Nurulhidayah Ahmad Zahid, the arrogant daughter of the disgraced former Malaysian deputy prime minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, walked away without having to spend a second in prison. Together with her husband, Saiful Nizam Mohd Yusoff, they pleaded guilty to violating the movement control order (MCO) lockdown and were merely fined RM800 each.
The offence carries a maximum fine of RM1,000 or a jail term not more than 6 months, or both. The simple fact that the daughter and son-in-law of Zahid Hamidi were not slapped with the maximum fine of RM1,000, let alone sent to jail, has already gotten many people furious about “double standards” in the backdoor government of Muhyiddin Yassin.
In comparison, Deputy Health Minister Dr Noor Azmi Ghazali and Perak executive councillor Razman Zakaria were fined RM1,000 each for violating the same MCO. Both politicians were pictured sitting down to lunch with some 20 people. Even then, people had questioned why both VIPs were not arrested, let alone handcuffed, unlike ordinary folks who had flouted the lockdown.
Senior Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob offered a mind-boggling excuse – the politicians (aligned to the backdoor government) had only broken the law from the SOP (standard operating procedure) aspect under the MCO, not the MCO itself. If that’s true, why non-politicians like Nurulhidayah and her husband were only fined RM800, without being arrested, let alone handcuffed?
In fact, all of the VIPs above were charged only after weeks of public uproars over double standards and abuse of power by the illegitimate government. Nurulhidayah, for example, had challenged anyone to lodge a police report against her for flouting the lockdown – suggesting that her family was untouchable and her father was more powerful than Prime Minister Muhyiddin.
To make matters worse, Terengganu Menteri Besar Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar, who proudly posted on Twitter of him having lunch with former Menteri Besar Ahmad Said in the latter’s home, was gifted with the “NFA (No Further Action)” by Muhyiddin’s newly promoted Attorney General Idrus Harun, despite the chief minister having violated the MCO.
Under the “stay at home” restrictive orders, no mass gatherings are allowed, and only one family member is allowed to go out to buy groceries, medicines or food. Clearly, chief minister Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar was not performing his official job as a people’s representative when he had a private meal with a fellow UMNO chief. Therefore, he broke the MCO law, not SOP.
B. Lisa Christina, a single mother, was sentenced by a Magistrate Court to 30 days in prison for violating the MCO. Her mistake was passing some drinks to her friends across the shop beneath her apartment. When she was caught, Lisa was tricked by the police who told her that she would only be given a warning, but that she had to follow them to the police station anyway.
At the police station, Lisa was shocked when told that she would be fined RM1,000 instead. She was released on police bail. A letter arrived later, telling her to attend court to pay up her fine. Everyone – the police and her lawyer – convinced her to just admit her offence and pay the fine, the easiest way out for most Malaysians who do not have deep pocket to fight their case.
Lisa agreed, but only to be slapped with a surprise 30-day jail sentence instead. It was as if the Magistrate Judge had to meet some sort of quota to send someone, anyone, to jail by rolling a dice to determine the unlucky winner of the day. After hitting the jackpot, Lisa was handcuffed by the police and taken to the Kajang Prison, and spent 8 days in a crowded cell of 38 people.
On the eighth day, her lawyer Rajpal Singh managed to get her case for an appeal. Lisa was finally free, after paying RM1,000 and unfairly spending 8 days in prison. Her outrageous 30-day jail sentence had attracted public attention. Interestingly, she was the only Malaysian among her 38 jail inmates. Was she targeted by the Magistrate judge due to her skin colour or religion?
Ismail Sabri Yaakob, who is also the defence minister, has distanced himself from the obvious double standards. But he had the cheek to claim that the country practises a free judiciary, and his backdoor government does not interfere with the decisions made in court. Yet, he can’t explain why not a single VIP was arrested or handcuffed, let alone sent to jail.
Thousands of ordinary Malaysians were thrown into jail while awaiting trial, after being caught at roadblocks for breaking the MCO lockdown. Does the government expect people to believe that the judge who slapped Nurulhidayah and her husband with merely RM800 fines was not intimidated or influenced by hidden hands to guarantee the princess of Zahid Hamidi was not sent to prison?
