

Rice Crisis! – How Bernas Profits From The People And Why It’s Time To End The Money-Making Monopoly

Anwar Ibrahim’s pledge to crack down on corruption had initially sent shivers down the spine of many corrupt politicians, including three former Prime Ministers – Mahathir Mohamad, Muhyiddin Yassin and Ismail Sabri. But they were not alone. Powerful politician-cum-businessman like Daim Zainuddin and super-rich cronies like Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary too were targeted.   When Anwar […]

... written on Sep 24 2023

India Bans Rice Export Again – Why Global Food Security Could Get Ugly And Trigger Inflation

Accounting for more than 40% of the global rice trade, as well as the second-largest producer after China, India’s latest decision to ban the exports of non-basmati white rice with immediate effect (July 20) could trigger further inflation on global food markets. The move comes amid concerns that there could be a supply shortage in […]

... written on Jul 22 2023

Food Price To Spike Again – Russia Terminates Black Sea Grain Deal, Threatening Global Food Security

Russia has terminated a deal with Ukraine which allowed it to export grain through the Black Sea, potentially plunge the world into another round of food crisis. First inked in July 2022, the U.N.-brokered Black Sea Grain Initiative enabled Ukraine to supply world markets with over 32 million tonnes of food products after Moscow invaded […]

... written on Jul 17 2023

PM Anwar’s Raya Open House For Thousands Of People vs. PM Muhyiddin’s “Lobster Feast” For A Dozen Useless MPs

Perikatan Nasional continues to play the Hari Raya Aidilfitri open houses card to undermine the Anwar administration. Instead of playing such petty games, why can’t the Opposition be more productive and grill the Unity Government on issues like investment, employment, economy, education or even foreign policy? The short answer – they are jealous of PM […]

... written on Apr 28 2023

SVB & Signature Banks Collapse – Here’s Why The U.S. Panics And How The Crisis Could Spread To Around The World

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) said on Wednesday (March 8) that it would like to raise some funds – US$2.2 billion to be precise. Investors as well as venture capitalists were surprised that the bank – 16th biggest in the United States, with US$209 billion in assets – suddenly needed so much money. Within 48 hours, […]

... written on Mar 13 2023

Inflation To Escalate And Recession To Begin – All Hell Will Break Loose After Ukraine’s Defeat In Bakhmut

Former U.S. President Barack Obama once said of Joe Biden – “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” Indeed, president Biden has screwed up so spectacularly that he’s sleepwalking off a 100-metre cliff, without any clue whatsoever that he is leading the world to the first Nuclear War – challenging Russia and provoking China […]

... written on Mar 05 2023

RM5 “Menu Rahmah” – Why This Programme To Provide Affordable Meals To Hardcore Poor Is Brilliant

Since Anwar Ibrahim-led unity government took over on Nov 24, 2022, there have been visible improvements to Malaysia’s economy. At least, it has stopped deteriorating at the speed seen during previous backdoor regimes of Muhyiddin Yassin and Ismail Sabri. PM Anwar’s first 2-month saw local currency Ringgit appreciated from RM4.75 to RM4.28 to the US […]

... written on Feb 07 2023

Horror Movie Politicized As Porn Movie – Thanks To Free Publicity, “Pulau” Becomes A Must Watch Movie

If you oppress the people for too long, they will eventually rise to strike back. Similarly, if you prohibit people from so-called immoral behaviours such as drinking alcohol, sex outside marriage or gambling without proper education or explanations, it will also backfire. The worst is when hypocrite religious preachers try to force their belief on […]

... written on Jan 22 2023

Year 2023 – Food Crisis To Worsen As Fertilizer Shortage, High Price, Inflation, Interest Rate Hikes Continue

Supply chain shortages and the rising cost of doing business, as well as drought and interest rate hikes are some of the factors that contributed to food crisis this year. But if you think food shortages and high prices will magically disappear next year, think again. American farmers believe 2023 could be even worse, after […]

... written on Dec 27 2022

Chicken Eggs Shortage – Why Prices Of Everything Will Skyrocket If UMNO Wins The General Election

Next month’s polls will be the second time the general election is being held during the monsoon season. The last time it was held in November was in 1999. At that time, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad deliberately called an early election to coincide with the rainy season to discourage Malays, angered by the sacking of […]

... written on Nov 02 2022

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