There is a difference between a smart copycat and a dumb copycat. While both types of copycats imitate because they have nothing original to offer, savvy imitators make huge profits. The stupid imitators, meanwhile, will end up with defective products. Smart imitators save tons of money in R&D, marketing and advertising costs by selecting the right model to imitate.
Clearly, when the lucky Ismail Sabri was suddenly elevated as the prime minister, he wasn’t prepared to lead the country. He’s an accidental prime minister, being in the right place at the right time. So, he copies everything, from the mind-boggling Cabinet size, to the same clueless and incompetent faces of former ministers and deputy ministers.
Heck, even the structure of the Cabinet was copied from the previous Muhyiddin backdoor government. He didn’t have to burn midnight oil and spend time with advisers to think of his Cabinet. Besides surrounding himself with corrupt, sex maniacs and useless apply polishers, the prime minister probably doesn’t have a team of top brains as his advisers or strategists.
But why should PM Ismail Sabri need his own team of advisers when he’s nothing but a proxy or puppet of Muhyiddin Yassin? The “turtle egg” man probably thought as long as he does not rock the boat, and retains the previous backdoor government model, including constantly seek advice and blessing from his Minister Mentor Muhyiddin, he should be safe.
It was bad enough that the clueless Sabri blindly copied and recycled the same bloated 70 ministries and deputy ministries (including the prime minister) of his predecessor, including the similar design of four Senior Ministers without the Deputy Prime Minister. And now, he announced the reappointment of three more dead woods into his incompetent administration.
With the inclusion of PAS president Hadi Awang as Special Envoy to the Middle East, Tiong King Sing as Special Envoy to China and Richard Riot as Special Envoy to East Asia, all of them enjoy the same rank as federal ministers, the prime minister has completed the jigsaw puzzle – the same super bloated 73 ministers and deputy ministers. Congratulations!!
If Ismail Sabri is trying to make voters angry with his own party, UMNO (United Malays National Organisation), because he plans to jump ship to Muhyiddin’s Bersatu party, he has done an excellent job. The best part is, neither UMNO president Zahid Hamidi or former PM Najib Razak, could say anything against the reappointments of Hadi, Tiong or Richard.
Even if Mr Sabri was too lazy or incapable to think due to his lack of intellectual skills, he should not be such a stupid copycat. Did he not realize that one of the reasons people were angry with Muhyiddin regime was the wastage of taxpayers’ money on unnecessary portfolios like Special Envoy to certain region that could be better served by something called Ambassadors?
Turtle-egg Sabri should justify and explain to the people what the special envoys, especially Terrorist Hadi and Mafia Tiong, had done in their 17 months tenure under Muhyiddin. What are the value propositions or justifications to reappoint them again when they were basically sitting on their hands, blindly collecting basic salary of RM27,227 every month, excluding other perks?
During Muhyiddin administration, Parliament was told Abdul Hadi Awang’s job as special envoy to the Middle East with a ministerial status was to help and advise the prime minister in ways that would enhance Malaysia’s interests, including exploring opportunities for Malaysia to benefit from good diplomatic relations with Middle East nations.
But there’s still one huge unsolvable problem. Mr Hadi Awang is a “terrorist” by virtue of him as one of the four vice-presidents of Qatar-based International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), an organization which Saudi Arabia – the de-facto leader of the Middle East and the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) – has banned and categorised as a “terrorist organization”.
In fact, when former PM Muhyiddin made his four-day official visit to Saudi in March this year, Abdul Hadi was excluded in the delegation. Exactly what type of Special Envoy to the Middle East that could not even travel to the kingdom of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques? Yes, it was a humiliation of the highest order because both Saudi and UAE had declined to grant Hadi a visa.
Till the day Muhyiddin resigned, it was still a mystery as to why he had refused to bring Special Envoy Hadi along for the free trip to Saudi, despite the title suggests that the PAS supremo was influential enough to represent Malaysia not only in Saudi, but also the entire Middle East region. Hilariously, the government did not deny that Hadi has been blacklisted in the region due to his terrorist links.
If a special envoy cannot step his foot on Saudi soil, why should he be reappointed again to the same region? What types of special tasks that Hadi can do that the Ambassador of Malaysia to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cannot perform? How could he explore opportunities for Malaysia, let alone enhance diplomatic relations with Middle East nations, when he is banned as a terrorist?
It would make more sense if Hadi is designated as Special Envoy to Afghanistan. Along with his son, Hadi has been singing songs of praise for the Talibans. Obviously, there is a job mismatch. A man with Hadi’s skill set is highly in demand to turn Afghanistan into Kelantan. If he is as holy as he claims to be, he should jump at the next available flight to Kabul.
In the same breath, why was Tiong King Sing reappointed as Special Envoy to China when he was as useless as Hadi Awang during the previous 17 months in the same capacity? Even though Tiong’s Democratic Party has only 2 seats, lame duck PM Sabri appears to be too afraid to offend the corrupt politician because his fragile government has only razor-thin 4 seat majority.
Still, how could a leader of a party with only 2 Member of Parliaments be given a ministerial position? The simple fact that Ismail Sabri, like his predecessor Mahiaddin, had to “kowtow” to a corrupt mafia boss like Tiong speaks volumes about how weak a leader he is. The turtle-egg man must explain what Tiong had done to deserve the special envoy position.
Mr. Tiong, also known as the Mafia Bintulu, became a billionaire when he sold his Kuala Dimensi’s 1,000 acres (4.0 km2) of Pulau Indah land to Port Klang Authority for a cool RM1.8 billion, the same land he had bought for only RM95 million, thanks to his connection with Mr. Wee Ka Siong. The PKFZ soon exploded into a RM12 billion scandal due to cost overruns and financial irregularities.
Likewise, the prime minister cannot justify the reappointment of Richard Riot as Special Envoy to Japan, South Korea and Taiwan when Malaysia already has Embassy and Consulates in all those countries. More importantly, Richard, Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP) deputy president, did not bring any benefits to the country as special envoy during Muhyiddin era.
It’s laughable that the prime minister said all ministries have been given 100 days to prove their performance. Exactly what could the old clueless and incompetent ministers and special envoys do in 100 days when they had failed to do anything in more than 500 days (17 months)? Perhaps this is what PM Sabri meant when he rhetorically introduced his concept of “Keluarga Malaysia”.
The dubious “Keluarga Malaysia” (Malaysia Family) isn’t about preserving the harmony among multireligious, multiethnic and multicultural Malaysians, but rather to preserve the same family of crooks, extremists and racists to enable them to enrich themselves at the expense of poor Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans, Dusuns, Muruts, Bajaus, Bidayuhs, Orang Ulus, Melanaus, Ibans, Dayaks and others.
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September 2nd, 2021 by financetwitter

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