Every billionaire has been telling college graduates to study AI (Artificial Intelligence). From Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates to Oracle of Omaha Warren Buffett, they warned that AI is the new career where students should seriously venture. In essence, Gates says that people with three backgrounds – science, engineering and economics – will be the most in-demand.
Like it or not, technology is killing jobs. Automation and AI will continue to eliminate jobs by the thousands. Adding salt to injury, the probability of finding a job declines the longer one is unemployed. Of course, if you don’t mind, there are high-paying jobs that don’t require a college degree such as plumbers, sales, makeup artists and mechanics – depends on the country you live in.
But if you’re open to suggestion and looking for a new glamorous career, not only should you get training as a pilot, you should move to Asia too. It’s no brainer that one should go to where the demands are. So, if you’re an existing pilot and not happy with your employment, you can consider packing your bags and leave for Asia.
According to U.S. aircraft manufacturer Boeing, Asia Pacific region will see the greatest demand for pilots, technicians and cabin crew. In fact, over the next 20 years, the region will account for more than one-third of global demand. The region is projected to account for 33% of the global need for pilots, 34% for technicians and 36% for cabin crew.
While other surveys from non-aviation agencies have been misleading in the past, this forecast from Boeing should be the next best advice you should listen to. That’s because this forecast is closely tied to projections for new airplane deliveries around the globe. Boeing reveals that 40% of all new passenger airplane deliveries in the next 20 years will be delivered to airlines in the Asia Pacific region.
What does this all mean? It simply means planeloads of jobs in the aviation sector. Boeing estimates the following new jobs – 240,000 pilots, 242,000 technicians and 317,000 cabin crew – will be required across Asia by 2037. That’s a mind-boggling 800,000 new hiring. Following is the projected demand for new pilots, technicians and cabin crew in the region:
- China: 128,500 pilots; 126,750 technicians; 147,250 cabin crew
- Southeast Asia: 48,500 pilots; 54,000 technicians; 76,250 cabin crew
- South Asia: 42,750 pilots; 35,000 technicians; 43,250 cabin crew
Obviously, China will lead the boom in the job market for pilots, technicians and cabin crew. The Chinese require slightly more than half (50%) of the 800,000 new hiring projected. This follows by Southeast Asia (178,750 jobs) and South Asia (121,000 jobs). The latest projections place pressure on an industry that is already struggling with a pilot shortage and training bottlenecks.
Boeing’s “2018-2037 Pilot and Technician Outlook” report also estimated the world’s commercial airline industry will require 635,000 new pilots, 622,000 maintenance technicians and 858,000 cabin crew members over the next 20 years in response to a doubling of the fleet and record demand for air travel.
The report from Boeing included, for the first time, the helicopter tourism and business aviation markets. When added, Asia’s demand increases to 261,000 pilots, 257,000 technicians and 321,000 cabin crew. That’s a total of 839,000 jobs. The hiring spree is expected to breathe new life into the aviation industry as pilots from the baby boomer generation are set to retire.
The new jobs are primarily for commercial airlines although it’s believed the demand from private luxury jets is expected to grow as well. “Strong demand for pilots in the region continues, and we expect that this will continue for the next several years,” – said Keith Cooper, vice president of Training & Professional Services for Boeing Global Services.
However, analysts warn the shortage of pilots puts the aviation industry’s growth at risk. Without pilots, planes are sitting idle. Pilots’ demand for higher salaries will also cut into profits. In countries where there are strong labour unions, such as the UK and France, demands for increased pay and benefits have led to devastating strikes.
For example, an expert industry panel review of the aviation training sector in Australia has found the country was experiencing a severe shortage of aviation personnel, with the situation getting worse. The report also said Australia did not have an aviation training system capable of meeting the requirements of the industry now, or in the years ahead.
As demand outstrips supply, you don’t need a rocket scientist to tell you the next rewarding career is to become a pilot. It will take years, if not decades for robot or artificial intelligence to take over the jobs of a pilot. No matter how much you can automate a commercial flight, you still need at least a pilot on board, just in case. So, go get yourself trained!!
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August 31st, 2018 by financetwitter
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