

Chinese Economic Power – Japan Isn’t Impressed Retailer Muji Bullied By China

If you want to do business in China, learn to not only respect the Chinese culture but also recognize the Middle Kingdom’s sovereignty. Foreign companies are learning the hard way that making money in China comes with a price-tag. From user data to military installation, Beijing will get what it wants or else doing business […]

... written on Feb 02 2018

Fighting For Freedom – Iranian Women Letting Hair Loose In Cars

In certain countries, women would go to night club to let their hair loose, especially on Friday night after a stressful week. In Iran, however, women could only let their hair loose in cars. But even doing that could land the hot and beautiful Iranian chicks in trouble. Since the 1979 Iranian Revolution, women are […]

... written on Jul 15 2017

Fashion Diplomacy – Here’s What First Lady Melania Wore That Dazzles The World

Donald Trump has successfully intimidated Middle East into submission. Despite calling for a “total shutdown” of Muslims to the U.S, using the 3 magic words (radical Islamic terrorist) and even signing executive orders banning citizens from 7 Muslim-majority countries, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia insisted on decorating the U.S. president with gold medal and US$350 […]

... written on May 29 2017

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