Najib Razak who will become Malaysia’s sixth Prime Minister in less than a month has revealed the much talked about mini-budget today. Make no mistake about it because going by the quantum of the budget it’s more like a major-budget instead of a mini-budget – a whopping RM60 billion to be spent over two years, 2009 and 2010. But why the extraordinary RM60 billion which is equivalent to 9% of the country’s GDP (gross domestic product) and why spread over two years? Didn’t this Finance Minister claims the country won’t going into recession come rains or shines? Wouldn’t this tantamount to a tight slap onto his face for twisting the facts about the nation’s economy? Maybe he was as clueless as his boss Abdullah Badawi about economy 101 but he can always read the blogs to get some ideas *grin*, can’t he?
The figure RM60 billion is indeed very attractive in title but were there any substances in bringing cheers to the people on the street or at least to attract investments? I think Najib is trying to play safe after his earlier arrogance that the country was insulated from the global recession which saw his balls nailed on the wall for public view. If you read the mini-budget Najib admitted that despite 2009’s original budget of RM206 billion plus the first stimulus package of RM7 billion plus this second stimulus package (also known as mini-budget) of RM60 billion, the country can only afford to see GDP growth of merely negative 1% to positive 1% for 2009. But we still do not know if this GDP (-1% to +1%) growth requires all the RM60 billion to be spent in 2009, forget about the multiple “thrusts” proposed.
To play safe Najib proposed RM60 billion and if the GDP growth is within expectation (-1% to +1%) using only half of the RM60 billion then so much the better and he can claims some trophies. If things go bad and it requires the whole chunk of RM60 billion for 2009 alone then by all means blame it on the worsening global economy and propose more billions for 2010 in the coming annual budget. Either way RM30 billion is insufficient and even if it is enough there’re little spaces left for leakages. You don’t believe the efficiency in terms of procurement and implementation can reach 80% do you? It’s back to the school – aim high shoot low. Furthermore Najib has admitted that both exports and FDI are going down the toilet bowls so he would be foolish to hide under the “we’re insulated from recession” slogan again. Let’s digest what are there on the table for you.
- Income tax cut for employees and corporate tax reduction – not a single word can describe the disappointment from the many faces of the people I asked after the mini-budget. So there’s nothing for the average-Joe on this much-awaited goodies.
- RM674 million in subsidies for sugar, bread and wheat flour – not much effect to the people since the damages from the previous fuel hike to RM2.70 a liter is still around, alive and kicking.
- RM480 million compensation to toll operators to ensure toll rates remains – but those RM480 million belongs to the taxpayer in the first place, no? And why no proposal to privatize the highways? Sure, how stupid I am to think that would happen because UMNO is the greatest beneficiary from these toll hikes.
- Government to create 163,000 training and job placement for retrenched workers and unemployed graduates – just make sure unemployed Mat Rempits are not given free money (training allowance etc) but skipped training classes for illegal races *grin*. It would be a great waste to flush the RM700 million into the drains.
- Tuition fees assistance of RM20,000 and RM10,000 for PhD and Masters program – do you think retrenched and jobless people could still afford such program in the first place?
- Company’s current year losses be allowed to be carried back to the immediate preceding year – cool but why limit the losses to the cap of RM100,000 per year?
- Employers who employ workers retrenched from 1 July 2008 be given double tax deduction (not exceeding RM10,000 per month) on the amount of remuneration paid – this is a good measure.
- Government will recruit 63,000 staff to fill vacancies and serve as contract officers in various Government agencies – while the intention is good the same cannot be said about the productivity since it’s more like squeezing more sardines into the already overlapping job functions.
- Allocation of RM1.95 billion to build and improve facilities in 752 schools, particularly in rural areas as well as Sabah and Sarawak – again make sure the leakages (or rather corruption) can be contained but don’t be surprised if only a fraction of the dollars ended up in such schools. Besides, it was never the intention of the federal government to breed smart people from these two states since it would be easier to control and buy their votes if their status quo remains.
- RM230 million to increase Sabah and Sarawak’s electricity and water supply coverage – it’s strange that after half a century of independence Sabahan and Sarawakian are still without the basic amenities.
- More goodies for Sabah and Sarawak with RM1.2 billion allocation for projects such as Sibu Airport expansion, Miri Port, Kota Kinabalu Electricity Transmission System, Queen Elizabeth Hospital etc – again, leakages, leakages and more leakages.
