

Here’s Why Zuckerberg Was Furious When SpaceX Rocket Exploded

SpacesX – founded by PayPal and Tesla tycoon Elon Musk – saw its Falcon 9 rocket went up in an epic fireball, just like one of those you watched in a James Bond movie. Ironically, Musk (the wizard who inspired the Iron Man movie) tweeted on Wednesday about improvements on Tesla Motors’ Autopilot System. The […]

... written on Sep 02 2016

Meet TEU – China’s Futuristic Transit Elevated Bus Built In 3-Months

Emperor Napoleon once said this – “Let China Sleep, for when the Dragon awakes, she will shake the world.” Today, not only China has awaken, there seems to be very little superpower America can do to stop it from continuously growing. From the perspective of history, China has no intention of ruling the world. It’s pretty […]

... written on Aug 09 2016

Bastille Truck Attack – ISIS Celebrates, Could Have Found New Way To Terrorize

They were there celebrating Bastille Day, or French National Day commemorates the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789, an important event in the French revolution. Just like United State’s 4th of July, France’s 14th of July marks the beginning of republican democracy and the end of tyrannical rule. Instead, they were stormed by […]

... written on Jul 15 2016

Here’re 10 Incredible Facts About “The Beast” That PM Najib Wants To Buy

When U.S. President Barack Obama paid a visit to Malaysia 2 years ago in April 2014, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak fell in love. No, not with the president but with the president’s limousine nicknamed “The Beast”. Najib had quietly expressed his desire about owning the babe, never mind it would involve a love triangle […]

... written on Jun 20 2016

No Action Talk Only – OPEC Happily Agreed To Do “Nothing” … Again

OPEC unsurprisingly failed to agree on anything (*yawn*), despite market got very excited about a potential output ceiling. “Hope is a powerful weapon and no one power on earth can deprive you of.” – Nelson Mandela wrote in a letter to Winnie Mandela in 1969. But that’s what OPEC members and other non-OPEC oil producers could […]

... written on Jun 03 2016

Why $3.5 Billion Cash For Uber Is Bad News To Saudi Women Drivers

A key goal of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 plan is to increase the number of women in the workforce from 22% to 30%. The vision, which was announced by Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman last month, is supposed to prepare the kingdom for an era in which it does not rely heavily on oil. There’s […]

... written on Jun 02 2016

Once The Richest Kingdom, Desperate Brunei Is Now China’s Close Ally

Mention Brunei and a country ruled by an absolute monarchist come to mind. Hassanah Bolkiah, the country’s 29th Sultan, is notorious for his fortune – estimated at US$20 billion as of 2008 (according to Forbes). He was once the world’s richest man but despite his brother Prince Jefri’s pilfering US$15 billion from sultanate, and the plunging […]

... written on Jun 01 2016

Take A Look At 50 Corporations’ Amazing First & Present Logos

Business needs branding and as a product or service becomes famous, a corporation requires a meaningful logo to represent the company’s identity. However, business changes with time hence the needs to change its logo. Naturally, logos would evolve in order to reflect such changes and we would sometimes laugh at a corporation’s past logos. Even […]

... written on May 31 2016

Cheater VW To Buy Back Your Car, With Some Cash … Or Fix It FOC

Volkswagen (VW) admitted cheating on emission tests for 11 million vehicles worldwide since 2009. The scandal, popularly known as DieselGate, was exposed in September last year by the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) who discovered VW cars being sold in America had a “defeat device” – or software – in diesel engines that could detect when they […]

... written on Apr 22 2016

New Zealand – First Country To Have Domino’s Pizza Delivery Robot

When you need fast bucks temporary, you normally go for part-time jobs such as flipping burgers at McDonald’s or a pizza delivery boy / girl. Soon, such jobs may be out of reach because the replacement can do a better job with zero pay. Yes, we’re talking about robots snatching one of many jobs that […]

... written on Mar 18 2016

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