
Credit Card

Financial Services Market Research

Financial managements deal with tons of money management strategies. Some of the companies that involve financial management are credit card companies, credit unions, banks, brokerage, consumer finance, insurance suppliers, and investment funds.  These financial service companies are regularly audited and regulated. Financial Services also produce market reports that are very helpful in the research industry. […]

... written on May 21 2019

U.S. The Poor Rich Country – Half Of Americans Will Plunge Into Financial Crisis If Missed More Than 1 Paycheck

Some 87% of Americans don’t consider themselves rich (or poor), despite making at least US$90,000 a year. The survey done by YouGov essentially means people would only start to consider themselves “rich” when they make at least US$90,000 (£70,560; RM375,800) annually. In general, people earning US$90,000 feel they exist in the middle zone.   However, […]

... written on May 17 2019

Here’s How Much Cash Billionaires Bill Gates & Warren Buffett Carry In Their Wallets

Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are good buddies. Both are billionaires – Gates is the world’s second richest man (Forbes: US$101.7 billion) while Buffett the third richest man (Forbes: US$89.2 billion). Although Gates owns just over 1% of shares in Microsoft, the software company he founded with Paul Allen in 1975, he remains a board […]

... written on May 01 2019

We Know What You Did In Hawaii – As Najib Golfs With Obama, Rosmah Splurges RM500,000 On Chanel

The date April 3, 2019 was supposed to be a sentimental and meaningful day for Najib Razak. There would be a huge party to celebrate his premiership, had he not been defeated in the last May general election. It would be his “10th Anniversary” in office as the Prime Minister of Malaysia, the most powerful […]

... written on Apr 04 2019

5 Fast Business Loan Options To Overcome Cash Gaps

Small businesses often require influxes of money at short notice. Sometimes they cannot survive 3 to 4 weeks to secure a traditional business loan. As a small business owner, you may wonder how you can secure a business loan in a matter of days or hours. Fortunately, there are many quicker alternatives to traditional business […]

... written on Jan 22 2019

Debt Repayment Guide: Everything You Need To Know About Repaying Loans

Sometimes life can be unbearable without taking loans to bail one out of financial constraints. From buying a new home, buying prime property, paying school fees to doing other things, debts are like fire. They can help you survive through the wildest moments in your life, yet, can also consume your confidence and conscience bit […]

... written on Sep 21 2018

JPMorgan Chase ATMs Go Cardless – Plastic Card No Longer Needed To Get Cash

Everyone should have experienced at least once where we need to withdraw cash but have forgotten the plastic card – ATM card. Get real, despite the so-called cashless society and internet banking, the cash is here to stay. JPMorgan Chase has become the latest bank to embrace a cardless society – you don’t need your […]

... written on Aug 03 2018

Goldman Sachs – Party Is Over, Stock Market Correction Coming In Months

As the U.S. Treasury Department announced on Monday that it expects to borrow US$441 billion in the current January-March quarter, the largest amount in 8 years, more bad news comes in. The DJIA (Dow Jones Industrial Average) plunged 177.23 points, its biggest drop of 2018 after the 10-year treasury yield shot higher above 2.7% to reach its […]

... written on Jan 30 2018

Trump Brings Best Christmas In U.S. History – $800 Billion Sales By MasterCard

You may not like his big mouth. You may not like his provocative tweets. You may not like his funny hairstyle. Heck, you may not even like that he has a gorgeous wife. But by now, it’s hard to deny that Donald Trump is good for business. For close to a year, the U.S. president […]

... written on Dec 27 2017

Learn How to Retire on Social Security Alone

Lately, many have started to wonder and worry if they’ve saved up enough for retirement. This is understandable, as the cost of living in the U.S. has started to increase while earnings often remain the same. While you should most certainly make an effort to save up for retirement, know that it’s entirely possible to […]

... written on Aug 19 2017

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