- Banking institutions to defer the repayment of retrenched workers’ housing loans for one year – as if the bank has other choice and would like to take over these properties which would generate no cash-flow to them. The banks have indeed learnt from the 1997-1998 Asia Crisis.
- Government will assist in the auto-scrapping scheme whereby a RM5,000 discount will be given to car owners who trade in their cars, which are at least 10 years old, for the purchase of new PROTON or PERODUA cars – why limit it to proton and perodua and not other models as well? Are you trying to simulate the automobile industry as a whole or merely to prevent proton and perodua from going bust?
- Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad will build and operate a new LCCT at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) at an estimated cost of RM2 billion which is expected to be ready in 2011 – is this an admission that the current LCCT was built in haste with the intention to force AirAsia to pull its growing passengers to the dying KLIA? I still couldn’t find the real reason why AirAsia could not operate from the Subang Airport but instead to operate from factory-converted-liked LCCT terminal at KLIA.
It was also revealed that from the RM60 billion proposed, RM15 billion is fiscal injection, RM25 billion Guarantee Funds, RM10 billion equity investments, RM7 billion private finance initiative (PFI) and off-budget projects, as well as RM3 billion in tax incentives. So after injected RM5 billion to Valuecap Sdn Bhd previously to invest in undervalued companies now you’re looking at additional RM10 billion for
the same purpose? Now you need double the money to help the cronies? And why is it so hard to help the average-Joes by reducing their income-tax so that in the process they have more disposable money which in turn can generate the country’s economy? The country does have the money to spend with such a magnificent mini-budget, no? Anyway let’s hope the RM60 billion is spent wisely although I doubt many would benefits from it.
Other Articles That May Interest You …
- Great Recession’s Scope is Deep and Broad
- What can Najib do to increase Rating and win Voters?
- Economic Uncertainties breed Denial Syndrome?
- Stimulus Plans, to be spent Wisely or ended up Elsewhere?
March 10th, 2009 by financetwitter
Agree with your comments. It’s by far the worst stimulus package to be announced. There’s no immediate impact to be felt by the people and the system. If it works, we’ll see things established by 3Q09, and the effects filtering through in 2010. By then, the citizens would’ve been retrenched, jobless, defaulted various loans and cash reserves dwindling, together with consumer confidence and spending. This is certainly not the kind of Finance Ministry we want during these difficult and unprecedented times.
Damn. I was hoping for some form of assistance to my meagre pension. How about monthly allowances for the retrenched and unemployed, even RM500 would tide them through and perhaps bonuses to government servants would have been a welcome change to the billions earmarked for crony contractors.
We would like the masses to spend wouldn’t we? The majority are not sure of three meals in time to come.
Damn. I was hoping for some form of assistance to my meagre pension. How about monthly allowances for the retrenched and unemployed, even RM500 would tide them through and perhaps bonuses to government servants would have been a welcome change to the billions earmarked for crony contractors.We would like the masses to spend wouldn’t we? The majority are not sure of three meals in time to come.
I was telling my friend that I got Rm0.20 each day. Rm0.10 from each trip from my toll “subsidy” after they decided to defer the toll increase last week.
I was telling my friend that I got Rm0.20 each day. Rm0.10 from each trip from my toll “subsidy” after they decided to defer the toll increase last week. REDUCE MY PERSONAL INCOME TAX !!!
Totally agree with you & I say Yes, the way our Leaders are handling this very “Complex Global Financial Meltdown” issue….
– We could join the many, many nations to go “Bankrupt” following Iceland….
– With the Global Financial Meltdown, NO Country or Government can understand & appreciate the “Actual Impact” to the “Nation” & its “People” until they get hit “Hard” like “Iceland.”
– and Malaysia could JOIN the many, many more to come!
– Malaysia badly needs “Role Model” established Leaders & Politicians of HONOUR with Calibre, Maturity & Tolerance without Fear or Favour & NOT Political OPPORTUNISTS – on BOTH sides of the Political Divide.
– Further this nation Desperately needs Intelligent, Time Proven Pragmatic Successful modelled, Financial & Politiical “SOLUTIONS” NOW on BOTH sides of the Political Divide, to MITIGATE the IMPENDING Political & Financial fallout.
– Whilst the MATURED & INTELLIGENT G20 Presidents, PMs, FMs, Governments are strategising & synergising their positions on the GLOBAL FINANCIAL “CHESS Board”….
– There is still no “Intelligent Structured Contingency plan nor Quantums” in place in this Bolehland….