The Muhyiddin government should have fine-tuned the political drama script to make it more believable. Nurulhidayah should be sent to 1-day of jail in order to convince the dumbest people on the planet that she did not enjoy immunity by virtue of being the protected families of Zahid Hamidi. But the daughter of the president of UMNO, the biggest ally of the prime minister, can’t be humiliated, can she?
Perhaps former Prime Minister Najib Razak has the perfect answer – different judges will deliver different sentencing, based on their discretion. Like fellow UMNO warlord Ismail Sabri Yaakob, Mr. Najib has passed the ball back to the judiciary. Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat – the first woman Chief Justice – should explain the glaring double standards in Malaysian Judiciary.
Ahh, but like IGP (Inspector General of Police) Abdul Hamid Bador and newly crowned Attorney General Idrus Harun, Chief Justice Tengku Maimun might find that it’s wise to just keep her mouth zipped and pretends everything is rosy – the judicial system is professional, fair and free from interference or intimidation of corrupt politicians of Perikatan Nasional backdoor government.
The spectacular remarks offered by 67-year-old Najib Razak, who is facing corruption and money laundering charges involving RM2.3 billion of 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) funds, were both disturbing and breathtaking. He appeared to have dropped some hints on how he will escape the jail sentence of up to 20 years (upon conviction of his charges).
Essentially, even if the High Court finds the crook guilty of corruption and money laundering and send the despicable former premier to jail, Najib will ultimately be a free man. At most, Najib will probably pay a small amount of fines, similar to how Nurulhidayah Ahmad Zahid and her husband were given a slap on the wrist for breaking the lockdown law.
Actually, it’s the same old trick used by the previous Barisan Nasional regime for the last 61 years. First, the drama will start at the High Court where the corrupt scumbags would lose their case. It will then go to the Appeal Court where the judges would agree with the High Court’s verdict. But when it reaches the Federal Court, incredibly, the decision would be reversed.
And it’s not a coincidence that at the Federal Court, the highest court and the final appellate court in the country, the corrupt UMNO warlords will win almost 99% of their cases. From the beginning, Malaysia’s judicial system operates like a “business cartel” – a corporate profit-oriented gangland of corrupt judges working hand-in-glove with executives to enrich themselves.
On Feb 14, 2019, Hamid Sultan Abu Backer, a Court of Appeal Judge, exposed how members of the judiciary worked with private parties to boldly scam even the government. The scam involved nominees of politicians creating dubious contracts which contained unfair terms with the government, making the contract un-enforceable based on public policy grounds.
The private parties would then take the government to court to claim compensation, arguing that the government has breached the contract. Subsequently, the government may record a consent judgment accepting liability and agreeing to assess damages. The corrupt judges were working together with crooked politicians to scam money from the government, which happens to be taxpayers’ money.
But it was just the beginning. Whistleblower Court of Appeal Judge Hamid also exposed how the judicial and constitutional misconduct in the judiciary system happened not only during the previous Najib Razak regime, but continued even under the Mahathir administration after the stunning May 2018 General Election victory. While almost everyone was flabbergasted with the bombshell, one man was not.
That man – Mahathir Mohamad – was not shocked at all with Judge Hamid’s exposure. While every Tom, Dick and his hamster demanded for a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI), then-PM Mahathir wasn’t keen on such an idea. He said the government would study the proposal to set up an RCI, but was also quick to warn – “However, we don’t really run down the judiciary openly.”
Until today, there was a zero RCI to investigate the scams committed by corrupt and dirty judges. Heck, even the terms of the RCI had yet to be determined. The dirty judges, according to Judge Hamid, were extremely concerned about the prospect of Pakatan Harapan winning the 2018 May’s election because it would disrupt their “private business”.
To clean up the judicial will require the sacking of at least 80% of the country’s judges, a process which will definitely cripple the system and create massive havoc. That explained why Mahathir was not surprised by Judge Hamid’s revelations. That also explained why Mahathir had suggested to set up a Special High Court and Special Appeal Court instead.
