
The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs Revealed

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Aug 06 2007
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The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs had survived for 14-months before the real identity of the anonymous writer was revealed. Wait, you don’t know who’s Steve Jobs? Then you must have been living in the cave hundreds of meters down beneath the earth in Afghanistan. He’s the nerves and bloods of Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL, stock), the innovative company which recently produces the iPhone, dude.

His blog often portrayed himself as the difficult and egotistical leader, which matches Steve himself (the real one). The “Fake Steve”’s blog had attracted 700,000 visitors in July 2007 and both the real Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have acknowledged reading the blog. And ever since the blog was created, many speculators have guessed Fake Steve was an Apple insider with some thought the author could be a journalist, a former Apple employee or even the real Steve Jobs himself.
When a reader asked the Fake Steve about Apple’s succession plan, he replied: “My plan at this time is to live forever and to remain in charge here, though perhaps with fewer restrictions on my power. The truth is, I am not human — I am a man-god, son of Zeus, born to mortal woman but fathered by the ruler of the gods, lord of thunder.”

So when New York Times reported the real identity of the Fake Steve who had put everyone on the guessing game through the blog fakesteve.blogspot.com, Daniel Lyons said “I’m stunned that it’s taken this long, I have not been that good at keeping it a secret. I’ve been sort of waiting for this call for months.”

Daniel Lyons is the senior editor at Forbes Magazine who writes and edits technology articles. Mr. Lyons said he invented the Fake Steve character last year, when a small group of chief executives turned bloggers attracted some media attention. He noticed that they rarely spoke candidly. “I thought, wouldn’t it be funny if a C.E.O. kept a blog that really told you what he thought? That was the gist of it.”

Surprisingly Lyons has never interviewed Mr. Jobs nor written a story about the company. He claimed he only bought books and biographies to learn more about Steve Jobs. Despite that, this Fake Steve attracts huge visitors and receives around 50 e-mail per-day.

Now that Daniel Lyons had revealed himself to his bosses and colleagues, Forbes planned to accelerate the plan to move the Secret Diary of Steve Jobs to Forbes.com as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the real Steve Jobs said in an instant message conversation that he had no interest in reading Mr. Lyons’s novel, which is expected to be release soon.

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