– The UMNO/BN Leaders are still in “Euphoria & Denial” even at this 11th hour of our nation’s “Double Whammy, Political & Financial Tsunami” at our doorsteps….
– Our Jaguh Kampung still playing with “MARBLES” when the World’s G20 Leaders are are strategising & synergising their positions on the GLOBAL FINANCIAL “CHESS Board”….
– PRESENTLY our UMNO/BN Leaders “DO NOT EVEN Cross Talk” amongst themselves….
– Just HOW can they change their PARADIGM to ASK, LISTEN, ACKNOWLEDGE, REPENT, LEARN from the best Brains & Best Practices & Best TIME Proven SUCCESSFUL SOLUTION models….
– With the HUGE Resources Avilable OUTSIDE of their “Solution” Bankrupt Jaguh Kampung within UMNO/BN….
– From our neighbour Singapore & the World G20 Leaders who are Intelligently Brainstorming, Strategising & Synergising their positions on the GLOBAL FINANCIAL “CHESS Board”….
– Synergising & Harnessing their Best Brains & Best Practices SOLUTION Models….
– To LEAD their G20 nations & its people SAFELY out of this Financial Tsunami.
– This Bolehland has a “Long” way to go with their “Blatant Denials” & “Childish Charades” even at this eleventh hour, to be able to catch up!
Can they CONFIRM Honestly or by UMNO Hadhari’s swearing To God Almighty….
– That UMNO/BN & its Leaders since 13 May 1969 have NOT committed ANY of the following :
10 Sins Against Humanity & Anak Bangsa Malaysia
Politics without Principles….
Religion without Compassion….
Power without Accountability….
Rights without Responsibility….
Business without Morality….
Development without Sustainability….
Knowledge without Character….
Science without Humanity….
Wealth without Work….
Enjoyment without Conscience….
At the end of the day, the UMNO/BN Leaders are having their “Orbs Squeezed” by their “CORPORATE & BUSINESS CROONIES” who are the “NEW MASTERS” of UMNO/BN & its Leaders.
My take on this whole Charade is…
– You have wasted this nations scarce Funds with your last RM 7 Billion & this new RM60 Billion Stimulus package….
– for your Croony Masters & DEFINITELY not for the “Downtrodden Rayaat”
– Just how can you run this nation “Safely” (like any Decent Honourable father would do for his family) when you have so many Closet Skeletons to face at the coming UMNO Assembly Elections on 28th Mar, Nomination for the 3 bye-elections on 29th Mar, then the Elections on 7th April, etc, etc….
– Didn’t you notice why Pak Lah finally “agreed” to step down on 31st Mar….
– That was planned & hatched by KJ & his 4th Floor schemers….
– For the Takeover on April Fool’s Day….yes, it was a Joke the Desperate Wannabe did not even notice!
– Our Constitution’s clause on the position of PM vs Party President…silent on DPM ’s position, etc, etc
– Why now PM is meeting & having lunch with DSAI?
– You go figure out guys….
– Failing which….People’s Power will Prevail & We shall Overcome….
– My plea to all Anak Bangsa Malaysia.
– My fellow Anak Bangsa Malaysia: ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.
– My fellow Anak Bangsa Malaysia & Citizens of this great Universe: ask not what this great Universe will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of Man.
– We are all concerned “Anak Bangsa Malaysia” seeking the “Truth” to restore Justice, Equality, Human Rights & Freedom,
– “Malaysia for Malaysians” where every citizen can “Share & Dream” about, “Be given the Opportunity” to work hard towards that “Dream”,
– For our young & our children – “To Achieve” that “Malaysian Dream”….
– through our own “Blood, Sweat, Tears, Intelligence & Wisdom”
– self made/achieved “Anak Bangsa Malaysia”!
– Pass the Message, Enlighten, Empower &….
– Make another Anak Bangsa Malaysia “Smile” tomorrow!
– FORGET about the Politics & what ANYONE is saying….
– NO one can SAVE this nation nor its ANAK Bangsa Malaysia NOW….
– Be PROACTIVE with our God Almighty’s gift of Intelligence, Ilham, Akal, etc to us all….
– Only WE can save OURSELF & OUR FAMILY & every man for himself….
– So please consider repositioning yourselves & family financially (mortgages, Loans, children’s educational expenditures, etc)
– Rentals cheaper than >50% loans repayments; downsize your mortgages, cars/loans, etc.
