
Malaysia A Sitting Duck For Terrorism – Why Najib Regime Can’t Handle It

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Jan 15 2016
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Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims. Is this a fair statement to the 2 billion Muslim populations on planet Earth? But does it really matter whether the statement is true or otherwise when these terrorists practically attack and kill everyone – Muslims or non-Muslims – who doesn’t subscribe to their version of Islam or beliefs?


Actually, the world would be a better place to live if the terrorists were genuinely Muslims because hypothetically, they wouldn’t and shouldn’t kill fellow Muslim brothers and sisters. Hence, after thousands of years of killing non-Muslims, the non-believers should have had faced extinction. The world that we see today would consist of Muslims only.

ISIS Islamic State Holding Flags Swords and GunJakarta Terrorist Attack - Map of Attack Spots

But that didn’t happen, did it? The latest terror attack in Jakarta, Indonesia, is yet another proof that terrorists – ISIS – does not discriminate through the lenses of race or religious when come to killing. They attacked Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, France, Russia, U.S., Australia, Turkey and now, Indonesia – the world’s most populous Muslim country.


The point is, while Muslims were offended to be seen as terrorist associates, they did not condemn these terrorists who happen to be Muslims. At least they didn’t condemn terrorism at the same scale they did to Charlie Hebdo who trolled the Muslims with some stupid cartoons belittling Prophet Muhammad. Thus, Muslims were seen as supporting terrorism.

Protest At Prophet Muhammad CartoonMalaysia Airlines Website Hacked - Najib Razak Praised ISIS

In fact, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, a Muslim himself, was so excited by ISIS that he told his 3-million UMNO members to learn from the terror group not many moons ago. Not only Mr. Najib supported extremism in the form of terrorism, his regime also promotes racism, to which ISIS doesn’t believe. In a way, ISIS is better than UMNO (*grin*).


Understandably, Malaysia has raised its alert to the “highest level” after Jakarta’s terrorist attack. After all, if ISIS couldn’t care less about attacking a nation whereby 87% of its 255 million people are Muslim, what are the chances that Malaysia would be an exception? Can Malaysia really stop any ISIS attacks, or at least better prepared than Indonesia to contain one when it happens?

Jakarta Terrorist Attack - Gunman Targetting CiviliansJakarta Terrorist Attack - Police Defending Behind Toyota

It took Indonesian security forces about 3-hour to end the attack near a Starbucks cafe and Sarinah, Jakarta’s oldest department store, after a group of ISIS terrorists traded gunfire with police and blew themselves up. At least 7 people were killed, including a Canadian and an Indonesian, with the remaining 5 being the attackers, including a suicide bomber.


Indonesia has wide experience dealing with terrorism where past major attacks occured almost like an annual event – 2000, 2002-2005, 2009. Malaysia, on the other hand has been lucky as terror attacks are virtually non-existent, for as long as one can remember. Najib administration is inexperienced to deal with a terror attack similar to Jakarta’s, let alone one like Paris’.

Jakarta Terrorist Attack - Weapons found in the terrorist bag - Forensic TeamJakarta Terrorist Attack - Police Beat Attacked and Destroyed

Just like Indonesia, it’s a public knowledge that Malaysia is a breeding ground for terrorists especially in the southern Thailand and Sabah. Jemaah Islamiah, Abu Sayyaf, Tanzim Al-Qaeda, Kumpulan Mujahidin Malaysia and Darul Islam Sabah are some of the known terror groups in Malaysia. And the government has done nothing to wipe them out, once and for all.


More than 100 Malaysian radicals have gone to the Middle East fighting for ISIS. Just like Indonesia, some of these radicals-turned-terrorists might have already returned home without Special Branch knowing it. It doesn’t help the situation when Special Branch resources were diverted to spy on opposition politicians after PM Najib’s various scandals.

Hishammuddin Hussein - Sabah Invasion - Talking to CommandosTerror Groups in South East Asia - ISIS ISIL Islamic State

If Sabah invasion by malnourished, old, sarong-and-slippers-wearing Sulu army was any indicator, the Malaysian Army’s capability under Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein is already a question mark. Throw in a glutton police chief who eats, sleeps and plays Twitter but couldn’t tell the nationality of 2 suicide bombers who killed 30 people, you can smell a “disaster” miles away.


Besides incompetency, Najib administration is also corrupted to the core. As long as money changes hands, everything can be bought. The discovery of 139 graves and 28 transit camps near the Malaysia-Thailand border last year was the best sign that human trafficking business had been running for years, with authorities looking the other way.

Human Trafficking - Coffins Containing Remains of Rohingya MigrantsIGP Khalid Abu Bakar Thinking of Twitter - ISIS Attacks

Has there been any major arrest or prosecution after the human-trafficking scandal? Zero, Zilch, Nada. That’s because the corruption involved, if traced on its chain of command, would implicate some very top military and police officers. Like it or not, corruption breeds “see no terrorist, hear no terrorist, speak no terrorist” policy among authorities.


When ISIS strikes Malaysia, most likely PM Najib Razak would disappear, hiding away as usual. If he couldn’t even handle the missing MH370 and the IACC conference, it would be a miracle if he could lead the country during a terror attack. The country would virtually be leaderless; with Defence Minister Hishammuddin and Home Minister Zahid Hamidi looking at each other clueless.

IGP Khalid Abu Bakar - The Tweet is Mightier Than The Sword

Perhaps IGP Khalid Abu Bakar could send a tweet of warning to ISIS not to underestimate his 126,000 police force, like he normally does. Perhaps he should also send a tweet with a threat of arrest to ISIS, if they dare to challenge his authority. And he should definitely tweet about sedition charges to be slapped on ISIS terrorists. Yeah baby, it’s time to see if the IGP’s blue bird (*oops*), the tweet is mightier than the sword (*grin*).


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The already have a good plan in the event of such crisis. Didn’t some people say on the internet that there is a VIP plane all fueled and ready to take off on very short notice? Within 30 seconds of any loud “pop” sound, you can be assured that this plane will be in the air. That is how good the plan is. As for the rest … you said it … “sitting ducks”. Quack! Quack!

Terrorism is an act of senseless violence. This would include school shootings and violence in general that occur without any reason (recall the Batman premier shootings). I do not recall school shooters and Batman killer to be Muslims. While it is fair to state that a good portion of these children who kill themselves are born Muslim. Too much CIA meddling

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