An unexpected but wonderful event is about to happen in May. Nobody had expected “Dotard” Trump would meet “Rocket Man” Kim. After all, it was only months ago when the world was on the verge of its first nuclear war. It was unthinkable that two alpha-male – Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un – would greet each other with smiles and handshakes so quickly after their war of words.
Trump was overjoyed when informed that a South Korean envoy was on his way to personally deliver an invitation from his arch-rival, the notorious Kim. Speaking outside the White House without any U.S. officials, South Korea’s National Security Office head Chung Eui-yon announced that Mr. Kim “expressed eagerness to meet President Trump as soon as possible.”
That was not the only thing that has gotten Trump flattered and beaming with pride. Badass Kim has also pledged that North Korea will “refrain from any further nuclear or missile tests” while talks are underway. It was like hitting jackpot or lottery twice on the same day. What more else could Trump ask for? The U.S. president has won the Korean War without firing a single shot.
President Trump couldn’t find a single reason to reject the once in a lifetime opportunity meeting the world’s most ruthless dictator. His supporters are on cloud nine. At last, Trump’s sanction campaign has succeeded. Dictator Kim has been brought down to his knees. And the pariah leader is begging a meeting so that he could seek Trump’s forgiveness (*grin*).
However, only Trump and his diehard fans are optimistic and counting the chicken before it hatches. The U.S. Intelligence Community is sceptical. Trump tweeted about “great progress is being made” because the North Korean leader wanted to talk about “denuclearization”. Trump talks as if Mr. Kim woke up one day and suddenly wanting to repent his brutal and murderous ways.
In reality, both Trump and Kim have reached a stage where there isn’t much room left to manoeuvre. The next step is going to war, which none of them want. Trump was more than willing to sit down with his North Korean nemesis Kim because no American president has ever met with a North Korean leader. Trump will be the first U.S. president to do so. And that alone is already a win.
Heck, Trump even openly and shameless asked reporters to give him credit for making the so-called summit meeting possible. But it could be another scam from North Korea. Kim Jong-un could be playing Donald Trump, and the U.S. president is walking right into the trap. But Trump doesn’t care. Even if the meeting is a trick which will yield nothing, it’s still a victory to him.
This is not the first time the hermit kingdom has promised disarmament, only to backtrack on its commitment. The pariah state has fooled multiple U.S. presidential administrations, each of which has passed the North Korea problem onto the next. They had pulled similar stunt previously twice. There’s little doubt that Kim Jong-un is taking a page out of his father’s playbook.
In 1994, President Bill Clinton and North Korea signed a deal known as the Agreed Framework, which was only a few pages. Under the terms, Pyongyang committed to freezing its plutonium weapons program in exchange for U.S. construction of light-water nuclear reactors and 500,000 tons of heavy fuel oil every year to make up for the theoretical loss of the reactor.
Clinton administration also agreed to lift sanctions, remove North Korea from its list of state sponsors of terrorism and normalise the political relationship between both nations. Turned out, the North Korean was cheating by trying to develop nuclear material through another method – highly enriched uranium as early as 1998. To be fair, North Korea was not to be blamed entirely.
Because the Agreed Framework was neither a treaty nor a legally binding executive agreement, the United States cheated too. The heavy fuel oil shipments and light-water reactors were delivered only partially or not at all. The promised economic sanctions had also not been lifted, full diplomatic relations were not established at all and the light-water reactors were never built.
Then on October, 2002, the U.S. under Bush administration suddenly accused North Korea of secretly developing a program to enrich uranium to weapon grade. Bush declared that since North Korea cheated, the U.S. will suspend the oil shipments they had been providing North Korea under the so-called 1994 agreement (which was nothing but Clinton’s empty promise in the first place).
Pyongyang retaliated by expelling U.N. inspectors and resuming the reprocessing of plutonium. However, in 2005, North Korea agreed to end its nuclear weapons program in return for security, economic and energy benefits after multilateral discussions involving China, Japan, North Korea, Russia, South Korea and the U.S. – known as the Six-Party Talks.
The deal delivered a diplomatic win for the Bush administration. However, after North Korea conducted its first nuclear test in 2006, Bush was shocked and tried desperately to negotiate a new accord with Pyongyang. A year later in 2007, North Korea agreed to close its main nuclear reactor in exchange for an aid package worth US$400 million.
Unfortunately, by December 2008, the talks collapsed over North Korea’s refusal to allow U.N. inspectors access to suspected nuclear sites. A year later in 2009, the regime announced its second nuclear test. The Six-Party Talks didn’t work. The North Korea of today is more aggressive and is more militarily capable than the one Clinton dealt with 24 years ago.
North Korea today possesses nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missile capable of striking America. Does it make sense that Kim Jong-un is willing to give up his only survival kits now after all the troubles? So, why does Mr. Kim want to meet Mr. Trump desperately? That’s because when the leader of the Free World sits down with a totalitarian dictator to talk, it dignifies the dictator.
It indirectly means superpower America recognizes North Korea as a new nuclear state. Without Donald Trump realizing it, he somehow recognizes the importance of the pariah state since he’s willing to meet Kim almost instantly. A picture of Kim Jong-un and President Trump standing next to one another will elevate North Korea to a new status.
But Kim has agreed to refrain from any further nuclear or missile tests while this summit diplomacy goes forward. Sure, refraining from those tests sounds sexy but unless North Korea actually dismantles its entire nuclear program, it means nothing but merely marketing talks. There’s a reason why no other American president has ever agreed to meet a North Korean leader.
The cunning Kim, perhaps feeling the bite of multiple sanctions, could be trying to buy some time in order to develop his nuclear weapons arsenal. If this is true, he has no intention whatsoever of “denuclearization”. He could be in the last stages of nuclear weapons development or perfecting the delivery of payloads to strike America with higher accuracy.
Emboldened by the belief that he has a working nuclear weapon, there’s a possibility that Kim might try to use the face-to-face meeting to make unrealistic demands – such as ending the alliance with South Korea and withdrawing U.S. troops. If Trump refuses, he could put on his drama suit, walk out of the summit and blamed Trump for being unreasonable.
Kim could also be assessing how much is his nuclear weapons worth to the United States. What type of concessions are Trump willing to offer in exchange for the theoretical dismantling of its entire nuclear program? The speed at how Kim suddenly wants to meet Trump and talks about “denuclearization” is definitely disturbing, if not suspicious.
The point is, it’s a bad strategy to stage a presidential meeting unless Trump had already secured something in a pre-meeting discussions. Trump had essentially given up an important card before the game even started. Rushing to a meeting with Kim depletes U.S. leverage and shows the desperate side of Trump. Didn’t Trump smell a rat from the beginning?
It’s also quite suspicious that Kim wants to meet after Trump introduced tariffs on steel and aluminium. It appears that Beijing might have thrown the bone on purpose for Trump as an incentive to exclude China from the tariffs. If Trump refuses to play ball, China could always take it away, forcing Washington to reconsider. Trump is a fool if he didn’t see this.
Still, both Trump and Kim could emerge winners in this drama. Trump is screaming until foaming at the mouth that he has achieved what no other sitting president has done – meeting in person with a North Korean leader. Kim, of course, is happy that the leader of world’s superpower has agreed – without hesitation – to meet him, supposedly a pariah leader.
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March 11th, 2018 by financetwitter

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They already met in the Forbidden City.
Deal done!