
Finance and Economy

Told You So!! – PM Anwar Finally Admits The Influence Of Jews-Linked BlackRock In Financial System & Stock Market `

BlackRock was founded in 1988 by Laurence Fink, Robert Kapito and Susan Wagner. An American multinational investment company which does not discriminate, it invests in everything under the Sun that makes money – from fossil fuels to Chinese People’s Liberation Army. It does not care about climate change or gun violence, let alone human rights […]

... written on Jun 23 2024

Malaysia Joining BRICS – Why It’s A Smart Move To Join The Bloc For Trade, Economic & Geopolitical Benefits

China has been Malaysia’s crucial partner since 2009, with total trade last year hitting RM450.84 billion (US$95.65 billion). Although trade with China fell by 7.3% in 2023, China continued to be Malaysia’s largest trading partner for 15 consecutive years, commanding 17.1% share of Malaysia’s total trade. In comparison, the U.S.-Malaysia commerce declined by 6.5% to […]

... written on Jun 20 2024

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly Of Diesel Subsidy Cut – Beware Of RM4 Billion Savings Plundered By Opposition PN

Until the diesel subsidy was scrapped beginning June 10, the country had to spend RM14.5 billion annually on the subsidy. Minister of Finance II Amir Hamzah Azizan said diesel subsidies cost Malaysia RM1 billion a month, while losses from leakages or smuggling amount to a staggering RM4.5 million every day. The cut would save the […]

... written on Jun 15 2024

Earn RM15 Just To Like YouTube Videos – Here’s How To Identify Red Flags Of The SCAM During Current Bad Economy

From RM12 just to follow a TikTok creator to RM15 just to like a YouTube channel, you can earn easy money by doing some very simple jobs. To the gullible users, these appear to be a heaven-sent opportunity to get rich very quickly. They somehow believe this is a social media hype job, which pays […]

... written on Jun 10 2024

From Kingdom Of Bicycles To Automaker Giant – Why Western Automakers Are In Trouble As China Shows Them The Exit

Once considered a luxury, bicycles were introduced in China about 150 years ago. But after a bicycle-manufacturing factory was set up in Tianjin in 1936, it quickly grew to meet the increasing demand. At one time, China was known as the “kingdom of bicycles” because it had a mind-boggling 670 million bicycles – the largest […]

... written on Jun 08 2024

3 Million Rush To Withdraw RM5.52 Billion – Either People Still In Financial Distress Or Digging A Bigger Hole In EPF

Between May 11 and May 22, the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) approved a whopping 3.04 million applications from contributors to withdraw part of their retirement money from Account 3 to the tune of RM5.52 billion. Within the same period, it has received 2.86 million applications to transfer RM8.78 billion from Account 2 (Akaun Sejahtera) to […]

... written on May 30 2024

Average American Credit Card Debt Surpass $6,500 – Consumers So Broke McDonald’s May Re-introduce $5 Meal

Regardless whether you belonged to Baby Boomers (born from 1946 to 1964), Generation X (born from 1965 to 1980) or Millennials (born from 1981 to 1996), you can’t run away from something called credit card debt. Consumers love using credit cards, but at the same time hate paying off outstanding debt. Credit card debt is […]

... written on May 14 2024

A Racist KFC-Wannabe Doomed To Fail – DFC Should Improve Malay Proficiency First Before Insulting Chinese As “Type C”

If DarSa Fried Chicken (DFC) is trying to replace Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), it should close shop now before it goes bust. Chances are it will fail miserably. Even before the local restaurant could make profits, it has already violated all business ethics. It is not price competitive, does not respect customers, promote racism and […]

... written on May 09 2024

Record 13% Pay Hike For Civil Servants – Get Ready For Subsidy Cuts, Skyrocketing Inflation And Even Recession

In a desperate effort to buy votes, especially from fellow Malay Muslims of whom 80% did not vote for Anwar Ibrahim in the last November 2022 General Election, the Malaysian Prime Minister announced a record hike in civil servants’ salary of more than 13%. He bragged on Labour Day that the RM10 billion allocations is […]

... written on May 07 2024

Blinken Sent Home With Tail Between Legs – How His Second Visit To China Ended With Disaster

Antony Blinken’s visit – his second to China is less than a year – is the clearest proof that the U.S. Secretary of State was sent to beg the Chinese again. But as expected, nothing can be achieved from such visits as long as Washington arrogantly thinks it could tell Beijing what China can or […]

... written on Apr 30 2024

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