– reposition your profession, career, jobs, etc;
– Remember every dollar is precious & “Cash is King”,
– As such…my frenz….“Pleez Fasten your seatbelts tight” to safely rideout this “Double Whammy” Financial & Political Tsunami!
– Enlighten, Empower &….
– Make another Anak Bangsa Malaysia “Smile” tomorrow!
Totally agree with you & I say Yes, the way our Leaders are handling this very “Complex Global Financial Meltdown” issue….- We could join the many, many nations to go “Bankrupt” following Iceland….- With the Global Financial Meltdown, NO Country or Government can understand & appreciate the “Actual Impact” to the “Nation” & its “People” until they get hit “Hard” like “Iceland.” – and Malaysia could JOIN the many, many more to come!- Malaysia badly needs “Role Model” established Leaders & Politicians of HONOUR with Calibre, Maturity & Tolerance without Fear or Favour & NOT Political OPPORTUNISTS – on BOTH sides of the Political Divide. – Further this nation Desperately needs Intelligent, Time Proven Pragmatic Successful modelled, Financial & Politiical “SOLUTIONS” NOW on BOTH sides of the Political Divide, to MITIGATE the IMPENDING Political & Financial fallout.- Whilst the MATURED & INTELLIGENT G20 Presidents, PMs, FMs, Governments are strategising & synergising their positions on the GLOBAL FINANCIAL “CHESS Board”….- There is still no “Intelligent Structured Contingency plan nor Quantums” in place in this Bolehland….- The UMNO/BN Leaders are still in “Euphoria & Denial” even at this 11th hour of our nation’s “Double Whammy, Political & Financial Tsunami” at our doorsteps….- Our Jaguh Kampung still playing with “MARBLES” when the World’s G20 Leaders are are strategising & synergising their positions on the GLOBAL FINANCIAL “CHESS Board”….- PRESENTLY our UMNO/BN Leaders “DO NOT EVEN Cross Talk” amongst themselves….- Just HOW can they change their PARADIGM to ASK, LISTEN, ACKNOWLEDGE, REPENT, LEARN from the best Brains & Best Practices & Best TIME Proven SUCCESSFUL SOLUTION models….- With the HUGE Resources Avilable OUTSIDE of their “Solution” Bankrupt Jaguh Kampung within UMNO/BN….- From our neighbour Singapore & the World G20 Leaders who are Intelligently Brainstorming, Strategising & Synergising their positions on the GLOBAL FINANCIAL “CHESS Board”….- Synergising & Harnessing their Best Brains & Best Practices SOLUTION Models….- To LEAD their G20 nations & its people SAFELY out of this Financial Tsunami.- This Bolehland has a “Long” way to go with their “Blatant Denials” & “Childish Charades” even at this eleventh hour, to be able to catch up!Can they CONFIRM Honestly or by UMNO Hadhari’s swearing To God Almighty….- That UMNO/BN & its Leaders since 13 May 1969 have NOT committed ANY of the following :10 Sins Against Humanity & Anak Bangsa MalaysiaPolitics without Principles….Religion without Compassion….Power without Accountability….Rights without Responsibility….Business without Morality….Development without Sustainability….Knowledge without Character….Science without Humanity….Wealth without Work….Enjoyment without Conscience….At the end of the day, the UMNO/BN Leaders are having their “Orbs Squeezed” by their “CORPORATE & BUSINESS CROONIES” who are the “NEW MASTERS” of UMNO/BN & its Leaders.My take on this whole Charade is…- “TOO LITTLE TOO LATE, Mr Wannabe.- You have wasted this nations scarce Funds with your last RM 7 Billion & this new RM60 Billion Stimulus package….- for your Croony Masters & DEFINITELY not for the “Downtrodden Rayaat”- Just how can you run this nation “Safely” (like any Decent Honourable father would do for his family) when you have so many Closet Skeletons to face at the coming UMNO Assembly Elections on 28th Mar, Nomination for the 3 bye-elections on 29th Mar, then the Elections on 7th April, etc, etc….- Didn’t you notice why Pak Lah finally “agreed” to step down on 31st Mar….- That was planned & hatched by KJ & his 4th Floor schemers….- For the Takeover on April Fool’s Day….yes, it was a Joke the Desperate Wannabe did not even notice!- Our Constitution’s clause on the position of PM vs Party President…silent on DPM ’s position, etc, etc- Why now PM is meeting & having lunch with DSAI?- You go figure out guys….- Failing which….People’s Power will Prevail & We shall Overcome….- My plea to all Anak Bangsa Malaysia.