO is now panic and has sent its senior lawyer together with several politicians to London seeking Queen’ Counsel helps to combat the latest constitutional crisis. Huh? still couldn’t get enough of colonialism? One wonders what happens to the brightest team of lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, Attorney General Gani Patail, Justice S. Augustine Paul and other have-money-will-sell-souls top-brains.
Sure, AG Patail has led his team to the defeat of Pulau Batu Puteh’s sovereignty to Singapore but that was because the International Court of Justice has 16-judges. It wasn’t Patail fault that the judges couldn’t be “persuaded” to swing the decision in favor of Malaysia. I’m willing to bet all my fortunes that if 3-local-judges led by Augustine Paul were to hear the Perak Constitution Crisis dispute; BN should have an easy victory over the opposition. Heck, I’m sure that Speaker V.Sivakumar would be crying arguing his case when Muhammad Shafee Abdullah opens his mouth in court. We’re talking about top brains here dude so it doesn’t make any sense for the government running helter-skelter booking tickets for the trip to London. You meant those foreign Queens’s Counsel knows better than Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, Gani Patail or S. Augustine Paul about the country’s constitution? Simply unbelievable that UMNO is reduced to such a pathetic situation that they’ve chickened away to London and is begging Queen’s Counsel for help!
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February 22nd, 2009 by financetwitter

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Sad to see this great nation Malaysia administered by the British Tuans, then handed over to the Malaysian TUANS under Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra & his Malaysian cabinet of TRUE TUANS managing the system of Wesminster style Democracy & with the Rule of Law in 1957, getting "Hijacked & Betrayed" by the "Elite UMNO Ketetuanan BEGGARS" in 1969….some of those are still "Alive, Kicking & Mentoring ALL the New Ketetuanan Beggar Wannabes"
To be a Public figure, one must be established, sincere, honest, credible, transparent & above board – should be opened to scrutinization like in the US.
Many of our Leaders today have "skeletons" of their past in their closets (some have their family's baggages as well!), so how can they be "Honourable" to carry out their duties diligently without "Fear or favour", even after taking an "Oath" to the King/Sultan/the nation & rayaat."
With their "Gutter Politics & Law of the Jungle" ala "Kindergarten style"….Ultimately they will "Buckle" under pressure.
Desperate People, at Desperate Times, will RESORT to Desperate Henious Actions even if it means "Destroying" his "Honourable Family Legacy", his Party, His Own Kind, this country & its Many People !
How "Desperate" & "Pathetic" can our PM wannabe get to be, to CONTINUE pursueing this "FUTILE" Perak "Hung Exco" issue when the logical would be to "dissolve" the assembly.
We are witnessing the Desperate PM wannabe "Gutter Politics & Law of the Jungle" vs the Perak Mentri Besar Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin's courage, integrity and mental clarity in the face of grave adversity.
He has "lost the Plot" completely & "blown" his last "Trump card" to be the incoming UMNO President.
This son of our 2nd PM has now "Destroyed" his own Malay, Muslim Hadhari party UMNO beyond "Redemption"
Remember “What goes round, will come round to these Desperate UMNO Ketetuanan Beggars” SOON.
All our prayers to God Almighty seeking “Truth, Justice, Freedom & Equality” will be answered.
Every new day will be another “New Revelation” to reveal the “Truth” in its Self Destruct motion towards its “Demise”.
Just give them enough rope to “Hang” themselves at every turn in their “Final” chapter.
I think there’s nothing wrong with seeking QC’s service since our constitutions were written by the British in the first place.
It’s actually a good sign that UMNO is doing so as it shows their legal teams are pessimistic or unsure themselves.
It will be a great news if and when the QCs concur that they don’t have a strong case. Then maybe PR can also enlist QCs help to win the case in court!
Dear Anonymous 6:42:00 PM,
With PR at 28, BN at 28 & 3 "Frogs" neither here or there (Hung Assembly).
How "Desperate" & "Pathetic" can our PM wannabe get to be, to CONTINUE pursueing this "FUTILE" Perak "Hung Exco" issue when the logical would be to "dissolve" the assembly.
Someone on another Blog quoted his "Corporate" experience in seeking a British QC's advise on some "Legal Interpretations" ended up having to pay the QC BP400,000 (RM2,000,000)for a 2 page "Explainatory Document"!
Why would PR waste its funds for this futile exercise !
Do you think this amount will be paid by UMNO or is it our Tax money again !
With our "very" Senior Legal & Constitutional experts both within the BN gomen & in the Malaysian Bar Council's/ University Academician's List have already given their views "In the Best Interest" of the Politicians, the State, its citizens & the nation.
If BN is a "Gentleman" & "Magnamous" in its "Democracy & Rule of Law"…then why CONTINUE pursueing this "FUTILE" Perak "Hung Exco" issue.
Remember with the situation now…BN at 24 and PR at 28, should the Sultan now concede that PR is now the eligible government…with the BN wannabe government now asked to step down?
It is a "Crisis" in Perak now "By Choice" of the UMNO/BN & not PR or the rayaat.
Our courts are now having "Nightmares" with all the UMNO/BN charades & Police reports to last another 3 years – yes costing Millions of Ringgits of our tax money!
This is UMNO/BN Politics ala "Kindergarten" style….
My friend lives near MB’s residence and he jogs every morning within the posh area. One day, a road sweeper whom he chats quite often, asked my friend if he knew what time did the MB go out this morning.
What do you get from this ? Big Brother is watching you !