There were truckloads of dirty judges still loyal to the crooked Najib’s regime. The tentacles of corruption in the Judiciary were so entrenched that it was business as usual even during the now-collapsed Pakatan Harapan government. Now that the corrupt Barisan Nasional regime is back as the de-facto government in the Muhyiddin puppet administration, Najib and other crooks were absolutely delighted.
Even before the political coup launched by the disgraceful Muhyiddin Yassin to topple his own Pakatan Harapan government, the defiant Najib had deliberately refused to enter the “dock” during his case management over his 25 charges of graft and money laundering relating to transactions amounting to RM2.3 billion linked to 1MDB. It was to humiliate and intimidate the Judicial system.
Freeing crooks like Najib Razak, Zahid Hamidi, Tengku Adnan, Bung Moktar and Azeez Abdul Rahim will ensure the grateful Executives leave the Judiciary alone in running their business cartel. Soon, Mr. Najib, when asked over the Federal Court’s verdict to free him of corruption and money laundering, will probably say this – “different judges will deliver different sentencing, based on their discretion.”
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May 8th, 2020 by financetwitter

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Zahid’s daughter should be fined without any discount, jailing her would be a sure winner for Moo, but Najib should walk free.
Najib should walk free because the Snake Pharaoh M for Macaivillain M for Monster has only a big pile of bollocks by way of anything that is actually useful evidence against Najib.
Up to now, we only had the usual Malaysian-style bitching, accusations, and claims against Najib. Crying out loud and crying continuously and endless vilifying will lead to little or nothing to get Najib properly done for.
The circus against Najib is nothing other than the Snake Pharaoh’s personal vendetta against Najib. Asking the Snake Pharaoh to be honest about fighting corruption is same as asking a Mafia don to sanction honest living and upright life.
We see the same kind of crap between Monster and Anwar, Anwar v the Monster, one politician against another… Each and every of our corrupt garbage clown moron politician has piles of “evidence” against another, but we never get to see their piles of hot goodies, ever.
The last gomen, brought to power also on an anti-corruption ticket has done fcuk all about it, and probably gave corruption a saintly blessing too.
I would be the least bit surprised if the Snake Pharaoh, after years of accusations and claims against Najib, after his Second Coming to the last gomen can ever come up with anything solid and substantial against Najib.
All M for Monster had against Najib (and everybody else) is his usual wind and fury, bullshit, lies, and snake talk. For a long time, the Snake Pharaoh went on and on about Najib, the products of his forked-tongue widely distributed by his fans all over the place and all the time.
We had copies of “evidence”, charts, endless “proofs”, “bombshells” but what good has that done? Looking closely (which most Malaysians can’t), they are mostly huge fcuking bollocks which excited and wet the sarongs of our mental midgets, little of which would stick when placed in front of an upright judge.
Many of the claims against Najib fell apart in the light of day, already. Some of the “evidence” even appear clumsily forged.
If there’s anything genuine that can be chucked at Najib, one or two of that would have been enough. The need for continuous and endless piles of “evidence”, the continuous vilification, though a Malaysian specialty, wouldn’t have been needed if there’s just one substantial solid accusation that can stand.
Malaysians are so fcuking useless that even a sacked angmoh television nobody had to be employed to continuously churn endless “evidence”, “bombshells” and “world’s firsts”. The usual suspects among Western media had to be enlisted to spew accusations without any doing their own homework.
So what about all those now? Are we going to have yet more rounds of bitching and still nothing solid or substantial against Najib? Would righteous crusader angmoh auntie appear in court again, make sure Najib gets his just dessert? After that, Auntie should swiftly do some work about corruption in Sarawak where it matters more, and where there’s endless corruption which never stopped when Najib, presumably, was worth more money to pick on.
The Snake Pharaoh’s fan, convicted criminal Justo was the first to run away when the gomen changed, he should have stayed to fight for Malaysians he so loves, against Najib. Or at least stayed by M for Monster’s side to see Najib jailed, his hefty pay for his whistleblower “work” should cover that. Justo is probably the first and only whistleblower in the world who did his blowjob for money.
