

Jail From Home – Watch How Crooked Najib Checkmate PM Anwar And Walks Away With Backdated Addendum

When the going gets tough, he runs and hides away. That’s how Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim projects himself just 15 months into office. The only thing he dares to involve is defending Hamas terrorists in an ongoing war some 7,600 kilometres away. That is what really excites him. In his own homeland, he seems clueless […]

... written on Apr 21 2024

UMNO’s Stupidity Continues Over A Shoe Logo – Boycott Maggi Mee Or Spaghetti Too As They Resemble Allah Word

Investors, both domestic and foreign, have every reason to think twice about doing business in a country called Malaysia as Islamic extremism and terrorism spread like wildfire. In addition to red tape and corruption, they should add another item to their checklist – logos or products must be approved by all authorities, especially politicians, to […]

... written on Apr 08 2024

Playing With Fire – Anwar Government Could Collapse If Sarawak Withdraws Support Over KK Mart Allah Socks Crisis

KK Super Mart saw one of its outlets in Bidor, Perak attacked with a Molotov cocktail. As expected, despite CCTV footage evidence, the police force is still unable to arrest anyone. That’s because the firebombing was done by a Malay-Muslim. Amazingly, a technician of Chinese ethnicity had been arrested, prosecuted and jailed at lightning speed […]

... written on Mar 29 2024

UMNO Akmal Worse Than Ali Tinju, Papagomo & Jamal Jamban – Hired Protesters Demonstrate At The Wrong Supermarket

What do Ali Tinju, Papagomo, Jamal Jamban and Akmal Salleh have in common? They were all UMNO racists or gangsters who would do dirty jobs tasked by their party. Their jobs were incredibly easy – holds rally or protest under the false pretence that the Malays, Muslims and Malay Rulers have lost power to the […]

... written on Mar 24 2024

UMNO Spooks Foreign Investors, Threatens To Burn Down Shops – But PAS’ Silence Means Malays Won’t Return To UMNO

Foreign investors are watching with great interest – and caution – how Malaysia could repeat its May 13, 1969 bloody racial riots over five pairs of socks. An army of 40 policemen had stormed a factory in Johor, the state of newly crowned King Sultan Ibrahim, and found a jaw-dropping 5 out of 18,800 pairs […]

... written on Mar 21 2024

UMNO’s Old Trick To Swing Malay Votes – Using Youth Wing To Bully Chinese And Play Race & Religious Cards

UMNO Youth Chief Muhammad Akmal Salleh has gone mad again. His latest target is KK Super Mart, a local convenience store established in 2001 by Dr KK Chai (Chai Kee Kan). Companies under the KK Group include B Café International, Clara International, The Slimming Sanctuary, Hornets Marketing Sdn Bhd, KK Motorsports, and KK Kopitiam and […]

... written on Mar 18 2024

U.S. Tries To Force ByteDance To Sell TikTok Again – But There’s No Way In Hell China Will Allow The Sale

TikTok has about 170 million users in the United States, its biggest market outside of China. Its revenue was around US$20 billion last year. Founded in 2012 by entrepreneur Zhang Yiming, TikTok owner ByteDance reportedly had a private valuation of between US$105 billion and US$110 billion in May 2020, making it the most valuable start-up in […]

... written on Mar 15 2024

Single School System – Scrap National Schools And Promote Vernacular Schools To Foster National Unity & Racial Harmony

Every time politicians want to become a hero of their community, vernacular school will become the punching bag. We have lost count how many times UMNO-Malay leaders have been shouting till their face turns blue about wanting to shut down Malaysian vernacular school – a unique type of primary school where either Mandarin or Tamil […]

... written on Mar 13 2024

Showing Middle Finger To The King – Opposition PN Will Pay The Price For Insulting & Disrespecting Sultan Ibrahim

Giving a much needed boost to Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, the newly crowned Malaysian King Sultan Ibrahim has decreed that he would not entertain any request to change the current government. However, one man’s meat is another man’s poison. The monarch’s support and endorsement for Mr Anwar also means a horrible news to Opposition Perikatan […]

... written on Feb 28 2024

Sack Anyone Who Doesn’t Perform – PM Anwar And Other Lame Ministers Should Learn From Badass Tiong

With 35 years experience under his belt in the public service, Dr Ammar Abdul Ghapar was one of Malaysia’s 1.7 million lucky bloated civil servants. Untouchable due to his skin colour, he was promoted as the new director general of Tourism Malaysia on April 12, 2023. But he mistook his promotion as recognition of his […]

... written on Feb 25 2024

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