
Rich and Famous

The Lifestyle Of “Rich Kids Of Tehran” Fuels The Fire Of Protest In Iran (Photos)

When a few hundred people gathered in Mashhad, Iran’s second largest and holiest city, very few thought that the Dec. 28th protest could result in a domino effect. With protests spreading and popping up in several cities around the country, President Hassan Rouhani and his band of elites who walk the corridor of powers have […]

... written on Jan 07 2018

Top-10 Exposive Secrets From “Fire And Fury” Book That Makes Trump Super Mad & Furious

Forget North Korea. Donald Trump may have a bigger and powerful “nuclear button” than Kim Jong-un’s, but the U.S. president has a bigger fish to fry. The man he once considered an asset to his administration has turned rogue. That man – former chief strategist Steve Bannon – has revealed his former boss’ skeleton in […]

... written on Jan 04 2018

How Prince Harry’s Wedding Could Wreck Havoc UK’s Economy – By Inviting Obama

Harry and fiancée Meghan Markle will get married on May 19, 2018 and have told aides they want former U.S. President Barack Obama and wife Michelle at their big day. Prince Harry has become good friends with the Obamas since their chemistry bonded after the Invictus Games in Florida last year. But as the 33-year-old […]

... written on Dec 31 2017

China’s Economy To Overtake U.S. By 2032 – And Asian Will Dominate 3 Of 4 Top Spots

By 2032 – that’s another 14 years – China is projected to become the world’s new biggest economic powerhouse, overtaking United States of America. But the Chinese are not the only winner. By 2027, the Indians will surpass Germany’s economy to claim the third prize. And as early as next year, India will become the […]

... written on Dec 29 2017

Saudi Could Get $6 Billion – FREE – If Prince Al-Waleed Pays For His Freedom

Many Saudi princes have been released – quietly – from “5-star prison Ritz Carlton Hotel” after agreed to pay in exchange for their freedom. The highest corruption settlement so far is Prince Miteb bin Abdullah who reportedly paid US1 billion for his freedom. He was the closest challenger for the throne of Kingdom of Saudi […]

... written on Dec 25 2017

Exposed!! – Saudi Crown Prince The Owner Of $300 Million World’s Most Expensive House

He was already a proud owner of a super-yacht costing US$550 million before being exposed as the lucky guy who splashed a whopping US$450.3 million on Leonardo da Vinci’s “Salvator Mundi”. It was rather strange for a Muslim spending a fortune on a painting depicting Jesus Christ as a Renaissance man dressed in flowing blue […]

... written on Dec 18 2017

Exposed!! – Saudi Crown Prince The Buyer Of $450 Million da-Vinci, And The Amazing Reason Why He Did It

From where did he get the extraordinary amount of money to buy the world’s most expensive painting? For a while, the world was left in astonishment after Leonardo da Vinci’s “Salvator Mundi” – dating back to 1500 – was sold to a mysterious buyer who splashed a whopping US$450.3 million. People thought it must have […]

... written on Dec 08 2017

Malay Votebank In Jeopardy – Bugis Warrior Najib Panicked & Terrified Of Celebrities

Malaysian celebrities are one of the lamest when comes to speaking up against the government of the day. It’s extremely rare they bite the hand that feeds them. That’s because the government could easily cripple their rice bowl by instructing the relevant agencies to boycott them. Without appearance or show opportunities, they would be denied […]

... written on Dec 07 2017

Robert Kuok – How Chinese Become Amazing Economic Ants Despite Poverty & Discrimination

China is today the world’s biggest economy. But the Middle Kingdom didn’t transform itself into a wealthy nation overnight without lifting a finger. It had been invaded and colonised by various empires – from Mongolia to Manchuria, Russia, United States, Britain, France, Italy, Germany and Japan. Amazingly, the Chinese didn’t perish but emerge stronger over […]

... written on Nov 27 2017

Mugabe Granted Immunity – It Pays To Become A Ruthless, Brutal & Corrupt Dictator

What does Malaysian Mahathir Mohamad, Filipino Ferdinand Marcos, Egyptian Hosni Mubarak, Indonesian Suharto and now Zimbabwean Robert Mugabe has in common? They were all once dictators who ruled with iron fist without regards to basic human rights. More importantly they were highly corrupted dictators who get to retire – fabulously rich.   Mahathir retired after […]

... written on Nov 24 2017

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