- My fellow Anak Bangsa Malaysia: ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country. – My fellow Anak Bangsa Malaysia & Citizens of this great Universe: ask not what this great Universe will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of Man. – We are all concerned “Anak Bangsa Malaysia” seeking the “Truth” to restore Justice, Equality, Human Rights & Freedom,- “Malaysia for Malaysians” where every citizen can “Share & Dream” about, “Be given the Opportunity” to work hard towards that “Dream”,- For our young & our children – “To Achieve” that “Malaysian Dream”….- through our own “Blood, Sweat, Tears, Intelligence & Wisdom” – self made/achieved “Anak Bangsa Malaysia”!- Pass the Message, Enlighten, Empower &….- Make another Anak Bangsa Malaysia “Smile” tomorrow! – FORGET about the Politics & what ANYONE is saying….- NO one can SAVE this nation nor its ANAK Bangsa Malaysia NOW….- Be PROACTIVE with our God Almighty’s gift of Intelligence, Ilham, Akal, etc to us all….- Only WE can save OURSELF & OUR FAMILY & every man for himself….- So please consider repositioning yourselves & family financially (mortgages, Loans, children’s educational expenditures, etc)- Rentals cheaper than >50% loans repayments; downsize your mortgages, cars/loans, etc.- reposition your profession, career, jobs, etc;- Remember every dollar is precious & “Cash is King”,- As such…my frenz….“Pleez Fasten your seatbelts tight” to safely rideout this “Double Whammy” Financial & Political Tsunami!- Enlighten, Empower &….- Make another Anak Bangsa Malaysia “Smile” tomorrow!Cheers.
May I share this with you & your readers to back up my take & comments….
Economic Crisis = USA Riots
Posted on Tuesday, March 10th, 2009 at 10:37 am , Filed under Economy, News, Politics, Real News.
Follow post comments through the RSS 2.0 feed. Click here to comment, or trackback.
“The riot be the rhyme of the unheard!”
Citizens of the US… Brace for IMPACT!
As the global economy continues its downward spiral, rioting due to this Wall Street led meltdown is spreading through the globe like wildfire.
The list of countries experiencing civil unrest is growing by the day, to name some recent hotspots: Bolivia, Bosnia, Brazil, Britain, Bulgaria, Cameroon, China, Egypt, France, Greece, Germany, Haiti, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Ivory Coast, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Montenegro, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Russia, Senegal, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine and Yemen.
In an article titled “A Planet at the Brink: Will Economic Brushfires Prove Too Virulent to Contain?”
Michael T. Klare explains:
“As people lose confidence in the ability of markets and governments to solve the global crisis, they are likely to erupt into violent protests or to assault others they deem responsible for their plight, including government officials, plant managers, landlords, immigrants, and ethnic minorities. (The list could, in the future, prove long and unnerving.)
If the present economic disaster turns into what President Obama has referred to as a ‘lost decade,’ the result could be a global landscape filled with economically-fueled upheavals.”
A UK Guardian news report ran with the headline:
“Governments Across Europe Tremble as Angry People Take to the Streets.”
Once stable countries have seen millions of their citizens revolt
– taking to the streets, disrupting public services, blocking roadways, participating in nationwide strikes, seizing shopping malls and engaging in many other forms of civil disobedience
– as entire governments have fallen. Government offices, public facilities, businesses, homes and cars have been vandalized, looted and burnt to the ground.
Death tolls and crime rates due to this crisis are reaching epidemic levels.
However, here in the US, we haven’t seen much unrest yet. With the election of Obama we have had a brief reprieve, as HOPE momentarily shined across the USA.
The US presidential election and the rise of Obama came just in time. (Could you imagine what might have happened under another year of Bush-Cheney rule?)
The hope-filled Obama is the perfect figurehead casting the perfect illusion. The Obama illusion is one of a new day, one of hope and better times ahead.
As positive an impact as Obama might have on governmental policy and national confidence, we can only escape reality for so long.
