
Steve Jobs, 56, Edison of 21st Century, Has Died

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Oct 06 2011
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Slightly more than a month ago when Steve Jobs resigned as Apple CEO, I wrote an article (read here) speculating, guessing, or whatever you wish to call it, that the legendary Steve Jobs could be dying. This evening, Apple Inc. founder and former CEO, Steve Jobs, 56, has passed away. Steve Jobs’ family said the visionary died peacefully surrounded by family. The Apple homepage has a tribute, a day after his successor, Tim Cook, announced the iPhone 4S.

Steve Jobs Died 1955-2011

Steve Jobs Facebook Description 1955-2011

The computer genius who, with fellow college dropout Steve Wozniak, built the first Apple computers from the Jobs’ family garage, died of complications from pancreatic cancer. Steve Jobs’ death prompted an outpouring of tributes from technology, entertainment, business leaders and political leaders. Among them are President Obama, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Paul Allen, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Dell, Larry Page, Sergery Brin, Dick Costolo, Howard Schultz, Tim O’Reilly, Tim Cook (of course) and the list is still counting.

Steve Jobs Dies Tributes from President Obama

Steve Jobs Dies Tributes from Michael Bloomberg

Steve Jobs Died Tributes from Howard SchultzSteve Jobs Dies Tributes from Dick Costolo

Steve Jobs Died Tributes from Bill Gates

Steve Jobs Died Tributes from Mark Zuckerberg

Steve Jobs Died Tributes from Larry Page

Steve Jobs Died Tributes from Sergey Brin

Steve Jobs Died Tributes from Tim Cook

A Buddhist and vegetarian, Steve Jobs was diagnosed with the disease in 2004 when he disclosed that doctors had removed a cancerous tumor from his pancreas. Worth an estimated $8.3 billion, Jobs is survived by his wife Laurene Powell and their children Reed Paul, Erin Sienna and Eve, as well as daughter, Lisa Brennan-Jobs, from a previous relationship. Apple invites the public to send thoughts, memories, and condolences to [email protected].

News of Jobs’s death spread like wildfire in China with thousands of messages flooding the country’s twitter-like Sina Weibo – many still hope the news was fake. Apple’s iPhone is so popular in China that a Weibo user thinks this is perhaps the first time a foreigner’s death command such a huge influence. Some joked that Steve Jobs died out of anger when he watched Tim Cook introduced iPhone 4S while some urge more people to buy the newly launched 4S to salute Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs 1955-2011 In Memory

Steve Jobs 1955-2011 In Memory

Steve Jobs 1955-2011 In Memory

Steve Jobs 1955-2011 In Memory

Steve Jobs 1955-2011 In Memory

In Cupertino, dark clouds gathered over Apple headquarters at 1 Infinite Loop, where three flags – an American flag, a California flag and an Apple flag – were flying at half-staff. A steady stream of visitors flowed through Jobs’ Palo Alto home throughout the drizzly day. As word spread of Jobs’ death, police arrived and barricaded the street. Neighbors and others began dropping off flowers at the corner of Waverly and Santa Rita Avenue, while a child rode by on a bike, filming the scene on his iPhone.

Suddenly, people do not really care if there will be iPhone 5 after all – it’s time to mourn Steve Jobs, the Silicon Valley maestro who some said is a legendary equivalent to Elvis Presley or John Lennon. Murrieta’s congresswoman, Mary Bono Mack, R-Palm Springs, likened the late Steve Jobs as the “Thomas Edison of the 21st Century.” – “I believe history will remember Steve Jobs as one of the greatest innovators of all time, the Thomas Edison of the 21st Century..,”

The Lost 1984 Video: Young Steve Jobs introduces the Macintosh

2001: Introducing the First iPod

2007: Introducing the iPhone

Like it or not, Apple’s long-term outlook, say after 10 years, is less clear although many believe Steve Jobs would have set the products direction for the next 10 years. The pressure is on CEO Tim Cook and his team because from now onwards, people will always come back and ask – if Steve Jobs is still around, he would have done this … and that …

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RIP Steve Jobs. Thanks for everything you’ve done! You’ll be greatly missed!

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