Sure, Najib would do his level best to cover himself for anything, don’t all of Malaysia’s corrupt politicians do that?
But if you can’t really hit out properly at Najib, then he deserves to walk free – he’s got the better of all those with their endless piles of bollocks and lots of bitching noise.
Sure Najib can only be guilty as Hell, but we still need something, just something that can actually whack him, knock him out, just like that! Thus far, the charges against Najib are not quite it, they haven’t exactly followed the script set by those who accused him/ Why so? Lack of genuine evidence? Lack of any evidence?
One election before, a DAP MP was telling me when I asked how his party was going to finance the country when his party was spewing crap about cutting taxes. He said the money could be found when Najib’s loot is recovered. I asked where was evidence against Najib, he replied with the usual vagued crap. I said if his crap could stand in a court of law, I would hold his hand and appear in court with him to bring down Najib.
The assh*le then did his theatrics about how protective I was for a “criminal”, I said I wasn’t at all, I was interested in fair justice, and I said I would thump him if he carried on with his wild accusation. The bastard muttered all the way to the end of the kopitiam, the crowd were interested in what I said all along, I shouted to the other end of the kopitiam that if he really had proper evidence against Najib I would hold his hand and come with him to court with that.
Meeting me again, twice, after that, the bastard was very courteous,even gave me a pile of angpow envelopes with his face on them, but still no evidence for me just to hold his hand for. That’s Malaysians’ standard for you, say any old sh*t just to rile up the great unwashed – and get elected.
I used to hear out the DAP most of the time, at least they fake everything rather well. But I no longer can trust the DAP with walking past my dustbin without lying to it. Compared to the lying “religious” hypocrites of the DAP, the MCA appears more divine.
I can’t say there are no corrupt Malaysian politician, I am not saying Najib is free of corruption, but I am not interested in any kangaroo wandering around continuously bitching about Najib – and up to now, still getting nowhere with him for the sheer lack of quality sh*t to stick on him.
It’s also has precious little to do with the courts too, if Najib’s detractors are so brilliant with their “evidence”, no court can honestly and decently slink away or get away with letting him off. If they can, then tough titties, you need reform the courts first.
No amount of “evidence” is ever going to get anywhere, and I must say again, the “evidence” against Najib does come in huge and never-ending piles. And that walking evidence Justo has just buggered off from the Malaysians he so loves, too!
If Najib has craftily covered himself for his “dark deeds” well, tough titties too! You need the best of what we Malaysians have, not elderly foreign aunties to help you get Najib. You are useless and worthless if you are such dependent helpless monkeys. Endless bitching and endless “evidence” will not help, one solid substantial evidence is all you need. Endless manufactured “evidence” will cost Malaysians plenty in the end, they will always have to pay for that.
If Malaysia cannot find anyone with the form and the capability to take Najib down, whack! and in one go, endless bitching, endless “evidence” ain’t gonna get no one nowhere. Besides, it is immensely boring if every other day you get yet another “killer evidence”.
The much-worshiped Snake Pharaoh can go on and on as if Najib is the only corrupt politician in Malaysia, but the Snake Pharaoh for all his Macaivillain wit, snake talk, and endless chapati slinging cannot dislodge that grinning Najib. So, tough titties there too, the Snake Pharaoh is useless – and has no real evidence against Najib either!
If Najib ever return, he should stop playing “aristocratic Malay”, be a peasant like the Snake Pharaoh, go for his neck, flay his skin, make that into a handbag for Rosmah.
The Snake Pharaoh is every bit as corrupt if he is not the most corrupt politician in Malaysian history. Just ask Lickspittle Lim Khat Siang who has many decades worth of evidence against him. Oh, I forgot, that huge pile of evidence is no longer evidence now, Lickspittle has played God, forgiven the Snake Pharaoh, all corruption is no corruption now.
Btw, Najib should give Malaysians more nice drama, he should take action against the US Department of Justice, and the FBI’s Comey. We have no end of news these recent year about how corrupt those wonders Malaysians worship and depend on, are.