In the words of Chris Hedges:
“It is only a matter of time. And not much time. When things start to go sour, when Barack Obama is exposed as a mortal waving a sword at a tidal wave, the United States could plunge into a long period of precarious social instability……”
May I share this with you & your readers to back up my take & comments…. Crisis = USA Riots Posted on Tuesday, March 10th, 2009 at 10:37 am , Filed under Economy, News, Politics, Real News. Follow post comments through the RSS 2.0 feed. Click here to comment, or trackback. “The riot be the rhyme of the unheard!”Citizens of the US… Brace for IMPACT!As the global economy continues its downward spiral, rioting due to this Wall Street led meltdown is spreading through the globe like wildfire. The list of countries experiencing civil unrest is growing by the day, to name some recent hotspots: Bolivia, Bosnia, Brazil, Britain, Bulgaria, Cameroon, China, Egypt, France, Greece, Germany, Haiti, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Ivory Coast, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Montenegro, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Russia, Senegal, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine and Yemen.In an article titled “A Planet at the Brink: Will Economic Brushfires Prove Too Virulent to Contain?”Michael T. Klare explains:“As people lose confidence in the ability of markets and governments to solve the global crisis, they are likely to erupt into violent protests or to assault others they deem responsible for their plight, including government officials, plant managers, landlords, immigrants, and ethnic minorities. (The list could, in the future, prove long and unnerving.) If the present economic disaster turns into what President Obama has referred to as a ‘lost decade,’ the result could be a global landscape filled with economically-fueled upheavals.”A UK Guardian news report ran with the headline: “Governments Across Europe Tremble as Angry People Take to the Streets.”Once stable countries have seen millions of their citizens revolt- taking to the streets, disrupting public services, blocking roadways, participating in nationwide strikes, seizing shopping malls and engaging in many other forms of civil disobedience – as entire governments have fallen. Government offices, public facilities, businesses, homes and cars have been vandalized, looted and burnt to the ground. Death tolls and crime rates due to this crisis are reaching epidemic levels.However, here in the US, we haven’t seen much unrest yet. With the election of Obama we have had a brief reprieve, as HOPE momentarily shined across the USA. The US presidential election and the rise of Obama came just in time. (Could you imagine what might have happened under another year of Bush-Cheney rule?) The hope-filled Obama is the perfect figurehead casting the perfect illusion. The Obama illusion is one of a new day, one of hope and better times ahead.As positive an impact as Obama might have on governmental policy and national confidence, we can only escape reality for so long.In the words of Chris Hedges:“It is only a matter of time. And not much time. When things start to go sour, when Barack Obama is exposed as a mortal waving a sword at a tidal wave, the United States could plunge into a long period of precarious social instability……”
I am just a ordinary Rakyat that earn a small living without much luxury in life. I have to think many times and save up months just to get a flat screen tv (mind you not a LCD!!).
I just want a simple stimulus package where I can FEEL and help me to go through during this economic situation, simple request:
1) Lower the personal tax
2) Cut the petrol price accordingly
3) Lower the electricity tariff
4) Improve the public transportation system
5) Subsidise the health care for all.
6. Lower the Company tax (higher to ensure my employer remain in Malaysia and I still have work.
7. More child allowances…
Just my simple request that I can feel….I don’t need RM60 Billion bombastic package where I can even feel and enjoy them…
Simple request only…Are you listening Najib ?
I am just a ordinary Rakyat that earn a small living without much luxury in life. I have to think many times and save up months just to get a flat screen tv (mind you not a LCD!!). I just want a simple stimulus package where I can FEEL and help me to go through during this economic situation, simple request:1) Lower the personal tax2) Cut the petrol price accordingly3) Lower the electricity tariff4) Improve the public transportation system5) Subsidise the health care for all.6. Lower the Company tax (higher to ensure my employer remain in Malaysia and I still have work.7. More child allowances…Just my simple request that I can feel….I don’t need RM60 Billion bombastic package where I can even feel and enjoy them…Simple request only…Are you listening Najib ?
By then, the citizens would’ve been retrenched, jobless, defaulted various loans and cash reserves dwindling, together with consumer confidence and spending. This is certainly not the kind of Finance Ministry we want during these difficult and unprecedented times.
By then, the citizens would’ve been retrenched, jobless, defaulted various loans and cash reserves dwindling, together with consumer confidence and spending. This is certainly not the kind of Finance Ministry we want during these difficult and unprecedented times.
Agree with your comments. It’s by far the worst stimulus package to be announced. There’s no immediate impact to be felt by the people and the system. If it works, we’ll see things established by 3Q09, and the effects filtering through in 2010. By then, the citizens would’ve been retrenched, jobless, defaulted various loans and cash reserves dwindling, together with consumer confidence and spending. This is certainly not the kind of Finance Ministry we want during these difficult and unprecedented times.