

Tesla Disaster – Owners Stranded As “Dead Robots” Won’t Charge In Freezing Temperature, But China Has The Solution

Elon Musk has decided to do what he does best every time the demand for Tesla electric cars plunge – cut prices. With competition heating up over the past year, especially against BYD, a Chinese carmaker which is backed by legendary investor Warren Buffet, Tesla welcomes the New Year 2024 with more price cuts for […]

... written on Jan 19 2024

BYD Beats Tesla Again – How The U.S. Carmaker Lost Its Crown As World’s Top Electric Vehicles Manufacturer

As expected and predicted, Chinese car giant BYD has beaten Tesla for a second straight year as the world’s top seller of electric cars. The sales figures for the final quarter of 2023 showed that the American company produced 494,989 vehicles (delivering only 484,507). However, for the first time, the Chinese company sold 526,409 vehicles (excluding hybrid and commercial […]

... written on Jan 04 2024

Sanction My Foot! – Russia Makes A Mockery Of Western Oil Sanctions, While China & India Laugh All The Way To The Bank

Entering 2024, Russia’s position in the global oil markets remains largely unchanged despite Western financial and economic sanctions. Even the price cap of US$60 a barrel on Russian oil – desperately introduced by U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen – has little effect on the Kremlin. That’s because oil demand did not change. The only changes are […]

... written on Dec 30 2023

Blockade Of US Embassy – Israel And The U.S. Must Be Incredibly Terrified Over Malaysia’s Latest Retaliation

Probably taking a page from China’s playbook in its blockade of Taiwan hours after U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s foolish visit to Taiwan last August, some 35 NGOs, 15 student movements and political parties in Malaysia were planning to teach the U.S. and Israel a lesson. The brilliant plan was a six day “blockade” of the U.S. Embassy […]

... written on Dec 28 2023

De-Dollarization Kicks Into High Gear – Chinese Yuan Hit Record High, Overtook Japanese Yen As 4th Most Used Currency

As recently as May 2023, the Western news media were still laughing at the idea of de-dollarization. They said China’s Yuan faced great obstacles to becoming a global reserve currency. They ridiculed the Chinese currency because nobody wants to buy Chinese bonds. They mocked that foreign investors have been dumping Chinese bonds since Russia invaded […]

... written on Dec 24 2023

Operation Prosperity Guardian – Economic & Oil Price Uncertainties As New War About To Explode In Red Sea

The Red Sea, also known as the Erythraean Sea, is the northernmost tropical sea in the world. Believed to be formed 30 million years ago, during which Africa separated from Asia, the Red Sea is an astonishing 2,200 km long. However, it’s only 330 km at its widest point. Reaching a maximum depth of 2,200 […]

... written on Dec 20 2023

What Can You Learn From “Home Alone” Movie – Inflation Is Slowing, But Soaring Consumer Food Prices Remain High

The Christmas rally came early for the Wall Street after Dow Jones reached a record high above 37,000 on Wednesday after the FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) indicated it may cut rates three times next year. The unanimous decision means the interest rate or the benchmark overnight borrowing rate will remain in the range between […]

... written on Dec 14 2023

Fix Economy, Not Glorifying Terrorism – Kemaman By-Election Proves PM Anwar’s Playing Palestinian Card Fails Miserably

For over a year since Anwar Ibrahim became the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia, he has practically done everything to swing Malay-Muslim votes, 85% of whom did not vote for him in the November 2022 General Election. Yet, if the just concluded by-election for the Kemaman parliamentary seat is any indicator, the premier has failed spectacularly. […]

... written on Dec 06 2023

Hamas Is Game Over – How The Terror Group Miscalculated, Betrayed, Abandoned And Made More Mistakes

Israel wants Hamas dead. It doesn’t matter that Israel once helped turn a bunch of Palestinian Islamists in the late 1970s into one of the world’s most notorious terror group, which then bite the hand that feeds it when Hamas launched a massive attack on Israel on Oct 7 – killing 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped […]

... written on Nov 29 2023

Chinese Flags And Standing Ovation – President Xi Went To San Francisco To Meet Top CEOs, Not President Biden

At the San Francisco airport to receive Xi Jinping were California Governor Gavin Newsom, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and other U.S. representatives. The Chinese president was there to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Summit, as well as to meet U.S President Joe Biden, about a year since both leaders met at […]

... written on Nov 19 2023

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