

As Ringgit Free Fall To RM4.56, India’s Latest Rice Export Ban Is Set To Hit The Country Even More

India is the world’s top rice exporter, accounting for 41% of the global rice trade. Its total rice exports in the world last year (2021) reached 21.5 million tonnes – more than the total shipment from the next four biggest exporters – Thailand, Vietnam, Pakistan and the United States – combined. Rice is the staple […]

... written on Sep 20 2022

Zelensky Sacked 5 Ambassadors – Panicked Over U.S. & Allies Incapability To Sustain Current Level Of Support

Zelensky has just sacked Ukraine’s ambassador to Germany, India, Norway, Hungary and Czech Republic. The stunning mass firing has raised eyebrows because one of the envoys – Andriy Melnyk – had served in Germany for 7 years. No explanation was offered for the dismissal, but Zelensky has urged his diplomats to drum up international support […]

... written on Jul 11 2022

Jihad Task Force Against Inflation – Bro, That’s Overkilled Even By Arab Standard

Unelected backdoor Prime Minister Ismail Sabri could easily keep his job after the next 15th General Election – by playing dumb and delay the election till Najib Razak is sent to jail and Zahid Hamidi is convicted. His biggest and immediate threat – Najib and Zahid – must be neutralized if the turtle-egg man does […]

... written on Jul 01 2022

Trapped In RM80 Billion Subsidy – A Result Of “Ketuanan Melayu” Racist Policy, Corruption & Nepotism

Finance Minister Tengku Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz said the subsidy bill for this year (2022) is expected to hit RM77.3 billion – the largest in the history of Malaysia. The subsidy included petrol, diesel, liquefied petroleum gas (RM37.3 billion), cooking oil (RM4 billion), flour and electricity (RM9.7 billion), Bantuan Keluarga Malaysia (BKM) (RM11.7 billion), and […]

... written on Jun 27 2022

BN Govt’s Special Gifts For The People – RM100 Cash With Conditions To Hike Prices Of Cooking Oil, Chicken & Egg, Electricity

Congratulation is in order for voters who had voted for the UMNO-led Barisan Nasional in the recent Melaka and Johor state elections. In appreciation to both Barisan Nasional supporters (especially UMNO supporters) and non-supporters, Prime Minister Ismail Sabri has prepared a magnificent gift – RM100 cash aid for B40 households and RM50 for single individuals. […]

... written on Jun 23 2022

Recession Inevitable – Federal Reserve May Slap 0.75% Rate Hike To Trigger A Recession To Try Fix Its Own Screw-Up

By now, it’s crystal clear that the Federal Reserve isn’t always right. The Fed, the most powerful economic institution in the United States or even the world, has two jobs – keep inflation under control and maximize employment. To do that, its core responsibilities include setting interest rates, managing the money supply, and regulating financial […]

... written on Jun 13 2022

Roti Canai & Teh Tarik To Cost More Next Month – Here’s Why The Cost Of Living Will Be Worse If Najib’s GST Is Still Here

Finding a piece of “roti canai” or a small glass of “teh tarik” at RM1 each, even in the remotest area is extremely difficult, if not impossible. Roti canai – a piece of round plain flat bread – is essentially one of Malaysia’s favourite dishes that is cheap and good for breakfast, lunch and even […]

... written on May 30 2022

Chicken Crisis – Clueless PM Sabri Should Spend More Time Fixing Food Crisis Than Whining About Malay Language

Have you noticed the size of fried chicken at Kentucky Fried Chicken is smaller than usual? That’s because the chicken shortage has forced the poor birds to be slaughtered earlier in order to meet the local demand. Yes, Malaysia is currently facing the food crisis, and chicken is the latest candidate of food shortage that […]

... written on May 25 2022

How Could This Happen In America? – Parents Run Out Of Baby Formula, Yet The U.S. Approves $40 Billion New Aid For Ukraine

America is facing crises. The land of freedom just saw a “racially motivated” mass shooting at Buffalo supermarket, where a white man went on a shooting spree against the black people. The American Dream also saw how more than US$7 trillion in market value of the blue chip stocks in the S&P 500 has been wiped out […]

... written on May 16 2022

Too Little Too Late – Bank Negara Raises Interest Rate To Rescue Tumbling Ringgit Under Pretext Of Fighting Inflation

As expected, Bank Negara Malaysia (Central Bank of Malaysia) has finally raised its benchmark interest rate by 25 basis points today (May 11). With the increase, the first since the rate reached a record low of 1.75% in July 2020, the effective OPR (overnight policy rate) is now 2.00%. However, at the same time, the […]

... written on May 11 2022

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