Meanwhile, if any Malaysian has rock solid evidence against Najib that can whack Najib properly and for good, do make yourself known, I will still hold you by your hand, stand by you in a court of law, bring Najib down.
If you have genuine rock solid evidence and you don’t trust the court, that is also good enough. there’s plenty of places you can air your righteous grievance, fear not, Najib would still die a horrible death. And elderly need not get her shilling from Anwar, she can pitch for Najib.
Otherwise, don’t expect me to be as silly as you, join you in your endless yelling of “evidence” and bitching by the roadside. I know you are never going to get anywhere, you useless bastards have never got M for Monster nowhere near any court for any corruption, what’s the matter – Lickspittle Lim never had any evidence against him or what?!
Monster is not corrupt or what? Monster’s corruption is good, Najib’s isn’t, or what? Nobody’s directed you to scream and bitch against any other corruption or what? You are hypnotised by the eyes of the Snake Pharaoh or what?
To be fair in my comment, despite formidable defense strategy by Najib’s counsel, the fact of the matter is that the wrong doing of the former Premier is in numerical evidence. These were not arbitrary mistakes nor procedural errors. On the balance of probability, the prosecution has proven without a shadow of doubt, that Najib did commit to wit, all the charges levied against him. To find any other verdict, would go against the grain of fairness. The Judge should put in succinctly worded judgment so that any appellant court will not be tempted to stoke it. The only closure should for Najib is to spend his numbered days behind bars. Of course there is the ruler’s prerogative, but that would be premature to speculate.
“Inconsistency in sentencing arises… blah…”
Joe, your drift based on years of genuine experience through gainful employment? Success in courts?
Your drivel does read like a recital from a law textbook, the same that any old monkey from among our plantation expatriate community can read from.
And go on and on endlessly about.
But still get no punter excited about or interested enough to employ him.
From my experience, the readiness to offer unsolicited “advice”, and the compulsion to believe in the “certainty” of one’s own often delusional raging storms in the head appearing as genius thinking, reveals more schizophrenia than a mind capable of considered deliberation.
One should not hallucinate over how any judge thinks (or not), especially if he’s a Malaysian one. I bet you have no end of advice for judges too.
What’s your take on the corruption case involving Josef StaLim Guano Eng? That ended – and even began in the most peculiar manner.
And, btw, have you ever had khalwat with that always-yabbering Singapore lawyer Ravi?
Just asking, it appears very likely you’ve caught his virus…
“R. Prem Kumar”,
Are you a full-time reader and analyst of astrological charts?
Nothing in your drivel appears to be from any court document, worse still, you are doing a bomoh psychic reading of a judge’s mind even before any trial has begun.
That is called jumping the gun. In a massive leap.
Wild, uneducated conclusion as you have arrived at based on nearly nothing the rest of us can’t see is delusional speculation.
And a term for such abhorrent behaviour is prejudice.
I would be really fearful of begging you out of them plantations to take up a case. Based on skimming through seemingly two paragraphs of whatever text, you are already in the position to tell a judge what he should do.
Namely, he should go back to his law school in the plantations!
Malaysia is such an embarrassment – it has just too many unemployed and unemployable law textbook shagging creatures forever at the ready to shag off when their longkang standard plantation legal expertise has not been solicited.
Real, proper lawyers rarely have the time nor inclination to comment on a case purely for the kopitiams or for the sad fact that they need spew rot to get attention.
I don’t know if it is the hot sun or the toddy, or both, just too many of our chickenshit “lawyers” show stark signs of freaking schizophrenic affliction with their blazing delusion about their fantasies as hotshot wonders whom nobody should allow out of the plantations!
Inconsistency in sentencing arises from the discretion that judges have.
Christina was wrong to plead guilty.
Having said that, the CoA and FC will not re-hear cases. The superior courts are about errors in facts and errors in law. Still, the FC can rule a mistrial and send the case back to the High Court for a fresh trial, under a new Judge, or hear the case itself.