

10 Sex Partners and Still Make Money – Tiger Woods

Is the money the root of all evil? But money is just a tool so people who said so were actually covering their weaknesses of greed, envy and whatnot. Money normally comes with fame and when you have both the money and fame you would somehow destroy it simply because you would start doing stupid […]

... written on Sep 06 2010

MCA’s Leadership to Change – minus a Ministry?

Corruption and racial politics are two main top ala-cartes on the ruling government’s menu headed by UMNO. These two authentic cuisines are so delicious that after 52-year of independence they (corruption and racial politics) are still being practiced by the ruling BN government. Just like in the stock market whereby the stock prices are determined […]

... written on Sep 07 2009

Malaysia a Paradise of Scandals – from Sex to Stadium

Amazing, isn’t it? Just when you thought the dust has settled another surprise, or rather scandal, appears and screaming for your attention. Unlike BMF scandal that saw a whooping RM2.5 billion vaporized into thin air back in 1980s the same cannot be said about PKFZ’s scandal which has eaten RM7.453 billion of taxpayers’ money and […]

... written on Jun 03 2009

PKFZ’s RM12 Billion Scandal – Where’re the Sharks?

PKFZ (Port Klang Free Zone) scandal is perhaps the biggest scandal the country ever had so far from the legacy of former premier Mahathir Mohamad since the BMF scandal, that’s if you ignore the Central Bank’s losses from the foreign exchange speculation. BMF (Bumiputra Malaysia Finance Ltd) scandal involved losses of about RM2.5 billion (that’s […]

... written on May 30 2009

May 13th Anniversary – the same Power Crazy Politicians

Would it be too cruel to say “I told you so” now that the Court of Appeal granted the so-called illegitimate Chief Minister Zambry a stay of execution on the High Court ruling yesterday that the so-called legitimate Chief Minister Nizar was the rightful Menteri Besar (Chief Minister) of Perak? From a state that fall […]

... written on May 13 2009

Al Capone of Broadcom, he did it in the wrong country

There was a saying that two Malaysian could not outsmart one Singaporean; four Singaporean could not outsmart one Hongkies (Hong Kong) and four Hongkies could not outsmart one Chinese (China). I’m not sure about Chinese against American or Jewish though and please, there’s no racial element in the statement. Take it as a joke if […]

... written on Jun 06 2008

MPs grill Maybank CEO – let the worms come wriggling

Even if Maybank or some other hidden hands in this matter would eventually pull it through, the real reasons for paying exorbitant price for Indonesian PT Bank Internasional Indonesia (JAK: BNII) should be revealed to the public especially the stock investors. At least investors who are thinking of going into the river of Maybank be […]

... written on May 30 2008

Mahathir quits UMNO, so what? It’s Lingam-Gate diversion

Almost all the local news media be it government-controlled electronic or print media and bloggers screamed “Mahathir quits UMNO”. Should this former prime minister and dictator’s decision be given such a coverage? Perhaps his decision to quit was the hottest news so far hence the front-page privilege. Seriously I would only be surprise if he […]

... written on May 19 2008

Why celebrity blogger RPK chickened out from prison?

The hottest news circulating the blogosphere is definitely the U-turn decision by Malaysia-Today editor Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) to post bail after refused to do so earlier despite over RM44,000 collected via online campaign. He has chosen to sleep on cool and hard concrete floor inside the jail instead of walk out a free-man, well, […]

... written on May 09 2008

Pricey RHB Bank? ADBC is an Angel compared to Maybank

Do you think RHB Capital (KLSE: RHBCAP, stock-code 1066) which owns Malaysia’s fourth largest bank, RHB Bank, worth RM7.20 a share? Of course if you’re one of the season stock players who punted and screamed with joy before the 1997-1998 Asia Economic Crisis, you might think RM7.20 is chicken-feed compared to over RM20.00 a share […]

... written on May 08 2008

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