

Meet Coca-Cola Life, The New Coke From South America

Ever heard of mommy’s advise on how to avoid getting diabetes? Avoid Coca-Cola at all cost because it’s an evil drink that pump sugar into your body. Tell that to Warren Buffett and the owner of the 100-year-old company will rubbish this nonsense. Even if it’s true Coca-Cola does contribute to diabetes, so what? People […]

... written on Jun 11 2014

Top 15 Creative, Stunning, Cool & Useful Business Cards

There’re thousands of beautiful and creative business cards in the market. At the same time there’re millions of boring and dull business cards change hands everyday, and surprisingly tons of them ended up in the drawer never to be seen again, or simply ended up in the trash.   In a nutshell, graphic designers’ business […]

... written on Jun 04 2014

American Top-20 Best Burger That You Must Try

The hamburger is perhaps one of the world’s most sellable foods. It’s also one of the simplest food to make. Despite its simplicity, it’s freaking difficult to make a delicious one. And when you talk about hamburger, the immediate brand that strikes your mind is none other than McDonald’s. The company has probably sold more […]

... written on May 23 2014

Big Mac Index – Cheapest Places To Buy Your Burgers

U.S. fast-food workers went on strike on Thursday, targeting fast-food restaurant operators such as McDonald’s, Wendy’s, KFC and Burger King. They are seeking wages of US$15 an hour and the right to unionize without retaliation. At present, some are earning US$8.60 an hour while others are getting US$10 an hour. On the other hand fast-food […]

... written on May 17 2014

Rebuild Teeth With £10 Toothpaste, Here’s The Catch …

Were you fascinated by the movie Elysium particularly the part where people don’t get sick because they (the rich people, to be precise) can always slip into a pod-machine to get their cells regenerated? It can even rebuild the face of the bad guy (Agent Kruger), whose face was blown off beyond recognition, within seconds […]

... written on May 15 2014

How To Save Money This Year – 15 Exciting Tips

Have you notice food prices have already been increased since early of the year? If your normal basic “Wantan Mee” was RM5.00 last year, it’s RM5.50 now – that’s 10% increase. A plate of “Mee Goreng” at Mamak stall is now RM4.00 when it was RM3.50 three months ago. Of course if you stay in […]

... written on Feb 21 2014

15 Fast Food Restaurants You Wish Would Come Here

When the time is tough, people tends to go out for food especially fast-food restaurants. Unless you’ve an army family to feed, sometimes it’s more economical to eat outside rather than cook on your own. The reason is pretty easy – raw ingredients are getting expensive regardless whether it’s chicken, beef, fish, vegetables or sugar. […]

... written on Dec 27 2013

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