
Was The U.S. Tricked Into A War On Defenceless & Poor Yemen?

Was The U.S. Tricked Into A War On Defenceless & Poor Yemen?

If World War 3 happens, it might not be limited to the Middle East or South China Sea alone, but rather on both regions simultaneously. As Commander-in-Chief, if President Barack Obama could be persuaded, after a round of spanking by his military advisers, the U.S. is confident they could defeat the [...]
Market To Crash!! - This Chart Says A 1987 Black Monday Could Happen In Days

Market To Crash!! – This Chart Says A 1987 Black Monday Could Happen In Days

After more than doubling from 1982 to 1986, the Black Monday on October 19, 1987 finally sent stock markets around the world crashed. On that fateful day, The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) fell approximately 508 points to 1,738.74 (22.61%). The terms "Black Monday" and "Black Tuesday" ar [...]
WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton's Email - Saudi And Qatar Are Funding Terrorist ISIS

WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton’s Email – Saudi And Qatar Are Funding Terrorist ISIS

Two months ago, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump accused President Barack Obama as founder while Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as co-founder of terror group ISIS. Of course, what Trump meant was both Obama and Clinton were responsible for the rise of the militant group, n [...]
Who's The Devil Now? Saudi Slaughters Over 140 Funeral Mourners

Who’s The Devil Now? Saudi Slaughters Over 140 Funeral Mourners

Majority of Muslim countries that subscribe to Saudi Arabia's version of Wahhabism dare not publish this piece of news, more so if they receive millions of dollars in aid from the wealthy kingdom every year. It was the same denial on the discovery that Wahhabism as the main source of global terroris [...]
Forget Syrian War, A Saudi-Iran War Could Spark World War 3

Forget Syrian War, A Saudi-Iran War Could Spark World War 3

Will there ever be a World War 3? That's a trillion dollar question everyone has been asking, and not many believe there would be one. If you're looking at a World War 3 as an extension of World War 2, then obviously it would not happen simply because it would involve the unleashing of nuclear weapo [...]
Rosmah's Admirer - Irina Bokova - Fails To Get UN Secretary-General Job

Rosmah’s Admirer – Irina Bokova – Fails To Get UN Secretary-General Job

She received 7 "encourage" votes and 7 "discourage" votes. As the highest-placed woman candidate, UNESCO Chief Irina Bokova was a favourite to become the first woman secretary-general of United Nations. However, the Bulgarian politician who recently caught in a "Lead by Example" Award fiasco only fi [...]
Swiss A.G. - Najib's 1MDB Scammed At Least $800 Million Using

Swiss A.G. – Najib’s 1MDB Scammed At Least $800 Million Using “Ponzi Scheme”

The Swiss attorney general’s office seems to be very frustrated. About 10 months ago in January, the Swiss authority revealed it suspected that about US$4 billion has been misappropriated from “Malaysian state companies.” The attorney general’s office also said they have discovered at least [...]
Checkmate - Russia Sends New Weapon

Checkmate – Russia Sends New Weapon “S-300V4 Gladiator” To Syria

What's it like playing chess with Obama? - asks a top official of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Putin replies - “It’s like playing chess with a pigeon. First it knocks over all the pieces, then it shits on the board, and finally it struts around like it won.” That was, of course, a popula [...]

“Battle Of Aleppo” – Russia Challenges U.S. To A War … If Obama Dares

As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Aleppo was Syria's largest city with a population of 2.5 million people. That was in early 2011 before the conflict starts. The Syrian Civil War started in March 2011. But it wasn't until 19 July, 2012 that the Battle of Aleppo officially began. And since then hundre [...]
Here's Everything About Deutsche Bank Crisis - And Why Merkel Would

Here’s Everything About Deutsche Bank Crisis – And Why Merkel Would “Quietly Bailout” Her Bank

Deutsche Bank, a 146-year-old bank employing more than 100,000 employees is like JPMorgan Chase to the U.S. and Maybank to Malaysia. As Germany's biggest lender, the "German Bank", as Deutsche Bank literally means, is perceived to be too big to fail. But that was exactly what financial experts told [...]


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