

Where To Get The Cheapest Beers? What’s The Best Selling Beer Brands?

Beer drinkers take note – beer is good for you because it keeps your kidney healthy and it’s good for digestion, not to mention full of vitamins – B1, B2, B6 and B12. Beer also makes your bones stronger and reduces risk of heart attack. Heck, you should take barrels of beer if you fancy […]

... written on Jun 30 2014

Here’re 9 Ways Tobacco Companies Make Cigarettes More Deadly

Smoking is a big business. Quitting smoking is an even bigger business. According to the American Cancer Society, the average smoker spends US$1,500 a year on tobacco products – representing at least 3% of the average American’s income. Needless to say, major tobacco companies are laughing all the way to the bank, every year.   The […]

... written on Jun 25 2014

Big Mac Index – Cheapest Places To Buy Your Burgers

U.S. fast-food workers went on strike on Thursday, targeting fast-food restaurant operators such as McDonald’s, Wendy’s, KFC and Burger King. They are seeking wages of US$15 an hour and the right to unionize without retaliation. At present, some are earning US$8.60 an hour while others are getting US$10 an hour. On the other hand fast-food […]

... written on May 17 2014

15 Fast Food Restaurants You Wish Would Come Here

When the time is tough, people tends to go out for food especially fast-food restaurants. Unless you’ve an army family to feed, sometimes it’s more economical to eat outside rather than cook on your own. The reason is pretty easy – raw ingredients are getting expensive regardless whether it’s chicken, beef, fish, vegetables or sugar. […]

... written on Dec 27 2013

Budget 2014: Sugar & GST – Newly Found Cash Cows

I had my breakfast at my favourite Mamak restaurant today. A piece of Roti Kosong, Nasi Lemak bungkus and Teh Tarik kurang manis totalled RM3.70, the same price as before the 2014 Budget last Friday. It’s my favourite Mamak hangout because this is perhaps the last place on earth that will increase its prices after […]

... written on Oct 28 2013

Fuel Prices Hike – Can You Blame PM Najib Alone?

When former prime minister Abdullah Badawi did the unthinkable back in June 2008 by hiking the fuel price (RON97) by a whopping 40.62% from RM1.92 a liter to RM2.70 a liter, all hell breaks loose. It was such a huge screw-up that Badawi administration had to pacify angry Malaysians by “reimbursing” RM625 cash rebate for […]

... written on Sep 09 2013

How to Get Back Your Genneva Gold and Money – 10 Things To Do

As many as 35,000 investors and up to a whopping RM10 billion of investment were sucked into Genneva Malaysia Gold Scheme. The problem – Genneva Malaysia’s liabilities exceeded its assets. That was what Awang Adek Hussin, Malaysia Deputy Finance Minister, claimed couple of days ago. Considering PM Najib Razak is the Finance Minister himself, this […]

... written on Nov 08 2012

Genneva Gold – Another Collapsing Ponzi Scam?

Charles Ponzi was a genius, without realizing it himself. Born in Italy, he became famous in the early 1920s. He promised clients a 50% profit within 45 days, or 100% profit within 90 days, by buying discounted postal reply coupons in other countries and redeeming them at face value in the United States as a […]

... written on Oct 11 2012

FGVH IPO – What You Should Know Before Investing

Unlike the era of the 1990s, thanks largely to 1993’s Super Bull Run, you can’t expect to make easy money at IPOs tables nowadays. During the good old days, making 100% profits via IPO was a normal story. Heck, you would probably get laughed at for trumpeting 100% profits. Even if you were very “Sui” […]

... written on Jun 12 2012

15 World’s Biggest Gold Reserves Cheering Record Price

Spot gold surge ro record high of $1,878 an ounce for a third consecutive session on Monday. Heck, when was the last time the gold ever did a serious pullback? You can actually bet last penny that the gold will hit $2,000 an ounce, easily and surely. The U.S. economy is in a mess (again) […]

... written on Aug 22 2011

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