
Credit Card

Here’s How Your “Wave & Pay” Cards Could Be Swiped Secretly

With great power comes great responsibility – says Uncle Ben, Spider Man’s uncle. Today, the same quote is true to millions of credit and debit card holders. While many are still using conventional credit or debit cards which require manual swipe at counters, millions have taken the easy (and lazy) way out – the “Wave […]

... written on Feb 11 2015

Do You Hide Money From Your Spouse? That’s OK And Here’s Why

If you’ve ever hidden money or a purchase from your spouse, you would be in deep trouble, during ancient civilization. But today, the sensitive issue of people hiding money from their spouses is gaining popular. So, if you’ve ever done so and were too afraid to tell your other half about it, now is the […]

... written on Jan 22 2015

Official – Singaporeans Are Biggest ASEAN Online Spenders

Asians are perhaps the most conservative when come to e-commerce or simply online shopping. In the 1990s, before the dot com bubble burst, e-commerce was the buzzword that attracted tons of money, especially those companies listed on the Nasdaq. Today, such buzzword is as obsolete as dinosaurs. The so-called e-commerce has reached maturity. People simply […]

... written on Nov 20 2014

From Robbers To The Homeless, Swedes Ready For “Cash Is No Longer King”

Sweden, also known as the Kingdom of Sweden, is the third largest country in the European Union. But the country which borders Norway and Finland has a total population of merely 9.7 million. People may not know or heard of Sweden, but they definitely know IKEA, the world’s largest furniture retailer founded in Sweden back […]

... written on Oct 13 2014

Here’s How Malaysian ATMs Were Hacked Of RM3 Million By Latin Americans

ATM thefts have gone high-tech, and judging by how the police and banks are running around like a headless chicken trying to piece together the puzzle, the local authorities and financial institutions were obviously not ready for such an attack. And it’s not hard to understand why – the police and banking institutions were trapped […]

... written on Sep 30 2014

Apple Pay, iPhone 6 & Watch – Welcome To The Party, But You’re Late

Apple has officially announced the iPhone 6 – the eighth generation of iPhone – at a special event in Cupertino. Boss Tim Cook also reveals the iPhone 6 Plus, a bigger brother of iPhone 6, and the Apple Watch too. At last, Apple has woken up to the reality that people do want a bigger […]

... written on Sep 10 2014

Cracking 16 Digits Credit Card Numbers – What Do They Mean?

Not long ago, a gold credit card was the most prestigious. Since then you had platinum taking over gold’s place. Now, the top-10 most exclusive credit cards are all mostly “black” or even “diamond”. The most prestigious credit card today is the same card which was launched in 1999 – the American Express Centurion Card. […]

... written on Aug 04 2014

Need A Rest At Japan Narita Airport? Here’s Capsule Or Spaceship Pod You Should Try

Capsule hotels was perhaps the greatest invention since sliced bread, at least to the people on budget. But that doesn’t mean millionaires shouldn’t try this cool concept – a spaceship escape pod, though some say it looks more like a coffin nevertheless. Tell that to someone who’s too tired or intoxicated to make it home […]

... written on Jul 22 2014

30 Investing Tips & Tricks You Won’t Learn At School

There’re basically two movies you should watch before you jump into the world of investment, especially the stock market. The two movies are “The Wolf of Wall Street” and “Inside Job”, released in 2013 and 2010 respectively. Sure, there’re tons of investing books in the market but frankly, you won’t learn as much from those […]

... written on May 05 2014

How To Save Money This Year – 15 Exciting Tips

Have you notice food prices have already been increased since early of the year? If your normal basic “Wantan Mee” was RM5.00 last year, it’s RM5.50 now – that’s 10% increase. A plate of “Mee Goreng” at Mamak stall is now RM4.00 when it was RM3.50 three months ago. Of course if you stay in […]

... written on Feb 21 2014

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